The Best William Golding quotes

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If you’re an entrepreneur, then you know that success takes hard work, dedication, and a lot of luck. But what about the pioneers of entrepreneurship? The ones who blazed the trail for all of us? Today we’re going to be looking at the life of one such pioneer: William Golding.

We are glad to present you the most known Killing, Novel, Life Women quotes from William Golding, and much more.

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About William Golding

birth of the author

19 September 1911

death of the author

19 June 1993

occupation of the author

Schoolteacher • Novelist • Playwright • Poet

college of the author

Alma Mater:
Oxford University

genre of the author

Survivalist Fiction • Robinsonade • Adventure • Sea Story • Science Fiction • Essay • Historical Fiction • Stageplay • Poetry

award of the author

Notable Works:
Lord Of The Flies, Rites Of Passage

award of the author

Notable Awards:
1983 Nobel Prize In Literature 1980 Booker Prize


Which is better––to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill? — William Golding

Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! — William Golding

Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are? — William Golding

Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood. — William Golding

which is better to have laws and agree or to hunt and kill William Golding quote

The thing is–fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream. — William Golding

The conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. — William Golding


Only one novel is a novel: that is a successful novel. — William Golding

However you disguise novels, they are always biographies. — William Golding

As far as the novel is concerned in my own country, I think it’s in a pretty healthy state. — William Golding

only one novel is a novel that is a successful novel William Golding quote

The novel is very much alive, indeed. In Toronto at the Sixth Annual International Festival of Authors (October 1985) I listened to novelists by the dozen. — William Golding

I really feel the novel has certain conveniences about it and has something so fundamental about it you could almost say that as long as there is paper, there is going to be the novel. — William Golding

Every novel is a biography. Well, then, this is a novel [The Paper Men] which is a biography that is pretending to be an autobiography. That’s what you could say about it. — William Golding


Life should serve up its feast of experience in a series of courses. — William Golding

My father was very musical, and music plays quite a large part in my life. — William Golding

life should serve up its feast of experience in a series of courses William Golding quote

He found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life,where every path was an improvisation and a considerable part of one’s waking life was spent watching one’s feet. — William Golding

They accepted the pleasures of morning, the bright sun, the whelming sea and sweet air, as a time when play was good and life so full that hope was not necessary and therefore forgotten. — William Golding

There’s a kinship among men who have sat by a dying fire and measured the worth of their life by it. — William Golding

I’d rather there wasn’t an afterlife, really. I’d much rather not be me for thousands of years. — William Golding

I am not a theologian or a philosopher. I am a story teller. — William Golding

my father was very musical and music plays quite a large part in my life William Golding quote

Even if you got rid of paper, you would still have story–tellers. In fact, you had the story–tellers before you had the paper. — William Golding

Inspiring Phrases From William Golding

You’ll get back to where you came from. — William Golding

Redundant Thematics

In William Golding Statements


An orotundity, which I define as Nobelitis a pomposity in which one is treated as representative of more than oneself by someone conscious of representing more than himself. — William Golding

We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything. — William Golding

What kind of human person has a favorite eraser? — William Golding

you ll get back to where you came from William Golding quote

We’re not savages. We’re English. — William Golding

Maybe half a dozen think they are a community, but, in general terms, I think English writers tend to face outwards, away from each other, and write in their own patch, as it were. — William Golding

For a small island, the place is remarkably diverse. Writers tend to see things from their own points of view, looking in one direction very much. — William Golding

Various Statements From William Golding

Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against this as a method, but it is not what English writers do. — William Golding

I think they’ve got 250 languages in Nigeria, and so English is a sort of lingua franca between the 250 languages. — William Golding

life s scientific but we don t know do we not certainly i mean William Golding quote

Life’s scientific, but we don’t know, do we? Not certainly, I mean. — William Golding

In India the odd thing is that English is this almost artificial language floating on the surface of a place with about fifty other languages. The same is true of Nigeria but even more so. — William Golding

At the moment of vision, the eyes see nothing. — William Golding

Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry–babies! — William Golding

The greatest pleasure is not–say–sex or geometry. It is just understanding. And if you can get people to understand their own humanity–well, that’s the job of the writer. — William Golding

at the moment of vision the eyes see nothing William Golding quote


William Golding’s words of wisdom are as relevant now as they were when he first uttered them. The insights he shared about human nature and the power of storytelling still ring true for writers and storytellers everywhere. If you’re looking to hone your craft or learn more about writing, check out our courses. We have something for everyone, from beginner writers just starting out to experienced professionals seeking to take their work to the next level. With our help, you can become a better writer and share Golding’s powerful messages with the world.