The Best Tullius Cicero quotes

Tullius Cicero quotes thumbnail

Tullius Cicero, born in 106 BC, was a Roman orator and politician. He is best known for his political speeches which were eloquent and well-reasoned in defense of republicanism. He also wrote on philosophy topics such as the nature of law and punishment; he had an interest in ethics that led him to develop a theory on how children should be raised; and he made important contributions to the Latin language by creating new words. Cicero did not fit into one specific category, but could be considered a lawyer, philosopher, professor, writer orator – all wrapped up into one!
Although Cicero’s career ended with his death at age 63 when Mark Antony ordered him executed (Jul

We are glad to present you the most interesting phrases from Tullius Cicero.

Discover the most inspiring Truth, Love, Friendshipship, Time, Nature, Life, World, Mind quotes from Tullius Cicero, and much more.

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About Tullius Cicero

birth of the author

3 January 106 Bc Arpinum, Italy, Roman Republic

death of the author

7 December 43 Bc Formia, Italy, Roman Republic

deathcause of the author

Cause Of Death:
Beheaded By Order Of Mark Antony

occupation of the author

Statesman, Lawyer, Writer, Orator

political of the author

Political Party:

movement of the author

Literary Movement:
Golden Age Latin, Eclectic Philosophy

award of the author

Notable Works:
Orations:, In Verrem, In Catilinam I-Iv, Philosophy:, Academica, De Oratore And More.

date of the author

Hellenistic Philosophy

country of the author

Western Philosophy

movement of the author

Academic Skepticism Classical Republicanism

occupation of the author

Main Interests:
Ethics, Epistemology, Theology

knownfor of the author

Notable Ideas:
Summum Bonum Problem Of Evil


How much in love with himself, and that too without a rival! โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is difficult to persuade mankind that the love of virtue is the love of themselves. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Every animal loves itself. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

We all are imbued with the love of praise. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

how much in love with himself and that too without a rival marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

You must therefore love me, myself, and not my circumstances, if we are to be real friends. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Who can love the man he fears. or by who he thinks he is himself feared? โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Friendship is not to be sought for its wages, but because its revenue consists entirely in the love which it implies. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Rightly defined philosophy is simply the love of wisdom. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

every animal loves itself marcus Tullius Cicero quote

We are all excited by the love of praise, and the noblest are most influenced by glory. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nature has inclined us to love men. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nature loves nothing solitary, and always reaches out to something, as a support, which ever in the sincerest friend is most delightful. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

They who say that we should love our fellowโ€“citizens but not foreigners, destroy the universal brotherhood of mankind, with which benevolence and justice would perish forever. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

we all are imbued with the love of praise marcus Tullius Cicero quote

What fervent love of herself would Virtue excite if she could be seen! โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Every generous action loves the public view; yet no theatre for virtue is equal to a consciousness of it. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero


Nature abhors annihilation. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

How was Marcus Tullius Cicero influential?

Marcus Tullius Cicero was a masterful orator known for his ability to evoke a wide range of emotions in plebeians and patricians alike.

Ciceroโ€™s political career saw him as quaestor, praetor, consul, and proconsul, providing him with several opportunities to influence the trajectory of Rome and the Senate in the waning days of the republic


Whatever befalls in accordance with nature should be accounted good. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Victory is by nature insolent and haughty. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

nature abhors annihilation marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Nature abhors annihilation. [Lat., Ab interitu naturam abhorrere.] โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Old age is by nature rather talkative. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Grief is not in the nature of things, but in opinion. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The absolute good is not a matter of opinion but of nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Never can custom conquer nature, for she is ever unconquered. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

whatever befalls in accordance with nature should be accounted good marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nature ordains that a man should wish the good of every man, whoever he may be, for this very reason that he is a man. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

I follow nature as the surest guide, and resign myself with implicit obedience to her sacred ordinances. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Things perfected by nature are better than those finished by art. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is the nature of every person to error, but only the fool perseveres in error. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

victory is by nature insolent and haughty marcus Tullius Cicero quote

What is impossible by the nature of things is not confirmed by any law. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Not in opinion but in nature is law founded. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

If nature does not ratify law, then all the virtues may lose their sway. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

An ancient custom obtains force of nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

But in every matter the consensus of opinion among all nations is to be regarded as the law of nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

nature abhors annihilation lat ab interitu naturam abhorrere marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Friendship was given by nature to be an assistant to virtue, not a companion in vice. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

There are more men ennobled by study than by nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero


By doubting we come at truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

If the truth were selfโ€“evident, eloquence would be unnecessary. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

A liar is not believed even though he tell the truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

by doubting we come at truth marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Through doubt we arrive at the truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Falsehoods border on truths. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

In everything truth surpasses the imitation and copy. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

In everything, without doubt, truth has the advantage over imitation. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Would that I could discover truth as easily as I can uncover falsehood. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

if the truth were self evident eloquence would be unnecessary marcus Tullius Cicero quote

The first duty of man is the seeking after and the investigation of truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

He who has once deviated from the truth, usually commits perjury with as little scruple as he would tell a lie. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

We don’t believe a liar even when he tells the truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

So near is falsehood to truth that a wise man would do well not to trust himself on the narrow edge. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero


For my own part, I had rather be old only a short time than be old before I really am so. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

time is the herald of truth marcus Tullius Cicero quote

You must become an old man in good time if you wish to be an old man long. [Lat., Mature fieri senem, si diu velis esses senex.] โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Time is the herald of truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

What was Marcus Tullius Ciceroโ€™s greatest achievement?

In 63 BCE Marcus Tullius Cicero gave an impassioned oration to his fellow senators that charged Catiline with plotting to stage a violent coup.
This so moved the Senate that they voted to implement martial law and execute the conspirators.


No grief is so acute but time ameliorates it. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The long time to come when I shall not exist has more effect on me than this short present time, which nevertheless seems endless. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

no grief is so acute but time ameliorates it marcus Tullius Cicero quote

There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften. [Lat., Nullus dolor est quem non longinquitas temporis minuat ac molliat.] โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

When time and need require, we should resist with all our might, and prefer death to slavery and disgrace. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Time obliterates the fictions of opinion and confirms the decisions of nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

For a courageous man cannot die dishonorably, a man who has attained the consulship cannot die before his time, a philosopher cannot die wretchedly. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

there is no grief which time does not lessen and soften marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Laws are silent in time of war. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

We study history not to be clever in another time, but to be wise always. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever. For what is the time of a man, except it be interwoven with that memory of ancient things of a superior age? โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

A mental stain can neither be blotted out by the passage of time nor washed away by any waters. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Let our friends perish, provided that our enemies fall at the same time. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

if i had more time i would have written a shorter letter marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Time destroys the speculation of men, but it confirms nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Opinionum enim commenta delet dies; naturรฆ judicia confirmat. Time destroys the groundless conceits of men; it confirms decisions founded on reality. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The hours pass and the days and the months and the years, and the past time never returns. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Time puts an end to speculation in opinions, and confirms the laws of nature. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

What was Marcus Tullius Ciceroโ€™s relationship with the First Triumvirate?

Marcus Tullius Cicero resented the political machinations of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Licinius Crassus and initially refused to ally himself with them, even attempting to isolate Pompey from Caesar.

However, he later committed himself publiclyโ€”if not personallyโ€”to their advancement before diminishing his political involvement during the civil war between Caesar and Pompey



Life is nothing without friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

life is nothing without friendship marcus Tullius Cicero quote

While there’s life, there’s hope. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Redundant Thematics

In Tullius Cicero Statements


The whole life of a philosopher is the meditation of his death. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Life is short, but art lives forever. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Long life is denied us; therefore let us do something to show that we have lived. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Life without learning is death. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

while there s life there s hope marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Probability is the very guide of life. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Robbing life of friendship is like robbing the world of the sun. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Inability to tell good from evil is the greatest worry of man’s life. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

A happy life consists in tranquility of mind. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Old age: the crown of life, our play’s last act. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

the whole life of a philosopher is the meditation of his death marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Man’s life is ruled by fortune, not by wisdom. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

I know not any season of life that is past more agreeably than virtuous old age. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The life of the dead consists in the recollection cherished of them by the living. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Our span of life is brief, but is long enough for us to live well and honestly. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

life is short but art lives forever marcus Tullius Cicero quote

O philosophy, you leader of life. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

What was Marcus Tullius Ciceroโ€™s oratory style?

In his youth, Marcus Tullius Cicero was instructed by the famed rhetorician Molon of Rhodes.

Molon did not stick to any one style, instead drifting between florid and concise language.

Cicero perfected this methodology, relying on cadence, emotion, and the energy of his audience and interweaving references to literature, philosophy, and history.


No phase of life, whether public or private, can be free from duty. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero


No sensible man ever imputes inconsistency to another for changing his minds. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The forehead is the gate of the mind. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The human mind ever longs for occupation. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

no sensible man ever imputes inconsistency to another for changing his minds marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellence and endowments of the human mind. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

All things tend to corrupt perverted minds. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Our minds possess by nature an insatiable desire to know the truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Pleasure blinds (so to speak) the eyes of the mind, and has no fellowship with virtue. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

the forehead is the gate of the mind marcus Tullius Cicero quote

As the grace of man is in the mind, so the beauty of the mind is eloquence. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Every word that is unnecessary only pours over the side of a brimming mind. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Virtue is a habit of the mind, consistent with nature and moderation and reason. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Learning is a kind of natural food for the mind. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

In a disturbed mind, as in a body in the same state, health can not exist. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

the human mind ever longs for occupation marcus Tullius Cicero quote

In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

An old man with something of the youth in him, may feel young in mind and heart only. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

How did Marcus Tullius Cicero die?

In the months following Julius Caesarโ€™s assassination in 44 BCE, Marcus Tullius Cicero delivered several speeches that urged the Senate to support Octavian in his struggle against Mark Antony.

When Octavian and Antony reconciled, a centurion murdered Cicero on Antonyโ€™s order. Ciceroโ€™s head and hands were nailed to the rostra in the Roman Forum.

Dissimulation creeps gradually into the minds of men. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Our minds are rendered buoyant by exercise. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

all things tend to corrupt perverted minds marcus Tullius Cicero quote

It shows a weak mind not to bear prosperity as well as adversity with moderation. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero


Friendship is infinitely better than kindness. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Loyalty is what we seek in friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

friendship is infinitely better than kindness marcus Tullius Cicero quote

The sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Friendship is nothing else than an accord in all things, human and divine, conjoined with mutual goodwill and affection. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

He takes the greatest ornament from friendship, who takes modesty from it. [Lat., Maximum ornamentum amicitiae tollit, qui ex ea tollit verecudiam.] โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

As in the case of wines that improve with age, the oldest friendships ought to be the most delightful. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

In friendship we find nothing false or insincere; everything is straight forward, and springs from the heart. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

loyalty is what we seek in friendship marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Let flattery, the handmaid of the vices, be far removed (from friendship). [Lat., Assentatio, vitiorum adjutrix, procul amoveatur.] โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Fire and water are not of more universal use than friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

To give and receive adviceโ€“the former with freedom, and yet without bitterness, the latter with patience and without irritationโ€“is peculiarly appropriate to geniune friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

To give counsel, as well as to take it, is a feature of true friendship. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

i hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Friendship embraces innumerable ends; turn where you will it is ever at your side; no barrier shuts it out; it is never untimely and never in the way. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

He removes the greatest ornament of friendship who takes away from it respect. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero


For surely to be wise is the most desirable thing in all the world. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Ye immortal gods! where in the world are we? โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The world has not yet learned the riches of frugality. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

for surely to be wise is the most desirable thing in all the world marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Friendship is the only thing in the world concerning the usefulness of which all mankind are agreed. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

From all sides there is equally a way to the lower world. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

To disregard what the world thinks of us is not only arrogant but utterly shameless. [Lat., Negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum arrogantis est, sed etiam omnino dissoluti.] โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Not to know what has been transacted in former times is to be always a child. If no use is made of the labors of past ages, the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

All I can do is to urge on you to regard friendship as the greatest thing in the world; for there is nothing which so fits in with our nature, or is so exactly what we want in prosperity or adversity. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

ye immortal gods where in the world are we marcus Tullius Cicero quote

Socrates, indeed, when he was asked of what country he called himself, said, ‘Of the world’; for he considered himself an inhabitant and a citizen of the whole world. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

I speak of that learning which wakes us acquainted with the boundless extent of nature, and the universe, and which even while we remain in this world, discovers to us both heaven, earth, and sea. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thus in the beginning the world was so made that certain signs come before certain events. โ€” Marcus Tullius Cicero
