The Best Tim Keller quotes

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What can you learn from the quotes compilation of Tim Keller? I’m not sure, but I do know that it will be an interesting read. Keller is a successful entrepreneur who has a lot to share about his journey to the top. If you’re looking for inspiration and advice, then this is the blog post for you.

Here are the most inspiring Love, Faith, Suffering, Grace, Life, World, Gospel, Christian Othy quotes from Tim Keller, and much more.

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About Tim Keller

birth of the author

September 23, 1950

education of the author

B.A. Bucknell University, 1972 M.Div. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1975 D.Min. Westminster Theological Seminary, 1981

occupation of the author

Minister And Author

religion of the author

Reformed – Neo-Calvinism


God loves you just because He loves you. — Timothy Keller

Truth without love is imperious self–righteousn ess. Love without truth is cowardly self–indulgence . — Timothy Keller

If you don’t love the poor, you don’t know what God’s done for you. — Timothy Keller

You dont fall into love. You commit to it. Love is saying I will be there no matter what. — Timothy Keller

All life–changing love is inconvenient. — Timothy Keller

Real love, the Bible says, instinctively desires permanence. — Timothy Keller

To fear the Lord is to be overwhelmed with wonder before the greatness of God and his love. — Timothy Keller

In the end, we love people into belief. We do not argue them into belief. — Timothy Keller

Not everyone is your brother or sister in the faith, but everyone is your neighbor, and you must love your neighbor. — Timothy Keller

I am going to judge my circumstances by Jesus’ love, not Jesus’ love by my circumstances. — Timothy Keller

Jesus experienced homelessness at Christmas so that we could experience a love we could never lose. — Timothy Keller

The simple fact is that only if I love Jesus more than my wife will I be able to serve her needs ahead of my own. — Timothy Keller

A god of less wrath than the God of the Bible is necessarily a god of less love. His anger is a product of his love. — Timothy Keller

God loves and defends those with the least economic and social power, and so should we. — Timothy Keller

Disordered love always leads to misery and breakdown. The only way to ‘reorder’ our loves is to love God supremely. — Timothy Keller

Proper wedding vows are more a promise of mutually binding future love than a declaration of your present love. — Timothy Keller

We were designed to know, serve, and love God supremely–and when we are faithful to that design, we flourish. — Timothy Keller

Love is counting someone else’s needs and interests as more important than your own needs or interests or comfort. — Timothy Keller

Spiritual friendship] is eagerly helping one another know, serve, love, and resemble God in deeper and deeper ways. — Timothy Keller


If you want God’s grace, all you need is need, all you need is nothing. — Timothy Keller

If you aren’t constantly astonished at God’s grace in your solitude, there’s no way it can happen in public. — Timothy Keller

God’s reckless grace is our greatest hope. — Timothy Keller

No one is so good that they don’t need the grace of the gospel, nor so bad that they can’t receive the grace of the gospel. — Timothy Keller

If you have a small view of your sin, God’s grace will be small to you. — Timothy Keller

The prerequisite for receiving the grace of God is to know you need it. — Timothy Keller

The more you see your own flaws and sins, the more precious, electrifying, and amazing God’s grace appears to you. — Timothy Keller

We need to remember that we are saved by grace when we fail. But we need to remember it much more when we succeed. — Timothy Keller

God’s grace and forgiveness, while free to the recipient, are always costly for the giver. — Timothy Keller

Nobody who understands the free grace of God takes sin lightly. — Timothy Keller

The deeper the experience of the free grace of God, the more generous we must become. — Timothy Keller

God relentlessly offers his grace to people who do not deserve it, or seek it, or even appreciate it after they have been saved by it. — Timothy Keller

Let us preach grace till humility just starts to grow in us. — Timothy Keller

It is because of the doctrine of judgment and hell that Jesus’ proclamations of grace and love are so astounding. — Timothy Keller

God sees us as we are, loves us as we are, and accepts us as we are. But by His grace, He does not leave us as we are. — Timothy Keller

There is a direct relationship between a person’s grasp and experience of God’s grace, and his or her heart for justice and the poor. — Timothy Keller

On the cross Jesus was treated as an outcast so that we could be brought into God’s family freely by grace. — Timothy Keller

There is no evil that the father’s love cannot pardon and cover, there is no sin that is a match for his grace. — Timothy Keller

Unless you point to the good news of God’s grace people will not be able to bear the bad news of God’s judgement. — Timothy Keller


Suffering is unbearable if you aren’t certain that God is for you and with you. — Timothy Keller

How could a good, all–powerful God allow suffering? — Timothy Keller

When Job was prospering, he prayed. When he was suffering, he still prayed. — Timothy Keller

God takes our misery and suffering so seriously that he was willing to take it on himself. — Timothy Keller

Suffering is the stripping of our hope in finite things, therefore we do not put our ultimate hope in anything finite. — Timothy Keller

Just because we don’t see a reason for evil and suffering doesn’t mean there’s not a reason for it. — Timothy Keller

God so loved us and hates suffering that he was willing to come down and get involved in it. — Timothy Keller

If God is treated as God during suffering, then suffering can reveal and present him in all his greatness. — Timothy Keller

Success and suffering will either darken your heart or make you wise, but they won’t leave you where you were. — Timothy Keller

God is so committed to your ultimate joy that he was willing to plunge into the greatest depths of suffering himself for you. — Timothy Keller

Suffering is actually at the heart of the Christian story. — Timothy Keller

Christmas means Jesus came down and got involved in suffering. He hears your cries. — Timothy Keller

If his suffering did not make Jesus give up on us, nothing will. — Timothy Keller


Public faith means going public with what’s in your heart, with humility and respect for others, as we speak of the truth of the gospel. — Timothy Keller

Burqueños (albuquerque residents) of every faith, ethnicity, and background have come together where the federal government has failed. — Tim Keller

Faith in God’s promises means not always following the expected, rational path. — Timothy Keller

Jesus is the author of faith, the provider of faith, and the object of faith. — Timothy Keller

Faith journeys are never simply intellectual exercises. — Timothy Keller

It is not the strength of your faith but the object of your faith that actually saves you. — Timothy Keller

A person’s faith can collapse almost overnight if she failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection. — Timothy Keller

If the Christian faith gets too identified with a party, it reduces Christianity to a political position — Timothy J. Keller

Faith is not primarily a function of how you feel. Faith is living out and believing what truth is despite what you feel. — Timothy Keller

While we want doubts to give way to faith, we should be merciful and patient with those who are still in a doubt–troubled place. — Timothy Keller

Faith is not opposed to reason, but it is sometimes opposed to feelings and appearances. — Timothy Keller


Religious people find God useful. Gospel people find him beautiful. — Timothy Keller

Christians need the gospel as much as non–Christians do. — Timothy Keller

Without the gospel we hate ourselves instead of our sin. — Timothy Keller

Redundant Thematics

In Tim Keller Statements


When I forget the gospel I become dependent on the smiles and evaluation of others. — Timothy Keller

Do you realize that it is only in the gospel of Jesus Christ that you get the verdict before the performance? — Timothy Keller

The Gospel is good news not good advice. Advice = what we should do. News = report of what was done for us. — Timothy Keller

Unless you believe the gospel, everything you do will be driven by either pride or fear. — Timothy Keller

The key to continual and deeper spiritual renewal and revival is the continual re–discovery of the gospel. — Timothy Keller

The rich brother needs to let the gospel humble him while the poor brother needs to let the gospel affirm him. — Timothy Keller

The essence of gospel–humility is not thinking more of myself or thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less. — Timothy Keller

The Gospel is news of what God has done to reach us. It is not advice about what we must do to reach God. — Timothy Keller

The gospel is not only the way to enter the kingdom; it is the way to live in the kingdom. — Timothy Keller

The gospel humbles us into the dust and at the very same time exalts us to the heavens. — Timothy Keller

The Gospel is the deepest consolation you can offer to the human heart. — Timothy Keller

Ministry to the poor is a crucial sign that we believe the gospel. — Timothy Keller

The gospel is not about choosing to follow advice; it’s about being called to follow a King. — Timothy Keller

The product of a true, growing, gospel–centered nature is often gentleness. — Timothy Keller

The gospel has supernatural versatility to address the particular hopes, fears, and idols of every culture and every person. — Timothy Keller

One of the signs that you may not grasp the unique, radical nature of the gospel is that you are certain that you do. — Timothy Keller

The gospel frees us from the relentless pressure of having to prove ourselves, for we are already proven and secure. — Timothy Keller


If there is a God, you owe him far more than a morally decent life. — Timothy Keller

The sin that is most destructive in your life right now is the one you are most defensive about. — Timothy Keller

The infallible test of spiritual integrity, Jesus says, is your private prayer life. — Timothy Keller

It takes pride to be anxious–I am not wise enough to know how my life should go. — Timothy Keller

The gospel is not just the ‘ABCs’ but the ‘A–to–Z’ of the Christian life. — Timothy Keller

Anything can serve as a counterfeit god, especially the very best things in life. — Timothy Keller

The lack of joy in your life is due to your lack of mission. — Timothy Keller

When we worry we are saying, ‘I know the way my life is supposed to go, and God’s not getting it right’. — Timothy Keller

Because of Jesus–there is always hope, even in the darkest moments of your life. — Timothy Keller

We get angry when we feel like God owes us a better life than we have. — Timothy Keller

The Gospel does not promise you better life circumstances; it promises you a better life. — Timothy Keller

The life of faith is not the perfect life; it is the life which clings on to what God has said he will do. — Timothy Keller

Jesus didn’t come to tell us the answers to the questions of life, he came to be the answer. — Timothy Keller

Religion says earn your life. Secular society says create your life. Jesus says, ‘My life for your life. — Timothy Keller

If God is not at the center of your life, something else is. — Timothy Keller

If this world was made by a triune God, relationships of love are what life is really all about. — Timothy Keller

The Gospel worldview equips the artist with a unique combination of optimism and realism about life. — Timothy Keller

Trust is accepting what God sends into your life whether you understand it or not. — Timothy Keller

Fear, logic, and tradition are not going to make you live a good life when no one is looking. — Timothy Keller

Prayer is the way to experience a powerful confidence that God is handling our lives well. — Timothy Keller


The world says you are loved because of what you do. Jesus says you can now do all things because you are loved. — Timothy Keller

The gospel is an exclusive truth but it’s the most inclusive exclusive truth in the world. — Timothy Keller

The world can’t save itself. That’s the message of Christmas. — Timothy Keller

If God wiped out all sources of evil in the world we would no longer be here, the evil is inside us. — Timothy Keller

The world is polarizing over religion. It is getting both more religious and less religious at the same time. — Timothy Keller

The world is a dark place, and yet the coming of Jesus Christ shows us no one and nothing is hopeless. — Timothy Keller

Jesus’s miracles are not just a challenge to our minds, but a promise to our hearts, that the world we all want is coming. — Timothy Keller

When the world sees us doing evangelism, they just see us recruiting. When they see us doing justice, they see God’s glory. — Timothy Keller


To truly become Christians we must also repent of the reasons we ever did anything right. — Timothy Keller

The irreligious don’t repent at all and the religious only repent of sins. But Christians repent of their wrongfully placed righteousness. — Timothy Keller

The essence of Christian obedience is not do’s and don’ts but personal allegiance to Jesus. — Timothy Keller

Christians necessarily believe we depend on God for everything–a prayerless Christian, then, is a contradiction in terms. — Timothy Keller

Christians don’t believe that goodness gets you to heaven. Christians believe it’s exhausting to rely on your own goodness to please God. — Timothy Keller

The great basis of Christian assurance is not how much our hearts are set on God, but how unshakably his heart is set on us. — Timothy Keller

Christians should not be optimists; we know too much about sin. We should also not be pessimists, for we know the living God. — Timothy Keller

All Christians have opportunities to serve those who might never come to church or listen to a sermon. — Timothy Keller

To be a Christian is a standing, a legal position. It means to be a child of God. You are or you are not, there is no try. — Timothy Keller

Most apologetic books are really written for Christians, even the ones that purport to be written for non–believers. — Timothy Keller

A Christian is somebody whose eyes have been opened, who admits that Jesus is not what you expected, but he’s what you need. — Timothy Keller

TIM KELLER Quotes Take Away

Keller’s words remind us that the gospel is good news, and it should be Good News for our lives and ministries as well. We hope these quotes have encouraged you to continue fighting the good fight of faith and to keep sharing the love of Christ with a world that desperately needs Him. What Bible verses or quotes from Keller inspire you? Check out our courses to learn more about how to share your faith in Christ effectively.
