Kay Ash was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of her generation. She was an inspiration to many, and her best quotes is one that should be shared. Read on to discover about Kay’s incredible life and career.
Discover the most known Time, Giving, Sign, Life, Believing, Mind, Success quotes from Kay Ash, and much more.
You are the only boss you have. And I want you to be the most demanding boss that you can be. If you really want to make a success of this business, then you must put yourself on a schedule. โ Mary Kay Ash
Even the smallest achievements pave a way to great success. โ Mary Kay Ash
Think in terms of what’s good for the other person and success will seek you out. โ Mary Kay Ash
You cannot keep determined people for success. โ Mary Kay Ash
One of the secrets of success is to refuse to let temporary setbacks defeat us. โ Mary Kay Ash
Leaders teach. They motivate. They care. Leaders make sure that the way to success is always broad enough and straight enough for others to follow. โ Mary Kay Ash
It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure. โ Mary Kay Ash
Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist. โ Mary Kay Ash
I believe that in order to be a good leader you must understand the value of praising people to success. โ Mary Kay Ash
What you believe, you can achieve. โ Mary Kay Ash
While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her selfโconfidence, which, I believe, does make the woman. โ Mary Kay Ash
The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything. Replace ‘if I can, I hope, maybe’ with ‘I can, I will, I must. โ Mary Kay Ash
I believe that you should praise people whenever you can; it causes them to respond as a thirsty plant responds to water. โ Mary Kay Ash
Individuals sometimes feel insignificant and doubt that one person can really make a difference in this world. Well, believe me, one person can. โ Mary Kay Ash
Sometimes listening itself may not be enoughโsome people must be prodded if you are to find out what they’re thinking. โ Mary Kay Ash
God did not have time to make a nobody, so you’re a somebody. โ Mary Kay Ash
No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important. โ Mary Kay Ash
You can eat an elephant one bit at a time. โ Mary Kay Ash
Return telephone calls promptly but be judicious about the time spent on the phone. โ Mary Kay Ash
God didn’t have time to make a nobody, only a somebody.I believe that each of us has Godโgiven talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition. โ Mary Kay Ash
One intense hour is worth a dreamy day. โ Mary Kay Ash
Your attitude determines your altitude. It really is true that If you think you can, you can; and if you think you can’tโyou’re right. โ Mary Kay Ash
You can go as far as your mind lets you. โ Mary Kay Ash
Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. โ Mary Kay Ash
I believe every person has the ability to achieve something important, and with that in mind I regard everyone as special. โ Mary Kay Ash
Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe remember you can achieve. โ Mary Kay Ash
If I listen long enough, the person will generally come up with an adequate solution. โ Mary Kay Ash
The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is extraordinary determination. โ Mary Kay Ash
If you have an idea and I have an ideaโthen we EACH have JUST ONE idea…but if you share your idea with me and I do the same…we EACH have TWO ideas! โ Mary Kay Ash
Redundant Thematics
In Kay Ash Statements
Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless. โ Mary Kay Ash
Before you ever receive the wonderful treasures of a happy life, you must first give. Give of yourself. Be of service to others. Only what you give can be multiplied back into your own life. โ Mary Kay Ash
Hope is wishing for something to come true. Faith is belief that it will come true. Believe that for every problem God gives you, He will also provide you with a solution. โ Mary Kay Ash
Never give up, because you never know if the next try is going to be the one that works. โ Mary Kay Ash
Give yourself something to work towardโconstantly. โ Mary Kay Ash
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one. โ Mary Kay Ash
In fact, depending on how much you earn, you can afford to pay somebody to do almost anything you don’t like to do. โ Mary Kay Ash
I’ve often said that we are doing something far more important than just selling cosmetics; we are changing lives. โ Mary Kay Ash
We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. โ Mary Kay Ash
What’s interesting about subscribing to a life of giving is that you become addicted. โ Mary Kay Ash
We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared. โ Mary Kay Ash
Don’t let the negatives of life control you. Rise above them. Use them as your stepping stones to go higher than you ever dreamed possible โ Mary Kay Ash
The success [of Mary Kay Inc.] is much, much deeper than just dollars and cents and buildings and assets. The real success of our Company is measured to me in the lives that have been touched and given hope. โ Mary Kay Ash
Bear in mind that beauty is individual and personal, that the look and feeling you’re after is one with which you can be comfortable each and every day of your life. โ Mary Kay Ash
Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life. โ Mary Kay Ash
I have learned to imagine an invisible sign around each person’s neck that says ‘Make me feel important. โ Mary Kay Ash
Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people. โ Mary Kay Ash
Whenever I meet someone, I try to imagine her wearing an invisible sign that says: MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT. I respond to this sign immediately, and it works wonders. โ Mary Kay Ash
Those who are blessed with the most talent don’t necessarily outperform everyone else. It’s the people with followโthrough who excel. โ Mary Kay Ash
The greatest polution problem we face today is negativity. โ Mary Kay Ash
KAY ASH Quotes Take Away
Kay Ash has some inspiring words for entrepreneurs. Check out our courses to learn more about how you can start and grow your own business. We have the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.