The Best Chloe Kim quotes

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What can we learn from Chloe Kim’s life story? That no matter how talented you are, or how much natural ability you have, if you don’t work hard, you’ll never make it to the top. Chloe Kim is a perfect example of someone who has reached the pinnacle of her sport through endless dedication and tireless effort. At just 17 years old, she has become one of the most successful snowboarders in history, and there’s no doubt that she will only continue to break new ground in the years to come. So what can we all learn from this young phenom? Chloe’s story is an inspiration for anyone who wants to achieve great things, regardless of their starting point in life.

We are glad to present you the most interesting Love, Feelings, Time, Life, Pretty quotes from Chloe Kim, and much more.

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About Chloe Kim

country of the author


birth of the author

April 23, 2000

size of the author

5 Ft 3 In

size of the author

115 Lb

country of the author

United States


I think, every time I’m on the mountain, I’m just so thankful to be there. — Chloe Kim

You know, if you meet someone for the first time, they’re not going to bite you. — Chloe Kim

My mom wouldn’t let me dye my hair for the longest time. — Chloe Kim

I follow the most random people on Twitter. I follow famous people like Khloe Kardashian, who surprisingly makes really funny tweets all the time. — Chloe Grace Moretz

i think every time i m on the mountain i m just so thankful to be there Chloe Kim quote

I think the best roles are in dark movies. It’s roles that aren’t you. It’s fun playing someone that’s not me. If I’m playing me all the time, then it’s not acting. It’s just being yourself. — Chloe Grace Moretz

It’s a pretty crazy adrenaline rush because I feel like every run is different. You can never really expect anything. It’s like a new adventure every time you drop into the pipe. — Chloe Kim


I love Chipotle. And I’m not just saying that. Like, I genuinely am in love with Chipotle. — Chloe Kim

I didn’t really like snowboarding in the beginning. Now, I just love it. I’m in love with it. — Chloe Kim

I love going to Topshop, Urban Outfitters and American Apparel, I’m in love with their jackets. — Chloe Grace Moretz

i love chipotle and i m not just saying that like i genuinely am in love with chipotle Chloe Kim quote

I love getting told no ’cause then I fight even more. — Chloe Grace Moretz

I live a very privileged life, obviously. I’m an accomplished actor, I have a very solid normal family, tons of siblings, and a mother that loves me. — Chloe Grace Moretz

I love the spontaneity of plays and of being onstage, because that’s an energy that you can’t really fabricate in movies. — Chloe Grace Moretz


I had some social anxiety when I was younger because I wasn’t surrounded by many people in my life. — Chloe Kim

I’ll date one day if I find someone that I want to let into my life enough. — Chloe Grace Moretz

i hate it when i get grumpy but i can only be high energy for so long Chloe Kim quote

I’m, like, finishing up high school. I don’t know how you can learn anything from me because I’m still, like, a teenager. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. — Chloe Kim

My dad has definitely sacrificed a lot for me, and I don’t know if I could do it if I was in his shoes. Leaving your life behind and chasing this dream because your kid is passionate about this sport. — Chloe Kim

I’ve played a lot of fathers in my life, and it seems that my kids are getting older and older in films, and I’m always surprised at how good they are. — Chloe Grace Moretz

I hate it when I get grumpy. But I can only be high–energy for so long. — Chloe Kim


When I first started snowboarding, my dad pretty much dragged me into it. I wasn’t old enough to be like, ‘Oh, I wanna snowboard!’ you know? — Chloe Kim

For whatever reason, I’m pretty good with pressure. I kinda just flip it over and think of it as positive. — Chloe Kim

Competing in my first Olympics in the country where my parents came from is pretty insane. I’m feeling nothing but excitement. — Chloe Kim

Redundant Thematics

In Chloe Kim Statements


My mom gives me an allowance. She keeps me pretty tight–reined. — Chloe Grace Moretz

Over the years, I’ve hurt my thumb, separated my shoulder, and injured my back, but not too bad. Actually, my back was hurt pretty bad. I had to take an ambulance and was in bed for a week. — Chloe Kim


You have to think about yourself and think about where you are and if you’re happy. If you feel good and you feel happy, then that’s the path you should be on. — Chloe Grace Moretz

zendaya she s a boss and rihanna as well i feel like those are two very powerful women Chloe Kim quote

Don’t front, don’t put something out there that you feel isn’t realistic and doesn’t portray who you are. Just be yourself, be you, and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. — Chloe Grace Moretz

Snowboarding is a huge part of my life, but I also feel like it’s important to have a plan B or a back–up plan for after my career because I can’t snowboard for my whole life competitively. — Chloe Kim

Zendaya–she’s a boss–and Rihanna as well. I feel like those are two very powerful women. — Chloe Kim

I feel like dreams are always a little tricky, you know? But if you just push through the struggles and the hard times, it’ll be so worth it in the end because you will be able to get to your dreams. — Chloe Kim

My mom’s the one I look up to for everything. I feel like I’m a lump of clay and she’s moulding me into a woman. — Chloe Grace Moretz

I just grew up in the States, so I feel like I identify more with the American culture. — Chloe Kim

I try not to feel pressure, because I feel like it kind of throws you off. I always try to focus on myself. But it does kind of creep into the back of my mind. — Chloe Kim

When you’re a pilot, and you know all the ways to survive an airplane crash and how low the chances are, you feel safer. — Chloe Grace Moretz

I feel like I can represent both countries, in a way, because I have a Korea face, but I was born and raised in the States. — Chloe Kim

I freak out when I see a spider. I was doing an interview once, and there was this really big, furry spider crawling up the tripod, and I was like, ‘I can’t do this!’ — Chloe Kim

CHLOE KIM Quotes Take Away

Chloe Kim is an incredible role model for young women everywhere. Her dedication, passion, and skills are admirable and inspiring. We hope that by sharing these quotes from her we have encouraged you to pursue your dreams with the same determination and fervor. If you’re looking for more inspiration, or want to learn how to snowboard like a pro, be sure to check out our courses.