The Best Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the most successful and well-known bodybuilders in history, as well as a highly successful actor. But his life has not been without its share of controversy. In this quotes compilation, we will explore the highs and lows of his life, from his humble beginnings to his current status as a global icon.

Discover the strongest Training, Body, Time, Life, Believing, Hungry, Mind, Vision Inspirational, Motivation, Famous quotes from Arnold Schwarzenegger, and much more.

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About Arnold Schwarzenegger

birth of the author

July 30, 1947

political of the author

Political Party:

occupation of the author

Actor, Politician, Bodybuilder, Businessman, Author And More.

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Years Of Service:

unit of the author

Belgier Barracks


People should make up their own mind about what they think of me. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If I see a girl with big tits, I’m going to stare and stare. And I’m going to think in my mind what I am going to do with her if I would have her. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Always have one possibility in mind and that is to go to the top, to be the best. Everything else should just be a means to that end. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

people should make up their own mind about what they think of me Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

The mind is incredible. Once you’ve gained mastery over it, channelling its powers positively, for your purpose you can do anything. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Concentrate on your goals. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind. If you allow them to, other things could take your concentration away from your ultimate aim. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I never listen that you can’t. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If I would have listened to the naysayers, I would still be in the Austrian Alps yodeling. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

When you talk about the stimulus package, you can ask 1,000 different people and they–you will have 1,000 different opinions of what is the ideal stimulus package. — Arnold Schwarzenegger


My body is like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don’t think about it, I just have it. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I don’t criticize myself; I criticize my body. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Where the mind goes the body will follow. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

After watching mulattas shake it, I can totally understand why Brazil is devoted to my favorite body part, the ass. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

From the bodybuilding days on, I learned that everything is reps and mileage. The more miles you ski, the better a skier you become; the more reps you do, the better your body. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

i don t criticize myself i criticize my body Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

I know a lot of athletes and models are written off as just bodies. I never felt used for my body. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

When you have a well developed body and you’re confident, you see people bending your way, wanting to be on your side, wanting to do things for you. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Thirty–six years after coming to America, the man once known by fellow body­builders as the Austrian Oak was elected governor of California, the seventh largest economy in the world. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

What is the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s memoir?

In 2012, Arnold Schwarzenegger published the memoir Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story, written with Peter Petre.

Men shouldn’t feel like fags just because they want to have nice–looking bodies. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I don’t have any sexual hang–ups, but I’m sure there are bodybuilders who have trouble with sex, and obviously the body building hasn’t helped. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

where the mind goes the body will follow Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

Injuries happen when your mind is beyond your body, largely when you think you’re King Kong and lift weights heavier than the body can handle. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you’re in touch with your body, you certainly have an enormous sexual advantage. The mind–body connection is the same in sex as it is in training. — Arnold Schwarzenegger


I’ve heard all my life that ‘this is impossible, you can’t make’ it and ‘you’re going to fail’ but I didn’t listen to them and I made it. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If my life was a movie, no one would believe it. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I would never exchange my life with anybody else’s. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

if my life was a movie no one would believe it Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

Normal people can be happy with a regular life, but there is more to life than just plodding through an average existence. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

The years with Barbara taught me a great lesson: how having a good relationship can enrich your life. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

With strength and determination you can do anything you want in life, as long as you believe in yourself, because if you don’t, no one else will. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Until now, he has never told the full story of his life, in his own voice. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

i would never exchange my life with anybody else s Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Well, I think that California has had a history of always spending more money than it takes in. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

For 20 years, Simon & Schuster asked me, ‘Why don’t you write your autobiography?’ — Arnold Schwarzenegger


I think the first and most important thing is that you’ve got to have a goal and a vision. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and in your vision and you know that it is the right thing to do, and success will come. So don’t be afraid to fail! — Arnold Schwarzenegger

vision creates faith and faith creates willpower Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

All I know is that the first step is to create a vision, because when you see the vision–the beautiful vision–that creates the want power. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you want to turn a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith there is no anxiety and no doubt–just absolute confidence in yourself. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Have a vision, trust yourself, break some rules, ignore the naysayers, don’t be afraid to fail. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Dreams are for the dreamers. Goals are for achievers. — Arnold Schwarzenegger


You can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If I can see it and believe it, then I can achieve it. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Stay hungry, stay healthy, be a gentleman, believe strongly in yourself and go beyond limitations. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

you can do it as long as you really believe 100 percent Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

You can never find a candidate that will agree with everything you believe. Then you would just have a clone and that doesn’t exist. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Redundant Thematics

In Arnold Schwarzenegger Statements


I feel good because I believe I have made progress in rebuilding the people’s trust in their government. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

You must see it. You must believe it. And then you must never stop working to make it happen. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I believe in the philosophy of staying hungry. If you have a dream and it becomes a reality, don’t stay satisfied too long. Make up a new dream and hunt after that one and turn it into a reality. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

People are always making a fuss over my $15–20–million salaries. Believe me, the amount is meaningless once my wife, Maria, finds out about it. She’s already spent half of my salary from Terminator 7! — Arnold Schwarzenegger

if i can see it and believe it then i can achieve it Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

I believe in ‘love it, or change it’ rather than ‘love it, or leave it. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is the only place that I don’t feel out of place, because everyone here is out of place. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger became an international movie star with which film?

Arnold Schwarzenegger became an international star with The Terminator and over the next 20 years appeared in two sequels .

There is no place, no country, more compassionate more generous more accepting and more welcoming than the United States of America. — Arnold Schwarzenegger


If I have the chance to time travel, might as well go all out. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

What’s fascinating is, people in Washington would rather spend time in Hollywood, and people in Hollywood would rather spend time in Washington. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

if i have the chance to time travel might as well go all out Arnold Schwarzenegger quote

I really like Thanksgiving turkey… it does not take only time in Houston that you look at natural breasts. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If I would do another ‘Terminator’ movie I would have Terminator travel back in time and tell Arnold not to have a special election. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I love Thanksgiving turkey… It’s the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. We can save our planet and also boost our economy at the same time. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

We made, actually, history, because it was the first time ever that doctors could prove that a lifelong Republican has a heart. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

People say, My God, you’re so disciplined. But it has nothing to do with discipline; I loved it. Because I knew that every time I went to the gym I was one step closer to winning the competition. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

When you’re out there partying, horsing around, someone out there at the same time is working hard. Someone is getting smarter and someone is winning. Just remember that. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I told Warren if he mentions Prop. 13 one more time, he has to do 500 push–ups. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I came to Hollywood and within a decade I was one of the biggest action stars of all time. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

From the time they get up in the morning and flush the toilet, they’re taxed. Then they go and get the cup of coffee, they’re taxed….This goes on all day long. Tax, tax, tax. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I’m not on a health kick. I know I should take vitamins, for example, but I forget half the time. I just can’t be bothered carrying around a lot of little bottles. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Having a pump is like having sex. I train two, sometimes three times a day. Each time I get a pump. It’s great. I feel like I’m coming all day. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I don’t mind looking foolish but it’s just that I’m so bad at singing. The only time people ask me to sing is if they want the party to stop. If they want everyone to go home. Immediately. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

My only rule is to keep moving, for a pump and cardio at the same time. Rest as little as possible. After an hour, you will feel fantastic and your muscles won’t know what hit them. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Climate change: I say the debate is over. We know the science, we see the threat and we know that the time for action is now — Arnold Schwarzenegger


The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I will always stay hungry, never satisfied with current accomplishments. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

We all have great inner power. The power is self–faith. There’s really an attitude to winning. You have to see yourself winning before you win. And you have to be hungry. You have to want to conquer. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Be hungry for success, hungry to make your mark, hungry to be seen and to be heard and to have an effect. And as you move up and become successful, make sure also to be hungry for helping others. — Arnold Schwarzenegger


I didn’t mind basic training. It taught me that something that seems impossible at the start can be achieved. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I’m a competitive bodybuilder; I’m not training just to be healthy. Ninety–five percent of the people training with weights are into this health thing, and it’s a different mentality entirely. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

While others were out partying, I was training. While they were out dancing at the clubs, I was training… and training… and training. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

I cannot–nor will not–be ordinary. I have to keep training and seeking and growing. I have to stay hungry. It is my will and so has become my nature. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Having chicks around is the kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief, and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body. — Arnold Schwarzenegger
