The Best Zane Grey quotes

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Gabriel García Márquez is one of the most celebrated authors of our time. His works have been translated into more than 40 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. In 1982, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his outstanding merits as an author .

García Márquez was born in Aracataca, Colombia, in 1927. His grandfather, who was a colonel in the Colombian army, sparked his interest in storytelling. García Márquez’s first novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude , was published in 1967 and instantly became a classic. It tells the story of seven generations of the Buendía family in the fictional town of Macondo.

We are glad to present you the best Writing, Fish, Life quotes from Zane Grey, and much more.

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About Zane Grey

birth of the author

January 31, 1872

death of the author

October 23, 1939

occupation of the author

Novelist, Dentist

country of the author


genre of the author

Western Fiction


Realism is death to me. I cannot stand life as it is. — Zane Grey

I need this wild life, this freedom. — Zane Grey

I will see this game of life out to its bitter end. — Zane Grey

I knew you’d never be American enough to help me reconstruct my life. — Zane Grey

realism is death to me i cannot stand life as it is Zane Grey quote

What makes life worth living? Better surely, to yield to the stain of suicide blood in me and seek forgetfulness in the embrace of cold dark death. — Zane Grey

I must go deeper and even stronger into my treasure mine and stint nothing of time, toil, or torture. — Zane Grey


I did not have one bad spell during writing–an unprecedented record. — Zane Grey

What is writing but an expression of my own life? — Zane Grey

Writing was like digging coal. I sweat blood. The spell is on me. — Zane Grey

i did not have one bad spell during writing an unprecedented record Zane Grey quote

This motion–picture muddle had distracted me from my writing. — Zane Grey


If I fished only to capture fish, my fishing trips would have ended long ago. — Zane Grey

Before exulatation had vanished, I felt as if I had been granted a marvellous privilege. Out of the inscrutable waters a beautiful fish had somehow leaped to show me fleetingly the life and spirit of his element. — Zane Grey

There are always greater fish than you have caught, always the lure of greater task and achievement, always the inspiration to seek, to endure, to find. — Zane Grey

There was never an angler who lived but that there was a fish capable of taking the conceit out of him. — Zane Grey

if i fished only to capture fish my fishing trips would have ended long ago Zane Grey quote

Inspiring Phrases From Zane Grey

False education, false standards, false environment had developed her into a woman who imagined she must feed her body on the milk and honey of indulgence. — Zane Grey

I arise full of eagerness and energy, knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me. — Zane Grey

Redundant Thematics

In Zane Grey Statements


And the reason that she did not falter and fail in this terrible situation was because her despair, great as it was, did not equal her love. — Zane Grey

I am full of fire and passion. I am not ready yet for great concentration and passion. — Zane Grey

Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply. — Zane Grey

i arise full of eagerness and energy knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me Zane Grey quote

Only back of the bar. A white–clad figure rushed — Zane Grey

I love my work but do not know how I write it. — Zane Grey

Various Statements From Zane Grey

It was a decent New Year’s, but it took a million officers to make it so. — Zane Grey

Yet she did not miss the poisoned honey of some tongues or the expressive glances of many eyes. Ina was quick to grasp that — Zane Grey

Jealousy is an unjust and stifling thing. — Zane Grey

it was a decent new year s but it took a million officers to make it so Zane Grey quote

Love of man for woman–love of woman for man. That’s the nature, the meaning, the best of life itself. — Zane Grey

ZANE GREY Quotes Take Away

Zane Grey was an inspiration to many, and his words continue to be relevant today. He is quoted as saying, “There is no substitute for hard work.” This may be one of the most important lessons we can learn in life. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, it’s always important to put in the time and effort if you want to achieve your goals. Grey also said, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen- get up and take action! And finally, “A man has got to do what he has got to do.
