The Best Voting quotes

Did you know that some of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world have shared their thoughts on voting? From commenting on how important it is to get involved in the democratic process, to providing advice on how to make the most informed decision at the ballot box, these entrepreneurs provide thought-provoking and inspiring insights into the act of voting. Check out our compilation of some of their best quotes below!

Imagine if all entrepreneurs voted. It would be a powerful force and a critical part of our democracy. Entrepreneurship is about change, innovation, risk-taking and determination.

The best voting quotes

1. Thinking is not to agree or disagree. That’s voting. — Robert Frost

2. The Russians could not have had any impact whatsoever on voting in America, either how they were cast or how they were counted. — Rush Limbaugh

3. They are voting whether to keep a governor two years or four. I think a good, honest governor should get four years, and the others life. — Will Rogers

4. It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting. — Tom Stoppard

5. Voting is the next–to–last refuge of the politically impotent. The last refuge, of course, is giving your opinion to a pollster. — Neil Postman

6. Concealing one’s true medical condition from the voting public is a time–honored tradition of the American presidency. — Robert Dallek

7. Voting is the foundation stone for political action. — Martin Luther King

8. We didn’t want to just build a’ dislike’ button because We don’t want to turn facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people’s posts. — Mark Zuckerberg

9. We didn’t want to just build a’ dislike’ button because We don’t want to turn facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people’s posts. — Mark Zuckerberg

10. What is the use of voting? We know that the machines of both parties are subsidized by the same persons, and therefore it is useless to turn in either direction. — Woodrow Wilson

11. It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting. — Tom Stoppard

12. If voting could actually change anything, it would be illegal. — Noam Chomsky

13. A Black man voting for the Republicans makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Col. Sanders. — J. C. Watts

14. Voting is the foundation stone for political action. — Martin Luther King

15. Every time you choose a perfume, you are voting. And, of course, I hope you vote for me. Not only for my ego, but for my pocketbook. The more you buy, the more money I make. — Oleg Cassini

16. Look at the declining television coverage. Look at the declining voting rate. Economics and economic news is what moves the country now, not politics. — Robert Teeter

17. Every time you choose a perfume, you are voting. And, of course, I hope you vote for me. Not only for my ego, but for my pocketbook. The more you buy, the more money I make. — Oleg Cassini

18. Poor whites didn’t have rights. They made all kind of restrictions on voting. So person meant relatively well–off, free white man. — Noam Chomsky

19. Concealing one’s true medical condition from the voting public is a time–honored tradition of the American presidency. — Robert Dallek

20. We didn’t want to just build a’ dislike’ button because We don’t want to turn facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people’s posts. — Mark Zuckerberg

21. Whether voting Republican or Democrat, the result is the same: A corrupt corporate government. — Steven Magee

22. I have considered voting Conservative because I am so against the Labour party. — Vivienne Westwood

23. Let the black man vote when he is fit to vote; prohibit the white man voting when he is unfit to vote. — Warren G. Harding

24. If voting changed anything… I’d still laugh! — Matt Paradise, Bearing the Devil’s Mark

25. Blacks have no rights–in fact they were three–fifths human according to the constitution to give slave owners more voting rights. So that’s African Americans. — Noam Chomsky

26. American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver’s license age than at voting age. — Marshall McLuhan

27. A worker voting for Mitt Romney is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. — Richard Trumka

28. Whether voting Republican or Democrat, the result is the same: A corrupt corporate government. — Steven Magee

29. You know i’ve been in this fight for a long time. it goes not just to voting rights. it goes to the criminal justice system. — joe biden

30. It is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in America. It’s absurd. There is no evidence. — Rush Limbaugh

31. I don’t think journalists should talk about whom they’re voting for. — Tom Wolfe

32. The Russians could not have had any impact whatsoever on voting in America, either how they were cast or how they were counted. — Rush Limbaugh

33. What is the use of voting? We know that the machines of both parties are subsidized by the same persons, and therefore it is useless to turn in either direction. — Woodrow Wilson

34. What is the use of voting? We know that the machines of both parties are subsidized by the same persons, and therefore it is useless to turn in either direction. — Woodrow Wilson

35. Thinking is not to agree or disagree. That’s voting. — Robert Frost

36. You know i’ve been in this fight for a long time. it goes not just to voting rights. it goes to the criminal justice system. — joe biden

37. The absence of voting for The republican nominee is functionally a vote for hillary, it’s a crossroads for The republican party and it’s a crossroads for america. — Newt Gingrich

38. Were voting for joe biden, lets have a conversation with these kids. — Steph Curry

39. It is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in America. It’s absurd. There is no evidence. — Rush Limbaugh

40. The absence of voting for The republican nominee is functionally a vote for hillary, it’s a crossroads for The republican party and it’s a crossroads for america. — Newt Gingrich

41. Voting is the foundation stone for political action. — Martin Luther King

42. A Black man voting for the Republicans makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Col. Sanders. — J. C. Watts

43. What is the use of voting? We know that the machines of both parties are subsidized by the same persons, and therefore it is useless to turn in either direction. — Woodrow Wilson

44. Voting for the Green Party is how you say ‘Up Yours!’ to the Republicans and Democrats. — Steven Magee

45. People voting for Donald Trump are doing so for a whole lot of different reasons, but I think there is a typical Trump voter. I think they’re there for specific reasons. — Rush Limbaugh

46. Voting is the next–to–last refuge of the politically impotent. The last refuge, of course, is giving your opinion to a pollster. — Neil Postman

47. Did you know that we are the only people in the United States who have to have their voting rights okayed every couple of years? — Whoopi Goldberg

48. What is the use of voting? We know that the machines of both parties are subsidized by the same persons, and therefore it is useless to turn in either direction. — Woodrow Wilson

49. As a citizen, you need to know how to be a part of it, how to express yourself–and not just by voting. — Sandra Day O

50. Blacks have no rights–in fact they were three–fifths human according to the constitution to give slave owners more voting rights. So that’s African Americans. — Noam Chomsky


Voting is a crucial way to ensure that your voice is heard in a democracy. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our representatives are held accountable and that our values are properly represented in our government. As we head into this election season, let us remember the wise words of those who have come before us and take the time to make our voices heard. Happy voting!
