The Best Vladimir Putin quotes

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I’d like to share with you the quotes compilation of Vladimir Putin. I think it’s important to know who he is and what his best quotes is, especially given the current state of global affairs. Putin was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) on October 7, 1952. He came from a working class family, and his father was a factory worker. After graduating from law school, Putin began his career in the KGB. He worked his way up through the ranks, eventually becoming the head of Russia’s intelligence service. In 1999, Boris Yeltsin chose Putin to be his successor as president of Russia. As president, Putin has been known for being a strong leader with a firm grasp on both domestic and international affairs.

We are glad to present you the most inspiring Hope, Foreign, Russian, Economic, Time, President, Life, World quotes from Vladimir Putin, and much more.

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About Vladimir Putin

birth of the author

7 October 1952

political of the author

Political Party:

productions of the author

Other Political Affiliations:
People’s Front

residence of the author

Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow

college of the author

Alma Mater:
Saint Petersburg State University

award of the author

Order Of Honour

country of the author

Soviet Union Russia

institution of the author

Kgb; Fsb; Russian Armed Forces

date of the author

Years Of Service:
1975-1991, 1998-1999, 2000-Present

army of the author

Colonel Supreme Commander-In-Chief

army of the author

Second Chechen War, Russo-Georgian War, Russo-Ukrainian War, Syrian Civil War


Russia as a state has never interfered with the internal affairs of the president putin, let alone its elections. — Vladimir Putin

I assure you there was nothIng to that would have compromIsed presIdent trump there. — Vladimir Putin

Thank you mr president for your kind words. — Vladimir Putin

President Obama hasn’t been elected by the American people in order to be pleasant to Russia. — Vladimir Putin

i assure you there was nothing to that would have compromised president trump there Vladimir Putin quote

We are ready for such meetings, We are ready to invite president trump to moscow. president trump to moscow has this invitation already and i told president trump to moscow about it. — Vladimir Putin

We should finally acknowledge that no one but president assad’s armed forces and (kurdish) militia are truly fighting the islamic state and other terrorist organizations in syria. — Vladimir Putin

I couldn’t fInd a better place and movement, thank you for your support. I wIll run for presIdent. — Vladimir Putin

My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. — Vladimir Putin


Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle. — Vladimir Putin

nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle Vladimir Putin quote

We hope very much that dialogue will be revitalized, reneWed, because without that We can’t hope for any kind of significant progress in solving this extraordinarily important issue. — Vladimir Putin

Our and yOur predecessors understood the importance of this bridge, let us hope that we will fulfil this historic mission. undoubtedly, it will create additional opportunities for economic growth. — Vladimir Putin

Stalinism is linked with a cult of personality and massive violations of the law, with repression and camps. There is nothing like that in Russia and, I hope, will never again be. — Vladimir Putin

I hope that the responsIble fIgures In the ukraInIan leadershIp wIll not hInder soldIers In the ukraInIan army from puttIng down theIr weapons. — Vladimir Putin

But your visit to moscow gives us hope that we can at least take the first steps to restore full–scale relations between our states, russia never sought confrontation. — Vladimir Putin

I hope your actIvItIes as head of the government wIll help further strengthen the tIes of frIendshIp and allIance between our countrIes. — Vladimir Putin


I would prefer to abandon the terminology of the past. ‘Superpower’ is something which we used during the cold war time. Why use it now? — Vladimir Putin

I spend a little time every day to play sports. — Vladimir Putin

Who is Vladimir Putin?

Vladimir Putin is a former Russian intelligence officer and a politician who has served as president of Russia from 1999 to 2008 and from 2012 to the present.


They’ve asked me when i began having sex, i don’t remember … i remember exactly when i did it the last time. i can define that right down to the minute. — Vladimir Putin

I go to the gym, I swim daily and from time to time I meet with friends and do extra–curricular stuff. — Vladimir Putin

i spend a little time every day to play sports Vladimir Putin quote

It is well known to everyone that waltzes were not very well received in their time ; It was considered mauvais ton [ vulgar ] to dance a waltz. then It became classic, in fact. — Vladimir Putin

For the first time in history, we arent trying to catch up with anyone, on the contrary, other leading nations are yet to develop the weapons that russia already has. — Vladimir Putin

Our predecessors understood the significance of this bridge … and tried to complete this project a long time ago, let’s hope we can fulfill this historical mission. — Vladimir Putin

It is time to begin implementing the minsk agreements, the problem is that the current kiev authorIties don’t even want to sIt down to talks wIth them. and there is nothing we can do about It. — Vladimir Putin

You can swim any way you like in the Dead Sea, actually. — Vladimir Putin


The democratic choice Russian people made in the early 90’s is final. — Vladimir Putin

The Russian people have their own cultural code, their own tradition. — Vladimir Putin

The Russian people and Russian culture are the linchpin, the glue that binds together this unique civilization. — Vladimir Putin

For Russia, there is not and there may not be another political option but democracy. However, Russian democracy is… not at all the realization of standards imposed on us from outside. — Vladimir Putin

Russian democracy is the power of the Russian people with their own traditions of national self–government, and not the realisation of standards foisted on us from outside. — Vladimir Putin

the democratic choice russian people made in the early 90 s is final Vladimir Putin quote

The Russian people have unilaterally made their choice in direction of democracy in the early ’90s. They will not be led astray. Nobody should be having any doubts. — Vladimir Putin

The United States and Russian security services regularly exchange information. — Vladimir Putin

There is a lot of talk today about why it is happening. maybe it is a saudi–u.s. plot to punish iran, or put pressure on the russian economy or venezuela. — Vladimir Putin

I’m eternally grateful to fate and the citizens of Russia that they’ve trusted me to be the head of the Russian government. — Vladimir Putin

We have seen the russians and chinese cooperate increasingly… when it suits their interests. — Vladimir Putin

the russian people have their own cultural code their own tradition Vladimir Putin quote

Russia condemns in the strongest possible terms the attack against syria, where Russian military personnel are assisting the legitimate government in its counterterrorism efforts. — Vladimir Putin

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the issues of foreign policy and defense are fully in the hands of the president. — Vladimir Putin

Russia in the most serious way condemns the attack on syria where Russian military servicemen help the legitimate government to fight terrorism. — Vladimir Putin


There is no happiness in life, there is only a mirage on the horizon, so cherish that. — Vladimir Putin

Redundant Thematics

In Vladimir Putin Statements


Look, i haven’t been president all my life, but my previous life taught me that any of my conversation can become public. — Vladimir Putin

there is no happiness in life there is only a mirage on the horizon so cherish that Vladimir Putin quote

I have always reacted negatively to those who with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies prowl into others’ lives. — Vladimir Putin

I have a private life in which I do not permit interference. It must be respected. — Vladimir Putin

Yes, life in Chechnya so far looks more like a life after a natural disaster. — Vladimir Putin

Of course, it’s always bad to lose, Of course it’s always a hardship when you lose to yesterday’s miners or yesterday’s tractor drivers. but life is life. it’ll surely go on. — Vladimir Putin

They have never been ‘star’ children, They have never got pleasure from the spotlight being directed on them. They just live their own lives. — Vladimir Putin

i have a private life in which i do not permit interference it must be respected Vladimir Putin quote

Our aims are absolutely clear: They are a high living standard in the country and a secure, free and comfortable life. — Vladimir Putin

Kiev’s attempts to exert economic pressure on donbas (region of east ukraine) and disrupt its daily life only aggravates the situation. this is a dead–end track, fraught with a big catastrophe. — Vladimir Putin

It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. — Vladimir Putin


The United States has overstepped its borders in all spheres–economic, political and humanitarian–and has imposed itself on other states. — Vladimir Putin

The growing economic potential of India and Russia is mutually complementary in many respects. — Vladimir Putin

We do not pursue the objective of dividing anything or anyone in the eu, We are far more interested in the eu being united and flourishing because the eu is our most important trading and economic partner. — Vladimir Putin

We are heading in the right direction, We are on a trajectory of stable economic growth. yes, it’s modest growth, but it’s not falling. — Vladimir Putin

Was Vladimir Putin in the KGB?

Vladimir Putin served for 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer in the KGB, the foreign intelligence and domestic security agency of the Soviet Union.


Economic activity is moving from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean… Russia has a certain natural advantage because it also borders the Pacific Ocean. — Vladimir Putin


It’s Russia some people would like to get rid of. They are still afraid of our nuclear deterrent. We have our own foreign policy whether they like it or not. — Vladimir Putin

We can schedule this meeting regardless of international events betWeen our foreign ministries. — Vladimir Putin

It’s alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. — Vladimir Putin

If the nation is not capable of preserving itself and reproducing, if it loses it vital bearings and ideals, then it doesn’t need foreign enemies–it will fall apart on its own. — Vladimir Putin

I thInk we wIll do the followIng: for foreIgn fans who currently have fan Ids, we wIll gIve them multI–entry vIsa–free travel untIl the end of the year. — Vladimir Putin

A figure who receives money from abroad for his political work, and thus serves some foreign interest, cannot be a politician in Russia. — Vladimir Putin

I agree wIth hIm, and to have a meanIngful dIscussIon, our mInIstrIes of foreIgn affaIrs and experts should get Involved and work closely together, and of course a meetIng In person Is necessary. — Vladimir Putin


Why does the world dislike Russia? I do not think that we are unloved or considered to be ignorant. — Vladimir Putin

At last, Russia has returned to the world arena as a strong state–a country that others heed and that can stand up for itself. — Vladimir Putin

I belIeve–and I may be wrong, In whIch case I’d probably have to take a dIfferent path. but I would get along wIth a lot of the world leaders that thIs country Is not gettIng along wIth. — Vladimir Putin

In the modern world, those who are weak will get unambiguous advice from foreign visitors which way to go and what policy course to pursue. — Vladimir Putin

Artificial intelligence is the future, not only of russia, but of all of mankind, whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world. — Vladimir Putin

The whole world recognizes Russia’s cultural achievements. It is impossible to imagine the world culture without Russian culture, without our music and literature. — Vladimir Putin

Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan, ‘You’re either with us or against us.’ — Vladimir Putin

What is a uni–polar world? No matter how we beautify this term, it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master. — Vladimir Putin

Russia does not and cannot have any political choice but democracy. I want to say, and even stress, that we share those universal democratic principles taken around the whole world. — Vladimir Putin

Why is Vladimir Putin still in power?

When Vladimir Putin was named president in 1999, Russia’s constitution limited the president to two consecutive terms.

That’s why, after his second term ended in 2008, he served as prime minister before becoming president again in 2012.

However, in January 2020 Putin drafted a constitutional amendment that would allow him to remain president for two more terms.

It was included in a package of amendments that was approved by the Russian legislature and, in July, by Russian voters in a national referendum. .
