The Best Virgil Latin quotes

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What can you say about a poet who is considered one of the greatest authors in all of history? Virgil was not only a master of Latin, but his poetry also reflected the turmoil of his era. Born in 70 BC, Virgil experienced firsthand the civil wars that plagued Rome. Despite this instability, he managed to produce some of the most enduring works in Latin literature. This blog post will explore Virgil’s life and legacy, providing an introduction to his poetry for those who may be unfamiliar with it.

Discover the most known Learning, Yield, Time quotes from Virgil Latin, and much more.

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About Virgil Latin

birth of the author

Publius Vergilius Maro 15 October 70 Bc Near Mantua, Cisalpine Gaul, Roman Republic

death of the author

21 September 19 Bc Brundisium, Italy, Roman Empire

occupation of the author


country of the author


genre of the author

Epic Poetry, Didactic Poetry, Pastoral Poetry

movement of the author

Literary Movement:
Augustan Poetry


All things deteriorate in time. โ€” Virgil

Time is flying never to return. โ€” Virgil

Time bears away all things. โ€” Virgil

Time meanwhile is flying, flying beyond recall. โ€” Virgil

Time passes irrevocably. โ€” Virgil

There should be no strife with the vanquished or the dead. โ€” Virgil

Perhaps even these things, one day, will be pleasing to remember. โ€” Virgil

Maybe one day we shall be glad to remember even these hardships. โ€” Virgil

Endure, and keep yourselves for days of happiness. โ€” Virgil

All our sweetest hours fly fastest. โ€” Virgil

Then endure for a while, and live for a happier day! โ€” Virgil

Perhaps the day may come when we shall remember these sufferings with joy. โ€” Virgil


Amor vincit omnia, et nos cedamus amori. Love conquers all things, so we too shall yield to love. โ€” Virgil

Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely. โ€” Virgil

Yield not to calamity, but face her boldly. โ€” Virgil

Yield not to evils, but attack all the more boldly. โ€” Virgil

Do not yield to misfortunes, but advance more boldly to meet them, as your fortune permits you. โ€” Virgil

Why is Virgil famous?

Virgil was regarded by the Romans as their greatest poet, an estimation that subsequent generations have upheld.

His fame rests chiefly upon the Aeneid, which tells the story of Romeโ€™s legendary founder and proclaims the Roman mission to civilize the world under divine guidance


To have died once is enough. โ€” Virgil

Is it then so sad a thing to die? โ€” Virgil

Each of us bears his own Hell. โ€” Virgil

Your descendants shall gather your fruits. โ€” Virgil

From a single crime know the nation. โ€” Virgil

O you who have borne even heavier things, to these too, God will grant an end! โ€” Virgil

We may be masters of our every lot By bearing it. โ€” Virgil

Whatever may happen, every kind of fortune is to be overcome by bearing it. โ€” Virgil

Their rage supplies them with weapons. โ€” Virgil

Fury itself supplies arms. โ€” Virgil


Learn all from one thing.โ€“Ab uno disce omnes โ€” Virgil

From my example learn to be just, and not to despise the gods. โ€” Virgil

He is fortunate who had been able to learn the causes of things.โ€“Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas โ€” Virgil

Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things. โ€” Virgil

Myself acquainted with misfortune, I learn to help the unfortunate. โ€” Virgil

I have known sorrow and learned to aid the wretched. โ€” Virgil

Redundant Thematics

In Virgil Latin Statements


Inspiring Phrases From Virgil Latin

A fickle and changeful thing is a woman ever. โ€” Virgil

Love begets love, love knows no rules, this is same for all. โ€” Virgil

How can there be such anger in the minds of the gods? โ€” Virgil

May the countryside and the gliding valley streams content me. Lost to fame, let me love river and woodland. โ€” Virgil

Impotent fury rages powerless and to no purpose. โ€” Virgil

Let not our proposal be disregarded on the score of our youth. โ€” Virgil

In his deepest heart there surge tremendous shame and madness mixed with sorrow and love whipped on by frenzy and a courage aware of its own worth. โ€” Virgil

Various Statements From Virgil Latin

Such is the love of praise, so great the anxiety for victory. โ€” Virgil

Love conquers all things. โ€” Virgil

Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance. โ€” Virgil

A shifty, fickle object is woman, always. (Varium et mutabile semper femina.) โ€” Virgil

That which an enraged woman can accomplish. โ€” Virgil

Each draws to his bestโ€“loved. โ€” Virgil

Each man is led by his own liking. โ€” Virgil

More Phrases From Virgil Latin

Audaces fortuna iuvat (latin)โ€“Fortune favors the bold. โ€” Virgil

The Britons are quite separated from all the world. โ€” Virgil

Who asks whether the enemy was defeated by strategy or valor? โ€” Virgil

These passions of soul, these conflicts so fierce, will cease, and be repressed by the casting of a little dust. โ€” Virgil

Where did Virgil grow up?

Virgil was born of peasant stock in northern Italy, and his love of the Italian countryside and of the people who cultivated it colours all his poetry.

The Georgics is a superb plea for the restoration of traditional agricultural life in Italy and contains practical instruction about plowing, growing trees, tending cattle, and keeping bees


They can do all because they think they can. โ€” Virgil

They are able who think they are able. โ€” Virgil

We are not all able to do all things. โ€” Virgil

Deeper Quotes From Virgil Latin

Nunc scio quit sit amor.’ Lat., ‘Now I know what love is. โ€” Virgil

We can’t all do everything. โ€” Virgil

O accursed hunger of gold, to what dost thou not compel human hearts! โ€” Virgil

If one swain scorns you, you will soon find another. โ€” Virgil
