The Best Vegan quotes

There are a lot of misconceptions about veganism. Some people think that it’s impossible to be a vegan, that it’s too restrictive and that it’s a trend that will eventually die out. But the truth is, veganism is becoming more and more popular each year, with more and more people embracing the compassionate lifestyle. And for good reason – there are so many benefits to being vegan! These quotes from famous vegans illustrate just some of those reasons…

The best vegan quotes

1. I’ve been vegan for about 10 and a half years. It’s been all good. I’m obviously much healthier — Woody Harrelson

2. I know a lot of angry liberals right now. Hell, I know a lot of angry vegans. — Russell Simmons

3. I felt bad for the girls in my school, who flocked to prom like it was the second coming of Christ, complete with double–rainbows and unicorns. — G.G. Silverman, Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress

4. The more animal products you remove from your diet, the better you feel. The difference between vegetarian and vegan is huge. I feel so much better as a vegan. — Pamela Anderson

5. I never intended to become a zombie huntress; I had only intended to protest prom, high school’s last bastion of patriarchal society. — G.G. Silverman, Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress

6. This is what my high school life had become–a horror show of epic, mind–fuck proportions. — G.G. Silverman, Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress

7. Leandros’s favorite place had turned out not to be vegetarian, but vegan, which was for people who preferred their suicide slow. — Rob Thurman, Blackout

8. I brought hIm some vegan food, and now It’s a tradItIon that I brIng hIm vegan food every tIme I see hIm, and I see hIm a lot. — Pamela Anderson

9. I have been really enjoying making a project out of seeking out an extremely healthy diet of raw, organic, vegan foods–and I plan on continuing to do so. — Steve–O

10. Spain is more vegan–friendly than you’ve been led to believe. The truth is, most places are. — Wendy Werneth

11. Vegans are always wrong, but damn pleased with themselves — Rasmussen

12. The more animal products you remove from your diet, the better you feel. The difference between vegetarian and vegan is huge. I feel so much better as a vegan. — Pamela Anderson

13. I’ve been vegan for about 10 and a half years. It’s been all good. I’m obviously much healthier — Woody Harrelson

14. Mainly I’m a vegan because I like animals, and I don’t want to be involved in their suffering. Also, it’s better for my health and for the environment. — Moby

15. Vegan is just pure love. Love for animals, love for the planet, and love for yourself. — Mischa Temaul

16. Aa is for animals, friends, not food. We don’t eat our friends. They would find it quite rude! — Ruby Roth, V Is for Vegan: The ABCs of Being Kind

17. You can’t jump to vegan if you’re not. Some people are absolute. Some people are able to be gradual. — Russell Simmons

18. Monogamous musicians are like vegan hockey players. — Rob Sheffield, Talking to Girls About Duran Duran: One Young Man’s Quest for True Love and a Cooler Haircut

19. I brought hIm some vegan food, and now It’s a tradItIon that I brIng hIm vegan food every tIme I see hIm, and I see hIm a lot. — Pamela Anderson

20. I have been following a vegan diet now since the 1980s, and find it not only healthier, but also much more attractive than the chunks of meat that were on my plate as a child. — Neal Barnard

21. To be a gluten–free vegan is, like, the most difficult thing you can possibly be. — Zooey Deschanel

22. I was raised vegan. My mom would always make quinoa with squash and kale, hippie stuff like that. Now I eat meat, but I try to be conscious about where it’s coming from. — Zoe Kravitz

23. Being a vegan is pretty easy these days, as almost every town and city has health food stores and vegetarian–friendly restaurants. — Moby

24. I was raised vegan. My mom would always make quinoa with squash and kale, hippie stuff like that. Now I eat meat, but I try to be conscious about where it’s coming from. — Zoe Kravitz

25. You can’t jump to vegan if you’re not. Some people are absolute. Some people are able to be gradual. — Russell Simmons

26. Being a vegan is pretty easy these days, as almost every town and city has health food stores and vegetarian–friendly restaurants. — Moby

27. Monogamous musicians are like vegan hockey players. — Rob Sheffield, Talking to Girls About Duran Duran: One Young Man’s Quest for True Love and a Cooler Haircut

28. I am a vegan because I don’t want to support the cruel industry that goes on on farms everyday. — Zoe Rosenberg

29. I was raised Southern, where every meal had meat on table, but I don’t eat that way in life. I’ve been experimenting with a lot of vegetarian and vegan food. — Trisha Yearwood

30. I thought a vegan diet would be too difficult, being on the road so much, but it’s been far easier than I thought. — Michelle Forbes

31. My fridge is really just vegan: coconut water, Gatorade (my favorite!), cucumbers, mint, kale, vegetables, ginger, and wheat grass. — Serena Williams

32. To be a gluten–free vegan is, like, the most difficult thing you can possibly be. — Zooey Deschanel

33. Vegans are always wrong, but damn pleased with themselves — Rasmussen

34. I never intended to become a zombie huntress; I had only intended to protest prom, high school’s last bastion of patriarchal society. — G.G. Silverman, Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress

35. Monogamous musicians are like vegan hockey players. — Rob Sheffield, Talking to Girls About Duran Duran: One Young Man’s Quest for True Love and a Cooler Haircut

36. I have been really enjoying making a project out of seeking out an extremely healthy diet of raw, organic, vegan foods–and I plan on continuing to do so. — Steve–O

37. I was raised Southern, where every meal had meat on table, but I don’t eat that way in life. I’ve been experimenting with a lot of vegetarian and vegan food. — Trisha Yearwood

38. I brought hIm some vegan food, and now It’s a tradItIon that I brIng hIm vegan food every tIme I see hIm, and I see hIm a lot. — Pamela Anderson

39. I have been really enjoying making a project out of seeking out an extremely healthy diet of raw, organic, vegan foods–and I plan on continuing to do so. — Steve–O

40. There’s a vegan and gluten–free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing. — Zooey Deschanel

41. Even as zombies, ridiculous prom gowns were the downfall of teenage girls, crippling them at the knees. — G.G. Silverman, Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress

42. I brought hIm some vegan food, and now It’s a tradItIon that I brIng hIm vegan food every tIme I see hIm, and I see hIm a lot. — Pamela Anderson

43. I have been following a vegan diet now since the 1980s, and find it not only healthier, but also much more attractive than the chunks of meat that were on my plate as a child. — Neal Barnard

44. Monogamous musicians are like vegan hockey players. — Rob Sheffield, Talking to Girls About Duran Duran: One Young Man’s Quest for True Love and a Cooler Haircut

45. Aa is for animals, friends, not food. We don’t eat our friends. They would find it quite rude! — Ruby Roth, V Is for Vegan: The ABCs of Being Kind

46. There’s a vegan and gluten–free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing. — Zooey Deschanel

47. I’m a level 5 vegan, I don’t eat anything that casts a shadow. — Matt Groening

48. I’m really not an angry vegan, but human beings are f***ing rude. — Russell Simmons

49. There’s a vegan and gluten–free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing. — Zooey Deschanel

50. Vegans are always wrong, but damn pleased with themselves — Rasmussen


Veganism is a lifestyle choice that is becoming increasingly popular across the globe. While it is often associated with health and environmental benefits, it can also be a powerful way to make a statement about the ethical treatment of animals. These inspiring quotes about veganism from some of the world’s most influential figures will hopefully encourage you to make the switch to a plant-based diet. Whether you’re an animal lover or simply looking to reduce your environmental impact, veganism is a compassionate, healthy, and sustainable way of life.
