The Best Trump quotes

In honor of Donald Trump’s presidential victory, we’ve collected some of his most memorable quotes—both business advice and more controversial statements. Whether you’re a Trump supporter or not, there’s no denying that he is a successful businessman with plenty of wisdom to share.

The best trump quotes

1. Fox really today is the dominant communication media for conservatives, something which donald trump has understood and used brilliantly. — Newt Gingrich

2. Donald Trump has nobody helping him other than the people that voted for him. — Rush Limbaugh

3. I’m worried just as much about Donald Trump as that crazy guy in North Korea–and he has a nuclear code. I’m worrying about that. — Spike Lee

4. You can criticize Trump and his wealth all day long, but you can’t say he hasn’t worked. You can say that about the Clintons. — Rush Limbaugh

5. What people don’t realize about Donald Trump–and I don’t even know if Donald Trump realizes it–is that every tweet he unleashes against you… creates such a crescendo of anger. — Megyn Kelly

6. Contrary to popular wisdom, knowledge is not power–it’s potential power. Knowledge is not mastery. Execution is mastery. Execution will trump knowledge every day of the week. — Tony Robbins

7. You don’t have to go that far back–March 2017–and Donald Trump was already getting frustrated with the fact that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan were stonewalling him. — Rush Limbaugh

8. Some people really expected he could do that, would do that. They’re not expecting [Donald Trump] to target Hillary [Clinton], just to clean out the swamp. — Rush Limbaugh

9. The guy is completely crazy. The story of Trump: a president with horrible instincts — Philip Rucker

10. Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business. god help us! — michael bloomberg

11. That is to say, Hillary Clinton is not, in my mind, a satisfying or calming alternative to Donald Trump. — Viggo Mortensen

12. Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business. god help us! — michael bloomberg

13. In today’s society, looking good and feeling good often trumps doing good and being good. And some people don’t know the difference anymore. — Ravi Zacharias

14. If Trump remains honest and seems like a person who’s authentic, he’s going to go a long way. — Newt Gingrich

15. There are a few things [Donald Trump] has been pretty clear he’ll do. A big infrastructure program that he’ll get bipartisan support for. — William Kristol

16. These people in the media, they may hate Donald Trump, but they cannot stop covering him. — Rush Limbaugh

17. Donald] Trump and his Trumpeteers, well, they’re not conservative enough. — Sarah Palin

18. We have good reason to believe that there is a bombshell in donald trump’s taxes. — Mitt Romney

19. There’s nothing that he can cooperate about with regard to president donald trump, i am absolutely certain of that from everything i know about that investigation. — Rudy Giuliani

20. Donald trump is the only president who has decided not to represent the whole country. donald trump has donald trump base. — joe biden

21. Facism] that incredibly loaded word we do not associate with the real American politics is being used by other conservatives, by other Republicans to talk about Donald Trump. — Rachel Maddow

22. People] look at [Donald Trump] not prosecuting Hillary [Clinton] as maybe, uh–oh. — Rush Limbaugh

23. I enjoy singing, and the instruments which truly move me are the horn, the trumpet and the cello. — Roger Bannister

24. I have this belief that Donald Trump keeps floating the idea that he will quit the party and run as an independent if the Republican Party does not treat him fairly. — Rachel Maddow

25. This is a short–term bill….but i think it demonstrates that in president trump’s leadership the american people have a president who can bring together both parties. — Rush Limbaugh

26. You think the pope is mad that Donald Trump said Two Corinthians instead of ‘second’? Get this. Pope Francis just said that contraception can be justified now. — Rush Limbaugh

27. You might have some people that disagree with populism and anti–globalism and so forth, but Donald Trump has no desire to undermine America. — Rush Limbaugh

28. President Trump is doing a great job of demonstrating how mean the rich can be to the poor, sick and elderly. — Steven Magee

29. Donald Trump represents and speaks for people who get nothing from government. — Rush Limbaugh

30. Barack Obama believes he has the same kind of connection to the American people that Trump has. — Rush Limbaugh

31. Cruz trusts god. Cruz trusts james madison. that’s why i trust Cruz, you know what iowa, that trumps trump. — Phil Robertson

32. There are a few things [Donald Trump] has been pretty clear he’ll do. A big infrastructure program that he’ll get bipartisan support for. — William Kristol

33. This is no time for donald trumps record of hysteria and xenophobia––hysterical xenophobia––and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science. — joe biden

34. The guy is completely crazy. The story of Trump: a president with horrible instincts — Philip Rucker

35. I really love what [Donald] Trump is doing. He is doing a great job of exposing the republicans for what they really are. — Tommy Chong

36. Kindness trumps everything. Kind people are magnets for all of the good things in life. — Tom Giaquinto, Be A Good Human

37. Tell the truth or trump–but get the trick. — Mark Twain

38. Donald Trump beat Jeb Bush and beat Hillary Clinton. And when everyone thinks of Donald Trump that’s pretty impressive. — William Kristol

39. Never in my lifetime has there been more misogyny on display than during the 2016 election. It was disgusting. The biggest offender: Donald Trump. — Mel Robbins

40. Nothing in that conversation suggests that donald trump had any knowledge of it in advance. — Rudy Giuliani

41. I really love what [Donald] Trump is doing. He is doing a great job of exposing the republicans for what they really are. — Tommy Chong

42. I’ve been to Mar–a–Lago. I’m not going to Trump Tower. — Rush Limbaugh

43. Donald Trump is gonna immediately start canceling some executive orders and repealing Obamacare. — Rush Limbaugh

44. Look, man, all I am is a trumpet player. — Miles Davis

45. In the Christianity of Christendom the Cross has become something like the child’s hobby–horse and trumpet. — Soren Kierkegaard

46. The way [Donald Trump] is dealing with this now is to say (paraphrasing), ‘I don’t want these A–listers here. I’m not asking these people to perform. — Rush Limbaugh

47. Donald] Trump wasn’t even in public life back in 2002–2003. There was nothing Trump could have done one way or the other no matter what he thought about it. — Rush Limbaugh

48. Hmmm–a couple of spanks and trump started acting more appropriate. john kelly, you know what to do. — Stephen Colbert

49. Trump’s ignorance in environmental science is a threat to the entire planet. — Tom Morello

50. Therefore it is most expedient for the wise, if Don Worm (his conscience) find no impediment to the contrary, to be the trumpet of his own virtues, as I am to myself. — William Shakespeare


In conclusion, Donald Trump has been a source of controversy since his election. Despite this, his quotes have been incredibly influential in many ways. Whether you agree or disagree with him, his words have resonated with people from all walks of life. As we continue to see the consequences of his policies and decisions, it’s important to remember some of the best quotes about Trump and the power of his words.
