The Best Triumph quotes

Triumph quotes are words of wisdom that can help you to stay motivated when times are tough. They are short, powerful statements that can help to remind you of your potential and inspire you to keep going even when the going gets tough. Whether you’re struggling to get through a difficult situation, battling with a personal issue, or simply need a little pick-me-up, these quotes can give you the strength to keep going. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most inspiring triumph quotes, and how they can help you to stay motivated and reach your goals.

The best triumph quotes

1. Even greater than my fear that l was crazy, was my lifelong dread that someone would find out. — Sarah E. Olson, Becoming One: A Story of Triumph Over Dissociative Identity Disorder

2. The triumph of justice is the only peace. — Robert Green Ingersoll

3. Surrender to your fear so you may triumph over it. — Simon Holt, The Devouring

4. Our triumph over sorrow is not that we can avoid it but that we can endure it. And therein lies our hope — that in spirit we might become bigger than the problems we face.

5. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you–always. — Oprah Winfrey

6. Corruption is never compulsory. — Sheldon Vanauken, A Severe Mercy: A Story of Faith, Tragedy and Triumph

7. His genius had only begun to flower. This was only journalism, after all, a cup of tea on the way to his eventual triumph as a novelist. — Tom Wolfe

8. There is nothing staid, nothing settled, in this universe. All is rippling, all is dancing; all is quickness and triumph. — Virginia Woolf

9. Any film is about heroism: the triumph of good over evil. If you look back at my films, you will see that as a recurring theme. — Salman Khan

10. Every obstacle in his journey became a milestone, an occasion for further triumph. We have a model in front of us now, a model who blazes our trail and gives us strength. — Nikos Kazantzakis

11. Our triumphant age of plenty is riddled with darker feelings of doubt, cynicism, distrust, boredom and a strange kind of emptiness — Samuel Johnson

12. The joy of life consists in the inevitable, continual triumph of new values. — Wassily Kandinsky

13. The fate of war is to be exalted in the morning, and low enough at night! There is but one step from triumph to ruin. — Napoleon Bonaparte

14. Our triumph over sorrow is not that we can avoid it but that we can endure it. And therein lies our hope — that in spirit we might become bigger than the problems we face.

15. All that’s required for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. — Richard Paul Evans, Battle of the Ampere

16. For love is exultant when it unites equals, but it is triumphant when it makes that which was unequal equal in love. — Soren Kierkegaard

17. As I see it, my focus has never been on masculine power rampant and triumphant but rather on the antithesis: masculine power impaired. — Philip Roth

18. ‘happily ever after?” ”If justice doesn’t triumph and love doesn’t make the circle in entertainment fiction, what’s the point? Real life sucks too often.’ — Nora Roberts, Angels Fall

19. So every creative act strives to attain an absolute status it longs to create a world of beauty to triumph over chaos and convert it to order. — Rowan D. Williams

20. Failure is an open invitation to improve and engage your frustrations with a refined energy of triumphant effort. — Unarine Ramaru

21. The victors called the revolution a triumph of liberty; but now and then liberty in the slogans of the strong means freedom from restraint in the exploitation of the weak. — Will Durant

22. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. — Nelson Mandela

23. The soul is never perfectly secure from the influence of passion; the occasional tranquility she seems to enjoy, is rather relaxation than imperturbable triumph. — Norm Macdonald

24. Effort will always triumph over unapplied potential. — Mensah Oteh

25. In a neurotic society, insane ideas can become ‘normal’, the current triumph of tribalism is the result of rabid global anti–intellectualism. — Martijn Benders

26. The triumph can’t be had without the struggle. — Wilma Rudolph

27. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

28. I had rather be defeated in a cause that will ultimately triumph than triumph in a cause that will ultimately be defeated. — Woodrow Wilson

29. Man is spirit––that is all man needs to know; and spirit is triumphant over matter. — White Eagle

30. Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it. — Ralph Marston

31. Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it. — Ralph Marston

32. Both triumph and disaster are impostors. — Rudyard Kipling

33. Our triumph over sorrow is not that we can avoid it but that we can endure it. And therein lies our hope — that in spirit we might become bigger than the problems we face.

34. Barbarianism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is the whim of circumstance. And barbarianism must ultimately triumph — Robert E. Howard

35. I know In my heart that man Is good. that what Is rIght wIll always eventually trIumph. and there’s purpose and worth to each and every lIfe. — Ronald Reagan

36. In between your failure–treeAnd your triumph–tree, The tree that is growingIs known as your patience–tree. — Sri Chinmoy, The Wings of Joy: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace

37. We often read the Bible as if it were fundamentally about us: our improvement, our life, our triumph, our victory, our faith, our holiness, our godliness. — Tullian Tchividjian

38. Every great and commanding moment in the annals of the world is the triumph of some enthusiasm. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

39. ‘how careless of me!” By which she meant that she had deduced that he had found [them] in his pocket and pitied him for needing to be forever in the right.’ — Tom Holt, Lucia Triumphant

40. Ethics is the triumph of freedom over facticity. — Simone de Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity

41. We’re starting to look at a new way of being, and I know ultimately that it will triumph. I think it’s coming soon, too. — Wayne Dyer

42. Real courage embraces the twin realities of current difficulty and ultimate triumph. — Max Lucado

43. Success is the doing, not the getting–in the trying, not the triumph. — Zig Ziglar

44. The problem with procrastination is it’s been around since the beginning of time it seems. — Stephen Richards, The Secret of Getting Started: Strategies to Triumph over Procrastination

45. Samuel Johnson said a second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience, ‘ Kirkland said. — Mary Jo Putney

46. A sage benefits from his mistakes more than a fool benefits from his triumphs. — Matshona Dhliwayo

47. For love is exultant when it unites equals, but it is triumphant when it makes that which was unequal equal in love. — Soren Kierkegaard

48. The point is, Ilsa Hermann had decided to make suffering her triumph. When it refused to let go of her, she succumbed to it. She embraced it. — Markus Zusak

49. Burn pedants in pale fire. Accept no fashions. Be your own fashion. Do not rely on earlier triumphs. Be new at each appearance. — Vladimir Nabokov

50. Nothing fails like success nothing is so defeated as yesterday’s triumphant cause. — Phyllis McGinley


Remember, never give up on yourself. No matter how hard life gets, you have the strength and determination to continue on and triumph. Keep these inspiring triumph quotes close to your heart, and you’ll be ready to take on any challenge life throws your way!
