The Best Tongue quotes

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know that your success depends on your ability to think on your feet. And if there’s one thing that can help you do that, it’s having a quick wit. That’s why we’ve put together this compilation of tongue quotes – to help you come up with the perfect comeback when you need it most.


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The best tongue quotes

1. In this walk to freedom, we must, without question obtain hearts of honesty and a tongue of truthfulness. — The Tru Sum, Excerpts To Exodus

2. The heart hath treble wrong When it is barr’d the aidance of the tongue. — William Shakespeare

3. Stay with me to–night; you must see me die. I have long had the taste of death on my tongue, I smell death, and who will stand by my Constanze, if you do not stay? — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

4. Don’t be a pepper on the eyes of people — Rather be the salt on their tongue and make a difference that influences their sense of belonging to the earth.

5. As he spoke all tongues, he entered into all hearts. — Victor Hugo

6. Silence, maiden; thy tongue outruns thy discretion. — Walter Scott

7. I should sell my tongue and buy a thousand ears when that One steps near and begins to speak. — Rumi

8. The Land of Faery, Where nobody gets old and godly and grave, Where nobody gets old and crafty and wise, Where nobody gets old and bitter of tongue. — William Butler Yeats

9. Silence is the mother of all tongues — Sudheer Reddy

10. Be silent. That heart speaks without tongue or lips. — Rumi

11. My tongue is prone to lose the way, Not so my pen, for in a letterWe have not better things to say, But surely put them better. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

12. I want to make wines that harmonize with food–wines that almost hug your tongue with gentleness. — Robert Mondavi

13. I swear to hold my tongue about it till the end of your worship’s days, and God grant I may be able to let it out tomorrow — Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

14. He had to accept the fate of every newcomer to a small town where there are plenty of tongues that gossip and few minds that think. — Victor Hugo

15. If you dissect a bird / to diagram the tongue, / you’ll cut the chord / articulating song. — Sylvia Plath

16. Your tongue, His name. — Steven Chopade

17. Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound. — Peace Pilgrim

18. Tongue–tied and twisted, just an earth–bound misfit, I. — Pink Floyd

19. A dream…I was trying to explain to St. Peter, and was doing it in the German tongue, because I didn’t want to be too explicit. — Mark Twain

20. For we which now behold these present days have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise. — William Shakespeare

21. Tears are the noble language of eyes, and when true love of words is destitute. The eye by tears speak, while the tongue is mute. — Robert Herrick

22. His dreamscape sent a tongue of fire across my flowers. — Samantha Shannon, The Mime Order

23. Be silent. That heart speaks without tongue or lips. — Rumi

24. Knowledge, he realized, ‘was obtained rather by the use of the ear than of the tongue. — Walter Isaacson

25. Jesus, what are you doing to me?’ He whispered. ‘Nothing, ‘ I gasped, when his tongue circled my ear. ‘Baby, if that’s nothing, you’re gonna kill me when it means something. — C.P. Smith

26. It is childish to eat primarily or only to please your tongue. — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

27. Miss Gerhart, the last time I saw you, you had quite a mouthful to shout at me. You’re really quiet today. Cat got your tongue? — J.B. McGee, Broken

28. If the tongue had not been framed for articulation, man would still be a beast in the forest. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

29. Gently he probed her mouth, his tongue stroking hers in an erotic rhythm that had her nipples tightening and her pussy dampening. — Savannah Stuart, Claiming Her Warriors

30. The walls were wet and sticky, and peach juice was dripping from the ceiling. James opened his mouth and caught some of it on his tongue. It tasted delicious. — Roald Dahl

31. I want to know, ‘ he breathed, his tongue moving between her breasts. ‘When do we get to be bad again?’ She smiled big. ‘Baby, I thought you’d never ask. — Stylo Fantome, The Bad Ones

32. Be wise as thou art cruel, do not press My tongue–tied patience with too much disdain: Lest sorrow lend me words and words express, The manner of my pity–wanting pain. — William Shakespeare

33. So many miseries have craz’d my voice, That my woe–wearied tongue is still and mute. — William Shakespeare

34. A good memory and a tongue tied in the middle is a combination which gives immortality to conversation. — Mark Twain

35. The tongue may hide the truth but the eyes–never! — Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

36. A silent tongue does not betray its owner — sheik ahmed hassoun

37. You can’t swallow and think about your tongue. If you think about your tongue, you’ve got a giant piece of meat in your mouth and that’s a terrible feeling. — Stephen Colbert

38. If onlyour tongueswere made of glasshow muchmore carefulwe would bewhen wespeak — Shaun Shane

39. I have made a pact with my tongue, not to speak when my heart is disturbed. — Saint Francis De Sales

40. Steer your boat with justice: forge A tongue on truth’s anvil. — Pindar, Selected Odes

41. Rumour: ‘Upon my tongues continual slanders ride, The which in every language I pronounce, Stuffing the ears of men with false reports. — William Shakespeare

42. Thus I die. Thus, thus, thus. Now I am dead, Now I am fled, My soul is in the sky. Tongue, lose thy light. Moon take thy flight. Now die, die, die, die. — William Shakespeare

43. Why should repeat 2–3 for the same question. Let tongue and brain connect before talking.I’m not sarcastic, I’m just brutally honest ! — ikke achmad

44. I cannot, nor I will not hold me still; My tongue, though not my heart, shall have his will. — William Shakespeare

45. I’m sticking my tongue out in scenes to try to make that work in 3D. I’m thinking I’ll try to get my tongue all the way out to the second row of the audience. — Nicolas Cage

46. The problem with the world is that everyone does not have a brain, but everyone does have a tongue. — Raheel Farooq

47. I’m sticking my tongue out in scenes to try to make that work in 3D. I’m thinking I’ll try to get my tongue all the way out to the second row of the audience. — Nicolas Cage

48. My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach, with the twirl of my tongue I encompass words and volumes of words. — Walt Whitman

49. My cooking spoon, My magic wand, Of this dish, You will be fond. — The Silver Elves, The Elf Folks’ Book of Cookery: Recipes for a Delighted Tongue, a Healthy Body and a Magical Life

50. I swear to hold my tongue about it till the end of your worship’s days, and God grant I may be able to let it out tomorrow — Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote


We hope that this collection of the best quotes about tongue has helped you reflect on how amazing our tongues are! Our tongues are powerful, for they can be used to speak in love, to encourage and to build up, or to wound and tear down. Use your words wisely, and choose to speak words of life and love.

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