The Best Theodor Herzl quotes

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Theodor Herzl was a visionary thinker who is credited with founding Zionism, a movement that called for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Despite encountering significant challenges and setbacks, Herzl never gave up on his dream, and his work ultimately led to the creation of Israel. This quotes compilation offers an inside look at Herzl’s life and accomplishments, and provides inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere.

Here are the deepest quotes from Theodor Herzl, and much more.

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About Theodor Herzl

birth of the author

2 May 1860

death of the author

3 July 1904

country of the author


education of the author


college of the author

Alma Mater:
University Of Vienna

occupation of the author

Journalist, Playwright, Writer, Political Activist

knownfor of the author

Known For:
Father Of Modern Political Zionism

Inspiring Phrases From Theodor Herzl

The land which the Society of Jews will have secured by international law must naturally be privately owned. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Economic distress, political pressure, and social obloquy already drive us from our homes and from our graves. The Jews are already constantly shifting from place to place. โ€” Theodor Herzl

The body is] a marvelous machine…a chemical laboratory, a powerโ€“house. every movement, voluntary or involuntary, full of secrets and marvels! โ€” Theodor Herzl

But I am convinced that those Jews who stand aside today with a malicious smile and with their hands in their trousers’ pockets will also want to dwell in our beautiful home. โ€” Theodor Herzl

The Jews had, as a matter of fact, long been all along the most ingenious entrepreneurs. It was only our own future that we had never built upon a business basis. โ€” Theodor Herzl

The Jewish people asked nothing of its sons except not to be denied. The world is grateful to every great man when he brings it something; only the paternal home thanks the son who brings nothing but himself. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Four years ago in speaking of a Jewish nation one ran the risk of being regarded ridiculous. Today he makes himself ridiculous who denies the existence of a Jewish nation. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Various Statements From Theodor Herzl

We are organizing Jewry for its coming destiny. โ€” Theodor Herzl

The character of a people may be ruined by charity. โ€” Theodor Herzl

we are organizing jewry for its coming destiny Theodor Herzl quote

Palestine is our unforgettable historic home. The very name would be a force of marvelous potency for summoning our people together. โ€” Theodor Herzl

When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse. โ€” Theodor Herzl

If you will it, it’s not a dream. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Those of us who are today prepared to hazard our lives for the cause would regret having raised a finger, if we were able to organize only a new social system and not a more righteous one. โ€” Theodor Herzl

the character of a people may be ruined by charity Theodor Herzl quote

More Phrases From Theodor Herzl

Practical’ people are as a rule nothing more than men sunk into the groove of daily routine, unable to emerge from a narrow circle of antiquated ideas. โ€” Theodor Herzl

It is true that we aspire to our ancient land. But what we want in that ancient land is a new blossoming of the Jewish spirit. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Dream and deed are not as different as many think. All the deeds of men are dreams at first, and become dreams in the end. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Do you know out of what the German Empire arose? Out of dreams, songs, fantasies and blackโ€“redโ€“gold ribbons? Bismarck merely shook the tree that fantasies had planted. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Redundant Thematics

In Theodor Herzl Statements


Our first object is… the obtaining of sovereignty, assured by international law, over a portion of the globe sufficiently large to satisfy our just requirements. โ€” Theodor Herzl

travellers do not produce railways but conversely railways produce travellers Theodor Herzl quote

Travellers do not produce railways, but conversely, railways produce travellers. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Philanthropic colonization is a failure. National colonization will succeed. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Deeper Quotes From Theodor Herzl

The wealth of a country is its working people. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Dreams and actions are not so different as usually thought, as all actions of men are founded upon dreams, and their endโ€“is a dream too. โ€” Theodor Herzl

I prefer being penetrated by iron to seeing Palestine is loose. โ€” Theodor Herzl

the wealth of a country is its working people Theodor Herzl quote

But we wish to give the Jews a Homeland. Not by dragging them ruthlessly out of their sustaining soil, but rather by removing them carefully, roots and all, to a better terrain. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Truly we have had enough experience with sufferance and protection which could be revoked at will. Consequently, the only reasonable Course of action is to work for publicly legalized guarantees. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Realists are, as a rule, only men in the rut of routine who are incapable of transcending a narrow circle of antiquated notions. โ€” Theodor Herzl

Zionism demands a publicly recognized and legally secured homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people. This platform is unchangeable. โ€” Theodor Herzl

THEODOR HERZL Quotes Take Away

Herzlโ€™s words ring as true today as they did over a hundred years ago. We continue to face challenges, but with determination and optimism we can overcome them. At The School of Entrepreneurship, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship and self-reliance to create change. If you are interested in learning more about how to start your own business or become more successful in your current career, check out our courses. We offer online and in-person programs that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to make your dreams a reality.