Ray Lewis quotes on watching
Watching the season for me is about watching the chess matches. -Ray Lewis

The hardest thing to do is work hard when no one is watching. -Ray Lewis
I love watching the Serengeti, the way lions live. The only way the king lion loses his crown is by somebody physically defeating him. -Ray Lewis
I’ve got kids that are always watching and I taught them to always finish something you started. -Ray Lewis

Success is one thing, impact is another. -Ray Lewis
You can talk about what you see from the outside; it’s hard to tell me who I am when you’re just looking at me with a football uniform on. That’s a totally different person. That’s my job, that’s it. -Ray Lewis
Don’t waste talent No matter what you do, don’t waste talent. -Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis quotes on effort
Effort is between you and you. -Ray Lewis

It has nothing to do with talent, and everything to do with effort! Wins and losses come a dime a dozen. But effort? Nobody can judge that. Because effort is between you and you. -Ray Lewis
Wins and losses come a dime a dozen. But effort? Nobody can judge effort. Effort is between you and you. Effort ain’t got nothing to do with nobody else. -Ray Lewis
In any war, you put your back to mine, I put my back to yours, and let’s do what we gotta do. -Ray Lewis

To be the best and stay there, sweat is necessary. -Ray Lewis
In any war who pulls their general out? No one. -Ray Lewis
Will you be remembered, how would you be remembered, why wouldn’t you fight for the greatest achievement ever? -Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis quotes on life
You don’t care if I’m guilty or not. You gonna make sure I go to jail for life. -Ray Lewis

Do whatever you gotta do to chase your legacy every second of your life. -Ray Lewis
Life is about being a versatile athlete and training in all realms of life. -Ray Lewis
Coaching is something I’ve been a part of my entire life. One of the things I’ve always been very passionate. -Ray Lewis

Every day of my life I’m trying to find a different way to get better. -Ray Lewis
The refs are so confused themselves because there’s so many rules. It’s like, ‘Oh my gosh I’ve never seen this many rules in my life.’ And everybody’s trying to govern this and justify that. -Ray Lewis
We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy! -Ray Lewis

I just came out of the gym from three hours this morning. I got five hours of sleep. That’s it. Every day of my life, I’m trying to find a different way to get better. -Ray Lewis
If there’s something in your life that you know needs changing, make sure you change it before God’s got to change it. Because if God’s got to change it , you ain’t going to like it. -Ray Lewis
Even Rod Woodson will tell you his best year he had as a professional was when he was 36 years old. If you think about why, you’re much wiser. -Ray Lewis

Im very proud of it, my father was instrumental in saving a lot of lives out there. -Ray Lewis
There’s a spirit that grabs me, and it’s in every one of you guys, but the question is, how much time are we wasting? -Ray Lewis
When I step on the field, it’s on. I know it’s time to go to work. -Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis quotes on body
There’s one secret to hitting hard, and that is to completely dedicate your body. That’s the difference between a man going forward and a man going backward, no matter how big he is. -Ray Lewis

So, if I give any credit, besides giving all credit to God, for being totally healthy, it’s just my workout and how much torture I put my body through in the offseason. -Ray Lewis
If you clean your body out so that it is not fighting against you, you rest better, think better and you’re always light on your feet. -Ray Lewis
Every day, we’ve got to do something physical. It’s mind, body and spirit. -Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis quotes on game
My game is me. I didn’t try to pattern my game after nobody. -Ray Lewis

My thing about camp is to come in and be who I am, which is the most dominant player in the game, That’s who I am, and that’s what I’m here for. -Ray Lewis
Any game that you step on, you can get beat. -Ray Lewis
I’ve always said to the refs to not be the ones to decide the game. Let the players dictate the outcome. -Ray Lewis

It’s poetry to watch the game when the game is left alone, when there’s not a bunch of flags on the ground. -Ray Lewis
Do this research if we don’t have a season–watch how much evil, which we call crime, watch how much crime picks up, if you take away our game. -Ray Lewis
In an era that’s run on free agency, everybody’s going where the dollars are. They go after the dollars and they forget that the game will always come down to brotherhood. -Ray Lewis

I’ve been a fan of video games since the old school, I even have a lot of the old school arcade games at my house. -Ray Lewis
Let me explain my job very simply: My job is to line up five, seven, 10 yards in front of a man and run into him at full speed. -Ray Lewis
I’ve got Pacman, Galaga, Galaxian, Daytona 500. Those are the games I grew up playing. -Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis quotes on people
I have so much respect for people that are my elders. You aren’t going to hear me cursing around people that are 60 and 70 years old. -Ray Lewis

I figured something out. And it is no secret what I figured out. Whatever the majority of people were doing, I found myself doing the opposite. I wanted to chase something great. -Ray Lewis
With all the things I’ve been through, the No. 1 thing that I’ve learned is that we’re supposed to help people through this world. -Ray Lewis
I like to see honesty out of people. People who are trustworthy. I like to see people who are involved with The Lord. -Ray Lewis

You have to be careful of people who like to talk a big game but can’t back it up. -Ray Lewis
The game will fade one day. I realize that success is one thing; impact is another. I live to impact people. -Ray Lewis
You got to be willing to walk in a storm. That’s what I tell people all the time. -Ray Lewis

It’s a bad place when you see sometimes how coaches treat people. I don’t even want to say players. I want to say people. They’re people before they become a player. -Ray Lewis
Some people take certain things and they try to forget what that pain felt like. I don’t. I take that same pain and I chase it every time I walk in a weight room. -Ray Lewis
Who knows what the future holds? It’s all on parenting, one way or another. I don’t care what level it is, it comes back to people learning how to deal with people. -Ray Lewis

More from Ray lewis
Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed. -Ray Lewis
One thing about God’s will, you can never see God’s will before it happens. You can only see at the end of it. -Ray Lewis
No matter the circumstances that you may be going through, just push through it. -Ray Lewis

The only way to defeat pain is to recognize pain exists. -Ray Lewis
Man doesn’t dictate what you do or how you do it. If you believe in God, believe in God; have your faith in him. That’s where my faith lies. -Ray Lewis
I don’t care where we’re going; I’m gonna wear a suit all day, every day. -Ray Lewis

The journeythe journey, I promise you, is the greatest thing ever. The destination always takes care of itself. -Ray Lewis
If tomorrow wasn’t promised, what would you give for today? -Ray Lewis
Greatness is a lot of small things done well, stacked up on each other. -Ray Lewis

I don’t believe a thing about a curse. I don’t understand how we can talk about a curse. You have to remember, God is blessed and man can’t curse, no matter how hard they try. -Ray Lewis
Pain is only temporary, no matter how long it lasts. -Ray Lewis
When you see tears in my eyes, you see it’s not about the wins or the losses, It’s about the opportunity. -Ray Lewis

To come into camp and have my defensive coordinator say you won’t be touched, I feel like a kid all over again. -Ray Lewis
One of the things I’ve always said is that if you’re given the ability to coach kids, then you’re really given the ability to be a father or parent of some sort. -Ray Lewis
You have to be honest about who you are. -Ray Lewis

You have to find that place that is very quiet in your head, and anytime I read it, anytime I come across it, my Bible, the first Scripture in there is Psalms 91. -Ray Lewis
I don’t know a man on this Earth who can outwork me. -Ray Lewis
You take five fingers. Individually, I can pin any one of them, but if I pin them together (makes a fist), it’s damn near impossible to turn this around. -Ray Lewis

I don’t train for football; I train more for a lifestyle. -Ray Lewis
Only a fool trips on what’s behind them. -Ray Lewis
I fight for the man next to me. It don’t matter about me, what matters about me is sacrificing for you; for the ultimate goal which is us. -Ray Lewis

You can’t take no breaks. -Ray Lewis
I love passion. I love for a coach to be passionate. -Ray Lewis
Let your name be worth more than your bank account -Ray Lewis

Man believes in the possible, but God believes in the impossible. -Ray Lewis
It’s simple: when God is for you, who can be against you? -Ray Lewis
And I love Evander Holyfield to death! -Ray Lewis

Everything I got, I’m willing to sacrifice -Ray Lewis
Regardless of how well you can be offensively, if you have a great defense, you can deal with any offense. -Ray Lewis
I wasn’t the biggest, the fastest, the strongest, and then I bought into something called work ethic. -Ray Lewis

No coach who is coaching kids should ever curse a kid. -Ray Lewis
I didn’t like where I once was, so I promised myself I wouldn’t be back there. -Ray Lewis
And that’s my honour, that’s what my goal is, to always keep my mum’s name ringing, because I know what sacrifices she went through for me. -Ray Lewis

You have to get back to being kids again. You can’t never get tired. I have something burning inside me. I am a kid all over again. -Ray Lewis
The day you think you can beat me, show me. Then move on to the next challenge. -Ray Lewis
All the cops are just workers for the one percent, and they don’t even realize they’re being exploited. -Ray Lewis

I honor God that much in the way I play. That’s why I never believe in getting tired. I don’t even know what that word means. -Ray Lewis
Never be comfortable with just good enough. -Ray Lewis
Sometimes I have no idea whats going on -Ray Lewis

Whatever your path is, that’s your path. -Ray Lewis
Daddy wasn’t there for me, so I had to grind every day. -Ray Lewis
God has never made a mistake. Ever. -Ray Lewis

There’s some things you can cover up. And there’s some things you can’t. -Ray Lewis
Whatever you want to do, go do it. -Ray Lewis
What makes you grind? You have to always be chasing something. -Ray Lewis

I don’t want to be liked. I want to be respected. Because if you like me you can throw me away too quick. If you respect me, you may not even like what I was wearing, but you’ll say, “I respect that. -Ray Lewis
Nobody’s as serious about health and fitness as me, and staying fit is my top priority. -Ray Lewis
I prepare so no one can take what is mine, no one can replace my mind, my heart. -Ray Lewis

Don’t let your alarm clock, be the only reason you wake up. -Ray Lewis
The locker room talk is always that about who can beat who. -Ray Lewis
My pain is my badge of honor. -Ray Lewis