Welcome to our digital detoxing series! A series on how to stop addictions to Fortnite,Facebook,Instagram,porn,Netflix, Youtube,Tinder… Find all the posts about digital addiction. Today, let’s talk about how to quit the zillow addiction.

- What’s the zillow addiction?
- Addiction to zillow, a “real” addiction?
- What’s considered zillow addiction
- How much zillow is too much?
- Some Technology addiction facts & statistics
- Symptoms & Causes of the zillow addiction
- Why is zillow so addictive?
- Possible causes of zillow dependency
- Symptoms, Causes and Signs of zillow addiction
- Problems, impacts & bad effects of zillow
- Some benefits of zillow
- health problems
- impact on brain & mental health
- impact on relationships
- How to stop & quit your zillow addiction
- Main steps and solutions to break the zillow addiction
- Best zillow blocker apps & functionalities
- where to seek extra help?
- Conclusion
- To Go Further
- How to help someone with zillow addiction
- Best books about Technology addiction
- Research about Technology addiction
What is the zillow addiction?
About zillow
Zillow is an online real estate database that provides home buyers and sellers with information on listings, housing data, and market trends.
Addiction to zillow, a “real” addiction?
Officially an addiction?
First, let’s have a look to the DSM-5,the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Does it includes zillow addiction?
No, zillow addiction is not listed in the DSM-5.
So what means “zillow addiction”?
Zillow addiction is a term used to describe an obsession with browsing real estate listings and websites like Zillow. It is characterized by an inability to stop looking at listings, even when it doesn’t make sense to do so (e.g. when someone isn’t in the market to buy a house). This type of addiction can be detrimental to one’s financial health, as it can lead to impulse purchases or overspending.
What is considered zillow addiction?
- 1. Spending more than an hour a day on the Zillow website or app.
- 2. Becoming obsessed with property listings and researching them.
- 3. Feeling an increased level of anxiety when not using Zillow.
- 4. Discussing Zillow-related topics incessantly.
- 5. Feeling a sense of joy when looking at real estate listings.
- 6. Becoming financially overextended due to purchases made on Zillow.
- 7. Planning vacations around potential real estate purchases.
- 8. Feeling a sense of competition when looking at others’ listings.
- 9. Checking Zillow obsessively for new listings.
- 10. Making lifestyle decisions (such as career changes) based on potential real estate investments.
How much zillow is too much?
There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the individual and their situation. If a person is spending a significant amount of time on Zillow and it is negatively affecting their life, then it may be time to limit the time spent on the website.
Some Technology addiction facts & statistics

Technology addiction is a growing concern in today’s world. Here are some statistics related to technology addiction:
- 1. According to a 2019 survey by Common Sense Media,50% of teens feel addicted to their mobile devices.
- 2. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 28% of adults in the US feel they are constantly online.
- 3. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that 43% of Americans are constantly checking their electronic devices for email, texts, or social media updates.
- 4. A survey conducted by the Royal Society of Public Health in the UK found that social media is the most addictive technology,with 63% of respondents reporting that they check their social media accounts at least once a day.
- 5. In a study conducted by the University of Maryland,students were asked to give up all technology for 24 hours. Many of the participants experienced withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and even physical symptoms such as headaches.
- 6. A study conducted by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that excessive use of mobile phones can lead to sleep disorders,depression, and anxiety.
- 7. According to the World Health Organization,internet addiction disorder (IAD) is a real condition that can have serious negative consequences on an individual’s mental and physical health.
Is the zillow addiction widespread?
It is possible that some people may spend a significant amount of time on Zillow browsing properties or checking real estate values. This behavior may become compulsive or addictive for some individuals. It is important to maintain a healthy balance and not let online activities interfere with other aspects of life.
Symptoms, Causes and Signs of zillow addiction
Why is zillow so addictive?
Zillow is so addictive because it can provide users with a wealth of information about real estate options, including detailed property information, current listing information, and home values. It also provides users with the ability to compare properties and prices, search for homes, and access resources to help them make informed decisions.
Additionally, Zillow’s user-friendly interface and interactive features make it easy to use and explore the real estate market.
Possible causes of zillow dependency
- 1. Lack of control:Zillow can be extremely addictive when users have trouble controlling the amount of time they spend on it.
- 2. Immediate gratification:Browsing for houses on the site can provide an immediate feeling of satisfaction, making it difficult to stop.
- 3. Stress relief:Looking at pictures of beautiful homes can be calming, providing a sense of relief from stress and anxiety.
- 4. Fantasy fulfillment:Looking at homes on Zillow allows people to indulge in their fantasies of owning a perfect home, which can be very addictive.
- 5. Social influence:Seeing what other people are doing can be a powerful influence and can lead to Zillow addiction.
Signs & Symptoms of zillow addiction
Now let’s see if you have the zillow addiction problem.
- 1. You spend more time on Zillow than you do on any other website.
- 2. You have saved more than 10 different properties to your favorites list.
- 3. You are frequently looking up home values in your area.
- 4. You have taken virtual tours of homes you are interested in.
- 5. You are constantly searching for new listings in your area.
- 6. You often compare listings to different neighborhoods.
- 7. You have become an expert in your local real estate market.
Problems, impacts & bad effects of zillow: should you quit?

What are some benefits of zillow
Pros of Zillow:
- 1. Comprehensive Real Estate Information:Zillow provides a wide variety of real estate information, including property values, past sales histories, estimated rental prices, and more.
- 2. Easy to Use Platform:Zillow’s platform is easy to use and well organized, allowing users to find the information they’re looking for quickly and painlessly.
- 3. Accurate Data:Zillow’s data is reliable and accurate, allowing users to trust the information they’re receiving.
- 4. Wide Variety of Home Listings:Zillow has a wide variety of home listings from all over the country, making it easy to find the perfect home for you.
- 5. Zestimates:Zillow’s Zestimate feature provides an estimated market value for any home, which can be used to compare the value of other similar homes.
Why is Zillow so great?
Zillow is great because it offers comprehensive, reliable real estate information in a user-friendly platform. It also provides a wide variety of home listings, so users can easily find the home of their dreams. Finally, the Zestimate feature provides an estimated market value for any home, which can be used to compare the value of other similar homes. All of these features make Zillow a great resource for anyone looking to buy, rent, or sell a home.But at the opposite, what can be some zillow addiction problems addicts suffer from?
general health problems
There is no direct scientific evidence to suggest that Zillow has an effect on health. However, Zillow can indirectly cause health issues because of the stress and anxiety associated with the home buying process. Research has linked high levels of stress and anxiety to many physical and mental health conditions, such as depression, cardiovascular disease, insomnia, and weakened immune systems. Therefore, if the home buying process is overwhelming and stressful for an individual, this could lead to various health issues.
zillow and sleep disorder
Zillow, a real estate website, is unlikely to directly cause sleep disorders or problems. However, spending excessive time on any electronic device, including browsing real estate listings on Zillow, can disrupt your sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by electronic screens can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin and disrupt the circadian rhythm, leading to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Therefore, it is recommended to limit screen time before bedtime to promote better sleep hygiene.
zillow affecting your brain & mental health: bad for brain and mental health?
Some effects of zillow on your brain
- 1. Constant Comparisons:Constantly comparing your home and its value to others can lead to feelings of jealousy and inadequacy.
- 2. Overly Optimistic Expectations:Zillow’s estimated home values can be overly optimistic, leading you to believe you can get more for your home than you actually can.
- 3. Financial Stress:Seeing estimates of what certain homes are worth can cause financial stress, especially if you’re trying to purchase or sell a home.
- 4. Unrealistic Expectations:Zillow doesn’t always consider the exact condition of a home, which can lead to unrealistic expectations when it comes to making an offer on a home.
Some effects of zillow on your mental health
- 1. Stress:One of the most common negative effects of using Zillow is the amount of stress it can cause. The pressure of trying to find the perfect home in the right price range can be overwhelming and can lead to anxiety.
- 2. Unrealistic Expectations:Zillow can give people an unrealistic expectation of what they can afford when it comes to buying a home. This can lead to disappointment and frustration when the reality doesn’t match up to the expectation.
- 3. Comparison Anxiety:Constantly comparing your home to others on Zillow can lead to a feeling of inadequacy and can cause mental health issues such as depression and low self-esteem.
- 4. Distraction from Other Goals:Constantly searching for homes on Zillow can lead to a lack of focus on other goals. This can lead to feelings of guilt, regret, and failure.
Does zillow cause stress and anxiety?
Zillow itself is an online real estate marketplace and should not inherently cause stress or anxiety. However, using the platform to search for a home or monitor real estate prices can potentially cause stress and anxiety for some individuals. The home buying process can be a significant life decision, and it is natural for some people to feel overwhelmed or anxious during the process.
Additionally, constantly monitoring real estate prices and feeling pressure to make a purchase can also contribute to stress and anxiety. It is important for individuals to prioritize their mental health during the home buying process and seek support from loved ones or professionals if needed.
Can zillow addiction lead to sadness and depression?

Yes, it is possible for an addiction to Zillow, or any other real estate website or app, to lead to sadness and depression. This may occur if a person becomes obsessed with constantly checking the website or app for new homes or properties, leading to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and anxiety if they do not find what they are looking for.
Additionally, constantly comparing oneself to others based on the homes they can afford or the neighborhoods they live in can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It is important to recognize when a hobby or interest has become an addiction and to take steps to manage it in a healthy way.
Dopamine and zillow
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the brain’s reward system and is associated with feelings of pleasure and motivation. Zillow is a popular online real estate marketplace that allows users to search for homes, apartments, and other types of properties. While dopamine and Zillow may seem unrelated at first glance, the use of Zillow can stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain, especially when a user finds a property that they really like or when they receive positive feedback on their own property listing. This release of dopamine can create a feeling of satisfaction and motivation to continue using the platform to search for or sell properties.
zillow effects on Focus, productivity, attention span, academic performance…
We can provide information on how excessive use of websites like Zillow could potentially affect focus, productivity, attention span, and academic performance.
Spending too much time on websites like Zillow, which provides real estate listings and market data, could potentially distract individuals from their work or academic responsibilities. Constantly checking for updates on properties, comparing prices, and analyzing market trends could be time-consuming and reduce focus on other important tasks.
Additionally, browsing websites like Zillow could increase the likelihood of getting sidetracked or distracted from the original task at hand. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and longer completion times for tasks.
Furthermore, excessive use of Zillow and other similar websites may lead to procrastination and a lack of motivation to complete tasks. This could ultimately affect academic performance as students may spend more time browsing real estate listings rather than studying or completing assignments.
In summary, while websites like Zillow can be useful for real estate purposes, excessive use could potentially have negative effects on focus, productivity, attention span, and academic performance.
A word about ADHD and zillow
People with ADHD may have difficulty staying focused and organized when searching for a home on Zillow. They may jump from one listing to another without fully processing the information or may struggle to narrow down their search criteria.
Additionally, the visual and auditory stimuli on the website may be overstimulating for some individuals with ADHD, making it harder for them to concentrate on the task at hand. Overall, individuals with ADHD may benefit from utilizing organizational tools, setting specific search criteria, and taking breaks to avoid feeling overwhelmed while using Zillow.
affecting your relationships
zillow and self-esteem
Zillow can affect self-esteem in several ways. Here are a few examples:
1. Comparing your home to others: Zillow allows you to compare your home’s value to others in your area. If you see that your home is worth less than others, it can make you feel like you’re not as successful or that you made a bad investment. This can be a blow to your self-esteem.
2. Feeling pressure to keep up: If you see that your neighbors are making upgrades to their homes or that their homes are worth more than yours, you might feel pressure to keep up. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a sense that you’re not doing enough.
3. Negative comments: Zillow allows people to leave comments about homes, which can be positive or negative. If someone leaves a negative comment about your home, it can be hurtful and make you feel self-conscious.
Overall, Zillow can be a useful tool for buying or selling a home, but it’s important to remember that it’s just one piece of information. It’s important to not let it affect your self-esteem or sense of worth.
zillow addiction leads to isolation and loneliness?
Yes, it is possible for Zillow addiction to lead to isolation and loneliness. When someone becomes obsessed with constantly checking Zillow for new listings, they may spend less time interacting with friends and family or engaging in other activities that bring them joy. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as strain on personal relationships.
Additionally, constantly scrolling through listings and comparing oneself to others who may have more desirable homes can create feelings of inadequacy and contribute to a sense of disconnection from others. As with any addiction, it’s important to set boundaries and find a healthy balance in order to avoid negative consequences like isolation and loneliness.
Effects of zillow on your relationship
We can provide some potential positive and negative effects of using Zillow on a relationship.
Positive effects:
- 1. Helps couples find their dream home:Zillow provides an extensive database of real estate listings, making it easier for couples to find a home they both love.
- 2. Facilitates communication:Zillow’s communication tools enable couples to share their preferences, budget, and favorite listings with each other, leading to more effective and efficient home hunting.
- 3. Reduces stress:Zillow’s platform saves couples time and energy by streamlining the home search process, reducing the stress associated with house hunting.
Negative effects:
- 1. Increases conflict:If couples have different preferences or ideas about what constitutes the perfect home, using Zillow can exacerbate disagreements and lead to conflict.
- 2. Encourages unrealistic expectations:The plethora of options available on Zillow can lead couples to have unrealistic expectations about the homes they can afford or find, leading to disappointment or frustration.
- 3. Facilitates comparison-shopping: Zillow’s platform makes it easy for couples to compare homes and prices, which can lead to a competitive mindset and cause tension in the relationship.
Overall, the effects of Zillow on a relationship will depend on how couples use the platform and their communication skills. It is important for couples to be open and honest about their expectations and preferences to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.
How To Stop & quit Your zillow Addiction
Finally you think you are addicted to zillow and you are wondering how to quit it? How to break and overcome your cravings for zillow?
Here are the best solutions, steps, supports, resources and help you can get to treat your zillow addiction.
Main steps and solutions to break the zillow addiction
- 1. Recognize the signs of Zillow addiction. Look for signs of excessive use, such as spending too much time on the site, feeling anxious or depressed when not on the site, or feeling like you can’t control your usage.
- 2. Set boundaries for yourself. Create a plan for how often you will use the site and how long you will stay on it. Create a schedule for yourself and stick to it.
- 3. Seek professional help. If your Zillow addiction is severe, it may be helpful to seek the help of a mental health professional.
- 4. Engage in healthy activities. Make time to do things that make you feel good and that don’t involve Zillow. Go for walks, spend time with friends, read a book, etc.
- 5. Take a break from the internet. Spend time away from your computer or device and engage in activities that don’t involve the internet.
- 6. Find support. Connect with family and friends for support, or join a group for people struggling with internet addiction.
Actually, that’s what most documentation out there is about… However, quitting a digital addiction can be a bit trickier than that.
So our team, after testing many ways, designed a bulletproof way to overcome them. Here are some clear and practical steps that are very powerful to quit a digital addiction, including zillow:
1. Purge temptations: Get rid of zillow
First, cleaning your life from temptations is much easier than resisting to them. Disable or delete your zillow accounts, change the password and hide it somewhere you can’t access easily, keep your phone / computer far away… Out of sight out of mind.
Here is a video from our course the The Digital Purge. on how to add resistance to your temptations, so you become so lazy to engage with them that you give them up: