Welcome to our digital detoxing series! A series on how to stop addictions to Fortnite,Facebook,Instagram,porn,Netflix, Youtube,Tinder… Find all the posts about digital addiction. Today, let’s talk about how to quit the inside addiction.

- What’s the inside addiction?
- Addiction to inside, a “real” addiction?
- What’s considered inside addiction
- How much inside is too much?
- Some health and fitness addiction facts & statistics
- Symptoms & Causes of the inside addiction
- Why is inside so addictive?
- Possible causes of inside dependency
- Symptoms, Causes and Signs of inside addiction
- Problems, impacts & bad effects of inside
- Some benefits of inside
- health problems
- impact on brain & mental health
- impact on relationships
- How to stop & quit your inside addiction
- Main steps and solutions to break the inside addiction
- Best inside blocker apps & functionalities
- where to seek extra help?
- Conclusion
- To Go Further
- How to help someone with inside addiction
- Best books about health and fitness addiction
- Research about health and fitness addiction
What is the inside addiction?
About inside
a cell
A cell is a microscopic structure containing organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum that work together to perform essential functions for the cell.
Addiction to inside, a “real” addiction?
Officially an addiction?
First, let’s have a look to the DSM-5,the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Does it includes inside addiction?
Yes, substance use disorders and addictive disorders are listed as separate categories in the DSM-5.
So what means “inside addiction”?
Addiction is a complex mental health disorder that involves a variety of factors such as psychological, environmental, and physical. Commonly, it is associated with an imbalance in the brain’s reward system, which causes individuals to compulsively seek out substances or behaviors even when they are aware of the potential consequences.
Additionally, addiction is often linked to co-occurring mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma.
What is considered inside addiction?
- 1. Increased tolerance:Developing a tolerance for a substance or behavior means needing more of it to achieve the same effect.
- 2. Withdrawal symptoms:Withdrawal symptoms occur when an individual is without a substance or behavior they are addicted to.
- 3. Loss of control:An individual will have difficulty controlling the amount of a substance or behavior.
- 4. Neglecting responsibilities:An individual with an addiction will begin to neglect their responsibilities such as work, school, and family.
- 5. Compulsive behavior:An individual will continue to be involved in the substance or behavior even when it is causing harm to themselves or people around them.
- 6. Relationship issues:An individual with an addiction will often have problems in their relationships due to their behavior.
- 7. Financial problems:An individual with an addiction will often find themselves in financial trouble due to their substance or behavior.
How much inside is too much?
The amount of time spent on inside is entirely up to the individual, as everyone has different needs and preferences. It is important to remember to take breaks and step away from the screen to give your eyes and mind a break.
Additionally, it is important to remember to engage in other activities such as exercise, socializing, and spending time outdoors.
Some health and fitness addiction facts & statistics

There is limited research on the prevalence of health and fitness addiction. However, some studies suggest that it may affect up to 10% of the population.
Here are some statistics related to health and fitness addiction:
1. According to a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10% of gym-goers met the criteria for exercise addiction.
2. A study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction found that individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) were more likely to have exercise addiction. BDD affects approximately 2% of the population.
3. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) states that excessive exercise is a common behavior among individuals with eating disorders, affecting up to 80% of individuals with anorexia nervosa.
4. A survey conducted by the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) found that 18% of gym-goers reported feeling guilty if they missed a workout, and 14% felt anxious or irritable if they couldn’t exercise.
It’s important to note that not all individuals who engage in frequent exercise or have a strong interest in health and fitness are addicted. Health and fitness addiction is characterized by compulsive and excessive exercise that interferes with daily life and causes physical and/or psychological harm.
Is the inside addiction widespread?
It is possible that some people may become addicted to playing Inside due to its immersive and engaging gameplay, intriguing storyline, and challenging puzzles. It is important for individuals to practice responsible gaming habits and to seek help if they feel that their gaming habits are becoming problematic.
Symptoms, Causes and Signs of inside addiction
Why is inside so addictive?
Inside is addictive because it offers an immersive gaming experience with its captivating puzzle-solving mechanics and beautiful minimalist art style. It also relies heavily on atmosphere and storytelling, creating a mysterious and captivating world that players can’t help but explore. In addition, Inside has a unique reward system that encourages players to keep pushing forward, rewarding them with more secrets and puzzles as they progress.
Possible causes of inside dependency
- 1. Genetics:Certain genetic factors may make some people more prone to developing an addiction.
- 2. Stress:Stress can lead to feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and anxiety, which can lead to an addiction as a way to escape.
- 3. Environment:Home, work, and social environments can have a significant influence on an individual’s behavior.
- 4. Mental health issues:Individuals with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder may be more likely to develop an addiction as a way to cope with difficult emotions.
- 5. Peer pressure:Peer pressure can be a major factor, particularly among adolescents and young adults.
- 6. Easy access to substances:Easy access to substances such as drugs and alcohol can increase the risk of addiction.
- 7. Trauma:Experiencing a traumatic event, such as physical or sexual abuse, can lead to a range of mental health issues, which can in turn lead to addiction.
Signs & Symptoms of inside addiction
Now let’s see if you have the inside addiction problem.
- 1. You spend more time on the inside than outside.
- 2. You know all the ins and outs of the platform.
- 3. You have trouble focusing on anything else until you have checked for updates on Inside.
- 4. You recognize the majority of other Inside users.
- 5. You have a hard time going more than few hours without checking for new content.
- 6. You feel a need to comment on posts or create your own.
- 7. You find yourself constantly sharing Inside content with others.
Problems, impacts & bad effects of inside: should you quit?

What are some benefits of inside
- 1. Inside offers an intuitive user interface that allows users to easily set up and maintain their own secure cloud infrastructure.
- 2. Inside offers a secure,reliable, and highly scalable cloud computing platform.
- 3. Inside provides real-time monitoring and support for all your cloud applications.
- 4. Inside offers cost-effective and flexible pricing plans, so you only pay for what you need.
- 5. Inside provides comprehensive security and compliance features,including data encryption and secure access control.
- 6. Inside offers a secure cloud storage solution,so you can store and share your data with confidence.
- 7. Inside offers a powerful API and integration capabilities,so you can build and manage complex cloud applications.
- 8. Inside provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities,so you can better understand and manage your cloud infrastructure.
But at the opposite, what can be some inside addiction problems addicts suffer from?
general health problems
The effects of indoor air pollution on your health can vary depending on the types of pollutants present, the concentrations of those pollutants, and the length of time you are exposed to them. Some of the most common health effects associated with indoor air pollution include:
- 1. Respiratory problems such as asthma,bronchitis, and other breathing difficulties.
- 2. Irritation of the eyes,nose, and throat.
- 3. Allergic reactions such as sneezing,coughing, and watery eyes.
- 4. Headaches,dizziness, and fatigue.
- 5. Aggravation of existing cardiovascular and lung diseases.
- 6. Increased susceptibility to colds,flu, and other infectious diseases.
- 7. Cancer.
inside and sleep disorder
Yes, certain types of canned foods or drinks can potentially cause sleep disorders or problems due to their caffeine content or other stimulants. For example, energy drinks or soda that contain caffeine may interfere with sleep or cause difficulty falling asleep. Some canned foods may also contain high levels of sugar or other ingredients that can affect sleep quality. However, not all canned foods or drinks are likely to cause sleep problems and it ultimately depends on the specific ingredients and individual sensitivity.
inside affecting your brain & mental health: bad for brain and mental health?
Some effects of inside on your brain
- 1. Increased risk of cognitive decline:Prolonged exposure to indoor environments can lead to a decrease in mental sharpness and an increased risk of cognitive decline over time.
- 2. Poor concentration and focus:Spending too much time indoors can lead to a decrease in concentration and focus. This can be due to a lack of stimulation, lack of natural light, and poor air quality.
- 3. Stress and anxiety:Staying inside too much can also lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety. This can be due to a lack of physical activity, social connections, and fresh air.
- 4. Sleep disturbances:Poor air quality and lack of natural light can lead to sleep disturbances, making it difficult to get a good night’s rest.
- 5. Depression:Prolonged exposure to indoor environments can lead to feelings of depression due to a lack of stimulation, social connections, and natural light.
Some effects of inside on your mental health
- 1. Loss of Concentration:Staying inside for long periods of time can make it difficult to focus and concentrate on tasks. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed.
- 2. Social Isolation:Spending too much time inside can lead to feeling isolated from friends and family, which can lead to depression.
- 3. Low Mood:Staying inside for extended periods of time can lead to a feeling of boredom and low mood.
- 4. Increased Stress:Staying inside for too long can cause feelings of stress and anxiety due to the lack of physical activity and social interaction.
- 5. Poor Sleep:Staying inside for long periods of time can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to further issues with mental health.
Does inside cause stress and anxiety?
It is possible for being in an enclosed space or feeling trapped inside to cause stress or anxiety for some individuals. This is known as claustrophobia, which is a fear of small or enclosed spaces. The feeling of being trapped or not being able to escape can trigger a fight or flight response in the body, leading to increased heart rate, sweating, and feelings of fear or panic. However, not all individuals will experience these feelings in enclosed spaces, and some may even feel comforted by a sense of containment. It ultimately depends on the individual’s personal experiences and psychological makeup.
Can inside addiction lead to sadness and depression?

Yes, inside addiction can lead to sadness and depression. Addiction can cause chemical changes in the brain that can affect mood and emotional well-being. When a person becomes addicted to a substance or behavior, they may experience intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop. These symptoms can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and depression.
Additionally, addiction can cause problems in relationships, work, and other areas of life, which can also contribute to feelings of sadness and depression. It’s important for individuals struggling with addiction to seek help and support from a healthcare professional or addiction specialist.
Dopamine and inside
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. It is often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter because it is associated with feelings of happiness, motivation, and pleasure.
Inside the brain, dopamine is synthesized in certain neurons and then released into the synapse, where it binds to receptors on other neurons to transmit signals. Dopamine is involved in a variety of functions, including movement, mood, motivation, attention, learning, and memory.
Imbalances in dopamine levels have been linked to a number of mental health conditions, including depression, addiction, and schizophrenia. Researchers continue to study dopamine and its role in the brain to better understand these conditions and develop new treatments.
inside effects on Focus, productivity, attention span, academic performance…
There are several factors that can influence focus, productivity, attention span, and academic performance, including what one does inside. Here are some examples:
- 1. Environment:A cluttered, noisy, or distracting environment can make it difficult to focus and concentrate. On the other hand, a quiet, well-lit, and organized space can enhance concentration and productivity.
- 2. Diet:Eating a healthy and balanced diet can provide the brain with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Eating junk food or skipping meals can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and poor concentration.
- 3. Exercise:Regular physical activity can boost cognitive function, improve mood, and reduce stress, all of which can enhance focus and academic performance.
- 4. Sleep:Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for cognitive function, memory consolidation, and attention span. Lack of sleep can impair judgment, concentration, and academic performance.
- 5. Technology use:Excessive use of technology, especially social media and video games, can negatively impact attention span, cognitive function, and academic performance.
Overall, what one does inside can have a significant impact on focus, productivity, attention span, and academic performance. Making healthy lifestyle choices, creating a conducive environment, and minimizing distractions can all help improve academic outcomes.
A word about ADHD and inside
People with ADHD may interact differently with indoor environments depending on their individual symptoms and preferences. Some people with ADHD may find it difficult to focus in indoor environments that are cluttered or visually stimulating, while others may find it easier to concentrate in quieter, more structured indoor settings.
Individuals with ADHD may also have different levels of sensitivity to sensory input, such as noise, light, and temperature, which can affect their comfort and productivity indoors. Some people with ADHD may benefit from accommodations such as noise-cancelling headphones or a designated quiet space to help them manage their symptoms.
Overall, it is important to recognize that individuals with ADHD have unique needs and preferences when it comes to indoor environments, and accommodations can be made to help them thrive.
affecting your relationships
inside and self-esteem
Our inner thoughts and beliefs have a significant impact on our self-esteem. If we constantly tell ourselves negative things, such as “We’m not good enough” or “We’m a failure,” our self-esteem will suffer. On the other hand, if we have positive self-talk and believe in ourselves, our self-esteem will be higher.
Our inner beliefs also affect how we view ourselves in relation to others. If we believe that we are inferior to others or that we don’t measure up in some way, it can lower our self-esteem. Conversely, if we have confidence in our abilities and strengths, we are more likely to have a positive self-image.
Our inner thoughts and beliefs also affect how we handle challenges and setbacks. If we believe that failure is a reflection of our worth as a person, we are more likely to feel defeated and give up. However, if we view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, we are more likely to persevere and maintain a healthy level of self-esteem.
inside addiction leads to isolation and loneliness?
Yes, addiction can lead to isolation and loneliness. When a person becomes addicted to a substance or behavior, they may prioritize their addiction over social relationships and activities. This can cause them to withdraw from friends and family and spend more time alone, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Additionally, addiction can cause shame and guilt, which can make a person feel like they don’t belong or that they are unworthy of social connections. Over time, this can lead to a cycle of addiction and isolation that can be difficult to break. Seeking treatment for addiction can help individuals rebuild their social support networks and overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Effects of inside on your relationship
Positive effects of spending time inside on your relationship:
- 1. Increased intimacy:Spending time indoors with your partner can increase intimacy and strengthen your emotional bond.
- 2. Improved communication:Being in close proximity allows for more opportunities to communicate and connect with your partner.
- 3. More quality time:Spending time indoors can provide more opportunities for quality time together, such as cooking, watching movies, or playing games.
- 4. Shared experiences:Sharing experiences and activities indoors can create a sense of togetherness and shared memories.
Negative effects of spending time inside on your relationship:
- 1. Increased stress:Being cooped up indoors for extended periods of time can lead to stress and tension, which can negatively impact your relationship.
- 2. Boredom:Lack of variety and stimulation can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction in your relationship.
- 3. Lack of personal space:Spending too much time together indoors can result in a lack of personal space and individuality.
- 4. Cabin fever:Being confined to the same space can lead to feelings of restlessness and irritability, which can strain your relationship.
How To Stop & quit Your inside Addiction
Finally you think you are addicted to inside and you are wondering how to quit it? How to break and overcome your cravings for inside?
Here are the best solutions, steps, supports, resources and help you can get to treat your inside addiction.
Main steps and solutions to break the inside addiction
- 1. Recognize the addiction:Acknowledge that you have an addiction and that it is affecting your life negatively.
- 2. Seek help:Talk to a professional or support group to get help and advice on how to overcome your addiction.
- 3. Change your lifestyle:Make changes to your lifestyle to reduce your risk of relapse and reinforce positive behaviors.
- 4. Develop healthy coping skills:Find healthy ways to cope with stress and negative emotions that don’t involve the substance you’re addicted to.
- 5. Rebuild relationships:Rebuild relationships with family and friends that may have been damaged by your addiction.
- 6. Forgive yourself:Forgive yourself for any mistakes you’ve made as a result of your addiction.
- 7. Stay motivated:Remind yourself of the positive changes you’re making in your life and stay motivated to stay on track.
Actually, that’s what most documentation out there is about… However, quitting a digital addiction can be a bit trickier than that.
So our team, after testing many ways, designed a bulletproof way to overcome them. Here are some clear and practical steps that are very powerful to quit a digital addiction, including inside:
1. Purge temptations: Get rid of inside
First, cleaning your life from temptations is much easier than resisting to them. Disable or delete your inside accounts, change the password and hide it somewhere you can’t access easily, keep your phone / computer far away… Out of sight out of mind.
Here is a video from our course the The Digital Purge. on how to add resistance to your temptations, so you become so lazy to engage with them that you give them up: