Welcome to our digital detoxing series! A series on how to stop addictions to Fortnite,Facebook,Instagram,porn,Netflix, Youtube,Tinder… Find all the posts about digital addiction. Today, let’s talk about how to quit the destiny addiction.

- What’s the destiny addiction?
- Addiction to destiny, a “real” addiction?
- What’s considered destiny addiction
- How much destiny is too much?
- Some Online entertainment addiction facts & statistics
- Symptoms & Causes of the destiny addiction
- Why is destiny so addictive?
- Possible causes of destiny dependency
- Symptoms, Causes and Signs of destiny addiction
- Problems, impacts & bad effects of destiny
- Some benefits of destiny
- health problems
- impact on brain & mental health
- impact on relationships
- How to stop & quit your destiny addiction
- Main steps and solutions to break the destiny addiction
- Best destiny blocker apps & functionalities
- where to seek extra help?
- Conclusion
- To Go Further
- How to help someone with destiny addiction
- Best books about Online entertainment addiction
- Research about Online entertainment addiction
What is the destiny addiction?
About destiny
Destiny is the idea that events and actions are predetermined by a higher power or fate, and that individuals have a predetermined path in life that they are meant to follow.
Addiction to destiny, a “real” addiction?
Officially an addiction?
First, let’s have a look to the DSM-5,the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Does it includes destiny addiction?
No, “destiny addiction” is not listed as a formal diagnosis in the DSM-5. The DSM-5 includes a list of recognized mental health disorders and conditions that are used by mental health professionals to diagnose and treat patients. However, some researchers and clinicians have used the term “destiny addiction” to describe patterns of behavior characterized by an excessive focus on fate, destiny, or divine intervention, often at the expense of personal responsibility or agency. Nonetheless, this concept is not formally recognized as a mental health disorder in the DSM-5.
So what means “destiny addiction”?
Destiny addiction refers to an unhealthy preoccupation or obsession with the idea that one’s future is predetermined or fated, and that one’s life is ultimately controlled by forces or powers beyond their control. This addiction can manifest in many different ways, such as constantly seeking out advice or guidance from psychics, astrologers, or other supposed experts on fate and destiny, or becoming overly fixated on certain symbols or omens that are believed to hold special significance. People who suffer from destiny addiction may feel as though they have no control over their lives, and may experience feelings of hopelessness or despair as a result. It is important to seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling with this addiction.
What is considered destiny addiction?
There is no formal diagnosis of “destiny addiction” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-
- 5.. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate an unhealthy attachment to the concept of destiny, including:
- 1. Obsessive thoughts or beliefs about fate or destiny
- 2. Constantly seeking signs or messages that confirm one’s destiny
- 3. Strong emotional reactions to perceived signs or messages about destiny,such as extreme excitement or disappointment
- 4. Difficulty making decisions without consulting fate or destiny
- 5. Ignoring or dismissing evidence that contradicts one’s perceived destiny
- 6. Avoiding responsibility or taking action based on the belief that destiny will provide a solution
- 7. Feeling a sense of anxiety or distress when one’s destiny is not clear or seemingly fulfilled
It is important to note that belief in destiny or fate is not inherently negative or problematic. However, when it interferes with daily functioning or causes distress, it may be worth exploring with a mental health professional.
How much destiny is too much?
The amount of time spent on playing Destiny may vary depending on an individual’s lifestyle, responsibilities, and priorities. It is important to find a balance between leisure activities and other important aspects of life such as work, education, and relationships. It is recommended to set healthy boundaries and limit excessive gaming to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Some Online entertainment addiction facts & statistics

Online entertainment addiction is a growing concern as more and more people spend their time on the internet for entertainment purposes. Here are some statistics related to online entertainment addiction:
1. According to a 2018 study by the Pew Research Center, 26% of adults in the United States say they are “almost constantly” online.
2. A 2019 survey by Common Sense Media found that 50% of teens feel addicted to their mobile devices.
3. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions found that 14% of college students in China were addicted to online entertainment.
4. A 2020 survey by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that 10% of American adults had experienced internet addiction at some point in their lives.
5. A 2021 study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that social media use was associated with increased risk of depression and anxiety among young adults.
Overall, these statistics suggest that online entertainment addiction is a growing concern, especially among young people, and may have negative effects on mental health.
Is the destiny addiction widespread?
The game has a large and dedicated fan base, and many players spend hours playing and trying to improve their characters and gameplay. However, it is important to note that addiction is a serious issue and if someone feels like they are struggling with addiction to video games, they should seek help from a professional.
Symptoms, Causes and Signs of destiny addiction
Why is destiny so addictive?
Destiny is addictive for several reasons:
- 1. Reward System:Destiny has a well-designed reward system that keeps players engaged and motivated to keep playing. Players are constantly unlocking new weapons, armor, and abilities, which provides a sense of progress and achievement.
- 2. Competitive Gameplay:Destiny offers a range of competitive gameplay modes, which allows players to compete against each other or work together as a team. This creates a sense of excitement and challenge, which keeps players hooked.
- 3. Social Connection:Destiny encourages players to connect with other players through its social features, such as clans and voice chat. This fosters a sense of community and belonging, which can be highly addictive.
- 4. Storyline:Destiny has a rich, complex storyline that keeps players engaged and curious to see what happens next. The game’s lore is constantly evolving, which provides players with new content to explore.
Overall, the combination of these factors makes Destiny a highly addictive game that keeps players coming back for more.
Possible causes of destiny dependency
Destiny addiction, also known as “destiny syndrome,” is a psychological condition where an individual becomes overly focused on the belief that they have a predetermined destiny or fate. Some possible causes of destiny addiction include:
- 1. Childhood experiences:A person’s upbringing and family environment can play a role in the development of destiny addiction. For example, if a child was repeatedly told that they were special, destined for greatness, or had a special purpose, they may develop a belief in their own destiny.
- 2. Personality traits:People who are naturally more prone to anxiety or who have an inflated sense of self-importance may be more likely to develop a belief in their own destiny.
- 3. Fear of uncertainty:Some individuals may use the belief in their own destiny as a way to cope with feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about the future.
- 4. Social and cultural influences:Societal and cultural beliefs that emphasize destiny, such as religious or spiritual beliefs, can also contribute to the development of destiny addiction.
It’s important to note that destiny addiction is not a recognized mental health disorder, but rather a pattern of thinking that can be addressed through therapy and self-reflection.
Signs & Symptoms of destiny addiction
Now let’s see if you have the destiny addiction problem.
- 1. You constantly think or talk about your destiny or purpose in life,and it’s always on your mind.
- 2. You feel a strong urge or drive to achieve your goals,regardless of the obstacles or challenges you may face.
- 3. You believe that your life has a greater purpose,and that you are meant to fulfill a specific role in the world.
- 4. You are always seeking out new opportunities or experiences that will help you achieve your destiny or purpose.
- 5. You feel a sense of fulfillment or satisfaction when you make progress towards your goals,and you become restless or anxious when you’re not actively working towards them.
- 6. You see setbacks or failures as temporary setbacks,and you are always looking for ways to learn from them and improve.
- 7. You are willing to make sacrifices or take risks in order to achieve your destiny,and you have a strong sense of determination that keeps you motivated and focused.
Problems, impacts & bad effects of destiny: should you quit?

What are some benefits of destiny
Here are some commonly cited pros and advantages of Destiny:
- 1. Immersive gameplay:Destiny offers an immersive gameplay experience with a vast and detailed game world to explore.
- 2. Multiplayer modes:Destiny offers various multiplayer modes, allowing players to team up with friends or join a larger community to complete missions and raids together.
- 3. Customization options:Destiny allows players to customize their character’s appearance, weapons, and abilities, making each gameplay experience unique.
- 4. Regular updates and expansions:Destiny regularly receives updates and expansions, keeping the game fresh and exciting.
- 5. Engaging storyline:Destiny has a well-developed storyline with interesting characters and lore.
- 6. High-quality graphics and sound: Destiny features high-quality graphics and sound, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
Overall, Destiny has gained a dedicated fanbase due to its immersive gameplay, multiplayer modes, customization options, regular updates, engaging storyline, and high-quality graphics and sound.But at the opposite, what can be some destiny addiction problems addicts suffer from?
general health problems
Destiny is a concept that suggests that certain events or outcomes are predetermined and cannot be changed. The idea of destiny can have both positive and negative effects on a person’s health.
Positive effects:
- 1. Sense of purpose:Believing in destiny can give a person a sense of purpose and direction in life, which can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
- 2. Stress reduction:If a person believes that certain events are predetermined, they may feel less stress and anxiety about the future, leading to better mental health.
Negative effects:
- 1. Helplessness:Believing in destiny can also lead to a feeling of helplessness, as if events are out of a person’s control, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression.
- 2. Lack of motivation:If a person believes that their fate is predetermined, they may feel less motivated to take control of their health and make positive changes.
Overall, while belief in destiny can have both positive and negative effects on a person’s health, it is important to remember that there are always choices and opportunities to make positive changes in one’s life.
destiny and sleep disorder
Destiny, as a concept, does not have the ability to directly create sleep disorders or sleep problems. However, certain life events or experiences that are perceived as part of one’s destiny may lead to stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues that can contribute to sleep disorders. For example, if someone believes that it is their destiny to achieve a certain level of success in their career, they may experience stress and anxiety that can affect their sleep.
Additionally, some people may have a genetic predisposition to certain sleep disorders, which can also be influenced by environmental factors. Therefore, while destiny itself does not cause sleep disorders, the beliefs and experiences associated with it can contribute to certain factors that can lead to sleep problems.
destiny affecting your brain & mental health: bad for brain and mental health?
Some effects of destiny on your brain
Some people may believe that their destiny is predetermined, which can lead to a sense of helplessness and lack of control over their lives. This can cause anxiety, depression, and a feeling of being stuck in a particular situation. It can also lead to a lack of motivation to make changes or take risks, as they may believe that their destiny will unfold regardless of their actions. Overall, the belief in destiny can have negative effects on mental health and well-being.
Some effects of destiny on your mental health
It is believed that the idea of destiny can have negative effects on mental health in the following ways:
- 1. Anxiety:The belief that everything is predetermined can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. People can feel like they have no control over their lives, which can cause them to worry about the future.
- 2. Depression:The feeling of being trapped in a predetermined life can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair. People may feel like they are unable to change their circumstances, which can lead to depression.
- 3. Lack of motivation:If people believe that their destiny is set in stone, they may not feel motivated to pursue their goals or dreams. They may feel like their efforts are futile since their destiny is already determined.
- 4. Self-doubt: If someone believes that their destiny is predetermined, they may doubt their own abilities and feel like they are not capable of achieving their goals.
- 5. Lack of responsibility:Believing in destiny can lead to a lack of responsibility for one’s actions. If everything is predetermined, people may not feel like they need to take responsibility for their choices and actions.
It is important to remember that while some things may be out of our control, we still have the power to make choices and shape our lives. Focusing on what we can control and taking responsibility for our actions can help improve mental health and well-being.
Does destiny cause stress and anxiety?
Yes, destiny can cause stress or anxiety. If someone feels like they have no control over their future or the events in their life, they may feel a sense of helplessness and anxiety about what’s to come. Similarly, if someone is constantly worried about whether their actions are leading them towards their destiny or if they’re making the right choices, they may experience stress and anxiety. It’s important to remember that while destiny may be a guiding force in our lives, we still have the power to make choices and shape our own futures.
Can destiny addiction lead to sadness and depression?

Yes, it is possible for a person to experience sadness and depression as a result of a perceived addiction to destiny. Addiction to video games, including Destiny, can lead to social isolation, neglect of personal responsibilities, and a lack of physical activity, all of which can contribute to depression and other negative emotions.
Additionally, if a person feels like they cannot stop playing the game despite negative consequences, they may experience feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, which can also lead to depression. It is important for individuals who feel like they may be struggling with addiction to seek help and support from loved ones or a mental health professional.
Dopamine and destiny
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with reward and pleasure in the brain. It plays a role in motivation, learning, and decision-making. The concept of “dopamine and destiny” suggests that dopamine can influence our behavior and the choices we make, potentially leading us towards a certain path or destiny.
Research has shown that dopamine activity can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. For example, certain genetic variations can affect the levels and function of dopamine in the brain. Environmental factors, such as stress or drug use, can also affect dopamine activity.
In terms of destiny, dopamine may play a role in shaping our preferences and desires, which can ultimately guide our choices and actions. For example, if someone has a heightened dopamine response to certain types of rewards, they may be more likely to pursue activities or careers that offer those rewards. However, it’s important to note that dopamine is just one factor among many that can influence our behavior and outcomes in life.
destiny effects on Focus, productivity, attention span, academic performance…
It is important to note that one’s belief in destiny can affect their motivation, mindset, and self-efficacy, which can ultimately impact their focus, productivity, attention span, and academic performance.
For example, if someone believes that their destiny is predetermined and that their efforts do not matter, they may be less motivated to work hard and strive for academic success. On the other hand, if someone believes that they have control over their destiny and that their efforts can make a difference, they may be more motivated to work hard and achieve their goals.
Ultimately, it is important to have a growth mindset and believe in the power of effort and hard work, rather than relying solely on the idea of “destiny” to determine one’s academic performance and success.
A word about ADHD and destiny
People with ADHD may have difficulty with attention, focus, and impulsivity, which could affect their gameplay and interaction with the game. They may struggle to stay engaged with the game, have difficulty following instructions or completing tasks, and may be more prone to impulsive decision-making, which could impact their performance in the game. However, it’s important to note that every individual with ADHD is unique and may have different experiences with Destiny or any other video game.
affecting your relationships
destiny and self-esteem
Destiny can have a significant impact on self-esteem. If someone believes that their destiny is predetermined and they have little control over their life, their self-esteem may suffer. They may feel powerless and helpless, leading to feelings of low self-worth.
On the other hand, if someone believes that they have the power to shape their own destiny and take control of their life, their self-esteem may be positively impacted. They may feel a sense of empowerment and confidence, leading to higher self-esteem.
Additionally, if someone believes that they have a specific purpose or destiny in life, achieving that purpose can also boost their self-esteem. They may feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, leading to increased self-worth.
Overall, the belief in destiny can affect self-esteem in both positive and negative ways, depending on the individual’s perspective and beliefs.
destiny addiction leads to isolation and loneliness?
Yes, addiction to any activity, including playing video games like Destiny, can lead to isolation and loneliness. When someone becomes addicted to a game, they may spend excessive amounts of time playing and neglect other aspects of their life, such as work, school, and social relationships. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness as they withdraw from their usual social activities and interactions.
Additionally, online gaming can create an illusion of social connection, but it may not provide the same level of meaningful social interaction as in-person interactions. Therefore, it is important to balance gaming with other aspects of life and maintain meaningful social connections outside of the game.
Effects of destiny on your relationship
Positive effects of destiny on your relationship:
- 1. Feeling of connection:When you feel that destiny brought you and your partner together, it can create a feeling of deep connection and understanding.
- 2. Stronger commitment:Believing that your relationship is meant to be can strengthen your commitment to each other.
- 3. Sense of purpose:Believing in destiny can give you a sense of purpose in your relationship and help you work towards a common goal.
- 4. Increased trust:When you believe that your relationship is meant to be, it can increase your trust in each other and in the universe.
Negative effects of destiny on your relationship:
- 1. Feeling of helplessness:Believing that destiny brought you together can make you feel like you have no control over your relationship.
- 2. Unrealistic expectations:Believing that your relationship is predestined can create unrealistic expectations that can lead to disappointment and frustration.
- 3. Lack of responsibility:Believing in destiny can make it easy to blame external factors for problems in your relationship, rather than taking responsibility for your actions.
- 4. Fear of change:Believing that your relationship is meant to be can make it difficult to accept changes or challenges that arise in the relationship.
How To Stop & quit Your destiny Addiction
Finally you think you are addicted to destiny and you are wondering how to quit it? How to break and overcome your cravings for destiny?
Here are the best solutions, steps, supports, resources and help you can get to treat your destiny addiction.
Main steps and solutions to break the destiny addiction
Here are some general steps that may be helpful in addressing addiction:
- 1. Recognize and acknowledge that you have a problem with destiny addiction.
- 2. Seek professional help from a therapist or addiction specialist.
- 3. Develop a support system of family and friends who can provide encouragement and accountability.
- 4. Identify triggers and avoid situations that may lead to relapse.
- 5. Engage in healthy activities that can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
- 6. Practice self-care and stress management techniques, such as meditation or exercise.
- 7. Consider joining a support group for individuals with addiction.
- 8. Set realistic goals and track progress towards recovery.
- 9. Stay committed to the recovery process,even when it gets difficult.
- 10. Celebrate milestones and successes along the way.
Actually, that’s what most documentation out there is about… However, quitting a digital addiction can be a bit trickier than that.
So our team, after testing many ways, designed a bulletproof way to overcome them. Here are some clear and practical steps that are very powerful to quit a digital addiction, including destiny:
1. Purge temptations: Get rid of destiny
First, cleaning your life from temptations is much easier than resisting to them. Disable or delete your destiny accounts, change the password and hide it somewhere you can’t access easily, keep your phone / computer far away… Out of sight out of mind.
Here is a video from our course the The Digital Purge. on how to add resistance to your temptations, so you become so lazy to engage with them that you give them up: