Welcome to our digital detoxing series! A series on how to stop addictions to Fortnite,Facebook,Instagram,porn,Netflix, Youtube,Tinder… Find all the posts about digital addiction. Today, let’s talk about how to quit the cough drop addiction.

- What’s the cough drop addiction?
- Addiction to cough drop, a “real” addiction?
- What’s considered cough drop addiction
- How much cough drop is too much?
- Some health and fitness addiction facts & statistics
- Symptoms & Causes of the cough drop addiction
- Why is cough drop so addictive?
- Possible causes of cough drop dependency
- Symptoms, Causes and Signs of cough drop addiction
- Problems, impacts & bad effects of cough drop
- Some benefits of cough drop
- health problems
- impact on brain & mental health
- impact on relationships
- How to stop & quit your cough drop addiction
- Main steps and solutions to break the cough drop addiction
- Best cough drop blocker apps & functionalities
- where to seek extra help?
- Conclusion
- To Go Further
- How to help someone with cough drop addiction
- Best books about health and fitness addiction
- Research about health and fitness addiction
What is the cough drop addiction?
About cough drop
A cough drop is a small, typically medicated, tablet taken to suppress coughing.
Addiction to cough drop, a “real” addiction?
Officially an addiction?
First, let’s have a look to the DSM-5,the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Does it includes cough drop addiction?
Cough drop addiction is not listed in the DSM-5.
So what means “cough drop addiction”?
There is no real such thing as a cough drop addiction, but some people may develop a habit of using them excessively. This can lead to problems if the person is using them to self-medicate or cover up other issues, such as anxiety or depression. It is important to talk to a doctor if you or someone you know is using cough drops excessively.
What is considered cough drop addiction?
-Frequent, intense urges to use cough drops
-Inability to control or limit use of cough drops
-Continued use of cough drops despite negative consequences
-Preoccupation with cough drops
-Coughing as a way to justify using cough drops
-Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using cough drops
How much cough drop is too much?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual’s health and the severity of their cough. However, it is generally recommended that people only use cough drops as needed and not exceed the recommended dosage on the product label. Overuse of cough drops can lead to side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Some health and fitness addiction facts & statistics

There is limited research on the prevalence of health and fitness addiction. However, some studies suggest that it may affect up to 10% of the population.
Here are some statistics related to health and fitness addiction:
1. According to a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10% of gym-goers met the criteria for exercise addiction.
2. A study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction found that individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) were more likely to have exercise addiction. BDD affects approximately 2% of the population.
3. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) states that excessive exercise is a common behavior among individuals with eating disorders, affecting up to 80% of individuals with anorexia nervosa.
4. A survey conducted by the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) found that 18% of gym-goers reported feeling guilty if they missed a workout, and 14% felt anxious or irritable if they couldn’t exercise.
It’s important to note that not all individuals who engage in frequent exercise or have a strong interest in health and fitness are addicted. Health and fitness addiction is characterized by compulsive and excessive exercise that interferes with daily life and causes physical and/or psychological harm.
Is the cough drop addiction widespread?
It is possible for individuals to develop a dependency on cough drops containing ingredients such as menthol or benzocaine, which can have a numbing effect and provide temporary relief. It is important to use cough drops as directed and consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about dependency or addiction.
Symptoms, Causes and Signs of cough drop addiction
Why is cough drop so addictive?
A cough drop is a small, medicated tablet that dissolves in the mouth to help suppress coughing. The active ingredients in cough drops are typically menthol or eucalyptus oil, which have a cooling, numbing effect on the throat. Cough drops are generally safe and effective, but they can be addictive if used too frequently. The menthol in cough drops can be habit-forming, and people who use them frequently may develop a tolerance to the drug. This can lead to increased use, which can in turn lead to dependence and addiction.
Possible causes of cough drop dependency
Cough drop addiction can be caused by a number of factors, including a need for the physical sensation of the menthol in the throat, a psychological dependence on the act of sucking on a cough drop, or a dependence on the ingredients in the cough drop (such as sugar or caffeine).
Signs & Symptoms of cough drop addiction
Now let’s see if you have the cough drop addiction problem.
- 1. You find yourself constantly reaching for cough drops,even when you’re not actually coughing.
- 2. You have more cough drops in your pockets/purse/bag than you do actual money.
- 3. You can’t leave the house without a stash of cough drops.
- 4. You’ve started hoarding cough drops in case of a sudden cough attack.
- 5. You’ve tried every flavor of cough drop and have a favorite (or two, or three…)
- 6. You get anxious when you run out of cough drops.
- 7. You’ve been known to sneak a few cough drops throughout the day, even when you’re not sick.
Problems, impacts & bad effects of cough drop: should you quit?

What are some benefits of cough drop
There are many benefits of using cough drops, including:
-They can help to relieve a cough
-They can help to soothe a sore throat
-They can help to freshen your breath
-They can help to provide relief from congestion
-They can help to boost your immune systemBut at the opposite, what can be some cough drop addiction problems addicts suffer from?
general health problems
Cough drops are generally considered safe, but there are a few potential side effects to be aware of. These include:
-Dry mouth: Because cough drops contain menthol, they can cause your mouth to feel dry.
-Sore throat: Cough drops can also irritate your throat, especially if you have a sore throat to begin with.
-Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to the ingredients in cough drops, such as menthol or honey. If you experience any swelling, itching, or other allergic symptoms after using a cough drop, stop using it and see your doctor.
cough drop and sleep disorder
Cough drops typically contain menthol or other active ingredients that can have a mild sedative effect. While this may help to relieve cough and soothe the throat, it is unlikely to cause significant sleep problems or disorders. However, some people may experience drowsiness or other side effects from using cough drops, particularly if they take them in large quantities or use them for an extended period of time. If you are experiencing sleep problems and are concerned that your use of cough drops may be contributing to them, it is a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and explore any potential treatments or alternatives.
cough drop affecting your brain & mental health: bad for brain and mental health?
Some effects of cough drop on your brain
Cough drops can have a number of side effects, including:
-Loss of coordination
-Skin irritation
-Allergic reactions
Some effects of cough drop on your mental health
Cough drops may have a number of side effects, including drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. These side effects can impair your ability to think clearly and make good decisions. If you are taking cough drops, it is important to be aware of these potential effects and to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until you know how they will affect you.
Does cough drop cause stress and anxiety?
It is unlikely that cough drops themselves can cause stress or anxiety. In fact, cough drops can provide a soothing effect on the throat and can help alleviate symptoms of cough and sore throat. However, some individuals may experience stress or anxiety due to the underlying medical condition that requires the use of cough drops or due to stress related to the illness.
Additionally, some cough drops may contain caffeine or other stimulants which can exacerbate anxiety in some individuals. If you are experiencing stress or anxiety related to your illness or medication, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider.
Can cough drop addiction lead to sadness and depression?

There is no direct evidence to suggest that cough drop addiction can lead to sadness and depression. However, addiction to any substance or behavior can have negative effects on a person’s mental health and well-being. It is possible that the stress and anxiety associated with addiction could contribute to feelings of sadness or depression.
Additionally, if a person is using cough drops as a way to cope with emotional issues, such as anxiety or stress, the underlying problems may worsen over time, leading to further emotional distress. It is important for individuals who are struggling with addiction or mental health concerns to seek professional help and support.
Dopamine and cough drop
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating mood, motivation, and pleasure. It is not directly related to cough drops, which are typically used to relieve coughing and soothe sore throats. However, some cough drops may contain ingredients that can affect dopamine levels in the brain, such as menthol, which has been shown to increase dopamine release in certain areas of the brain.
Additionally, the act of taking a cough drop and experiencing relief from coughing may trigger a sense of relief or pleasure, which can also stimulate dopamine release.
cough drop effects on Focus, productivity, attention span, academic performance…
Cough drops may not have a direct effect on focus, productivity, attention span, or academic performance. However, if the cough or other symptoms are causing discomfort or distraction, taking a cough drop can help provide relief and allow for better focus and productivity.
Additionally, some cough drops may contain caffeine or other stimulants that could potentially improve focus and attention span. Overall, the effects of cough drops on academic performance and productivity are likely to be minimal and are unlikely to have a significant impact.
A word about ADHD and cough drop
It is not necessarily the case that people with ADHD interact differently with cough drops. However, individuals with ADHD may have difficulty focusing and paying attention, which could make it harder for them to remember to take the cough drop on schedule or to follow the instructions on the packaging.
Additionally, some cough drops contain caffeine, which can exacerbate symptoms of ADHD such as hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is important for individuals with ADHD to talk to their healthcare provider before taking any medication or supplement, including cough drops.
affecting your relationships
cough drop and self-esteem
Cough drops typically do not have a direct impact on self-esteem. However, feeling sick or experiencing coughing fits can affect self-esteem as it may make someone feel less capable or confident in their abilities. Taking a cough drop can provide temporary relief from coughing or other symptoms, which may improve one’s mood and help them feel better physically. Ultimately, self-esteem is influenced by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, relationships, and beliefs about oneself, and is not directly tied to the use of cough drops.
cough drop addiction leads to isolation and loneliness?
It is possible that cough drop addiction can lead to isolation and loneliness. If a person becomes dependent on cough drops to the point where they are constantly taking them, they may avoid social situations or activities that interfere with their ability to use them. This can lead to isolation and loneliness as they may miss out on opportunities to connect with others.
Additionally, if the addiction causes physical health problems, the person may become even more isolated due to their illness. It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to cough drops or any other substance.
Effects of cough drop on your relationship
Positive effects:
- 1. Improved Health:Cough drops can help alleviate coughing, sore throat, and other cold symptoms. By using cough drops, you will feel better, and your partner will appreciate that you are taking care of your health.
- 2. Increased Comfort:Cough drops can provide a comforting sensation in the throat, which can help you relax and feel more comfortable. This can help you be more present with your partner and enhance your relationship.
- 3. Show Empathy:If your partner is sick, offering them a cough drop can show that you care about them and their health. This can strengthen your bond and show that you are willing to help them when they need it.
Negative effects:
- 1. Bad Taste:Not all cough drops taste good, and some can be unpleasant to the taste buds. If your partner finds the taste unpleasant, it can lead to irritation and frustration, which can impact your relationship.
- 2. Dependency:Using cough drops regularly can lead to dependency, which can be harmful to your health. This can also cause strain in your relationship if your partner is concerned about your health.
- 3. Miscommunication:If you offer your partner a cough drop, but they interpret it as a criticism or that you are implying they are sick, it can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings. This can negatively impact your relationship.
How To Stop & quit Your cough drop Addiction
Finally you think you are addicted to cough drop and you are wondering how to quit it? How to break and overcome your cravings for cough drop?
Here are the best solutions, steps, supports, resources and help you can get to treat your cough drop addiction.
Main steps and solutions to break the cough drop addiction
The main steps to get rid of a cough drop addiction are to wean off gradually, substitute with healthy alternatives, and get rid of triggers.Actually, that’s what most documentation out there is about… However, quitting a digital addiction can be a bit trickier than that.
So our team, after testing many ways, designed a bulletproof way to overcome them. Here are some clear and practical steps that are very powerful to quit a digital addiction, including cough drop:
1. Purge temptations: Get rid of cough drop
First, cleaning your life from temptations is much easier than resisting to them. Disable or delete your cough drop accounts, change the password and hide it somewhere you can’t access easily, keep your phone / computer far away… Out of sight out of mind.
Here is a video from our course the The Digital Purge. on how to add resistance to your temptations, so you become so lazy to engage with them that you give them up: