The Best Steve Wynn quotes

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As the founder and CEO of Wynn Resorts, Steve Wynn is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the casino and hotel industry. He is also known for his philanthropy, having donated billions of dollars to charitable causes. In this post, we’ll take a look at Steve Wynn’s life and career, as well as what makes him one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs around.

We are glad to present you the deepest Macau quotes from Steve Wynn, and much more.

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About Steve Wynn

birth of the author

January 27, 1942

country of the author

United States

college of the author

Alma Mater:
University Of Pennsylvania

occupation of the author

Former Ceo Of Mirage Resorts

date of the author

Years Active:

political of the author

Political Party:


Macau has been steady. The shocking, unexpected government is the one in Washington. — Steve Wynn

You can’t discuss Macau in any logical conversation. It will distort any reality. — Steve Wynn

The government of Macau, of China, has been empirical and pragmatic and has brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, a feat unequaled in the history of civilization in any country. — Steve Wynn

The greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life was being allowed to do business in Macau and in China. I love it here. It has been the greatest single event in my commercial career. Period. — Steve Wynn

macau has been steady the shocking unexpected government is the one in washington Steve Wynn quote

Inspiring Phrases From Steve Wynn

Casino gambling is colorful and dramatic and theatrical. — Steve Wynn

I went public in 2002 in America, and do you know what Wall Street valued my concession in Macau at? Zero. — Steve Wynn

Someone who will take responsibility for the real welfare of the American people, to be honest with them. I’d like to have that adult in the room. — Steve Wynn

Donald calls me and asks me what I think. Very often I will answer him, but Donald Trump is his own adviser. He is his own campaign manager. — Steve Wynn

Washington is unpredictable these days. — Steve Wynn

casino gambling is colorful and dramatic and theatrical Steve Wynn quote

Money is a way of expressing no compromise. — Steve Wynn

Did we not all grow up saying we had to have four glasses of whole milk a day for healthy bones? It’s ridiculous. It’s liquid cholesterol. — Steve Wynn

Various Statements From Steve Wynn

Remember that the Communist Party is a meritocracy in China. — Steve Wynn

People that create jobs create tax payers, which benefits society as a whole. — Steve Wynn

Keep a strong balance sheet, don’t get over–leveraged, and try to protect the security of your employees. — Steve Wynn

remember that the communist party is a meritocracy in china Steve Wynn quote

Le Reve’ may be one of the three best pictures Pablo Picasso ever painted. — Steve Wynn

I don’t want any more concentration camps for animals that are cruelly treated, force–fed to fatten themselves up for our consumption. — Steve Wynn

Guys like me are job creators, and we don’t like having a bulls–eye painted on our back. — Steve Wynn

Nobody likes being around poor people, especially poor people. — Steve Wynn

More Phrases From Steve Wynn

If you don’t have a voice that forces you back to basics, you’re a dangerous person. Or, to put it another way, you’re at risk, and the people with you are at risk. — Steve Wynn

managing china is a daunting task and they ve got smart people doing it Steve Wynn quote

Keeping customers is about the experience, and the employees control the culture and temperature of the business. Never forget that. — Steve Wynn

Redundant Thematics

In Steve Wynn Statements


I am so focused on the fact that the conversation doesn’t address any of the things I think are important. I think our political dialogue in America is distorted and completely off track. — Steve Wynn

I can’t stand the idea of being demagogued: that is, put down by a president who has never created any jobs and who doesn’t even understand how the economy works. — Steve Wynn

I think, generally, the folks from mainland China have more positive feelings about the government here in many cases than the average Americans feel about their government. — Steve Wynn

This generation… they have a different attitude. Instead of sitting and watching something, they want to be a part of it–they’re very hedonistic and sensual. — Steve Wynn

Managing China is a daunting task, and they’ve got smart people doing it. — Steve Wynn

Deeper Quotes From Steve Wynn

I always wanted to meet Nelson Mandela, and I have friends who knew him, but I didn’t get to meet Mandela. I always thought he was a spectacular character. — Steve Wynn

Our government is printing money, and it’s degrading the living standard of every person in America. It’s the cause of frustration, anger, and confusion. — Steve Wynn

Money doesn’t make people happy. People make people happy. — Steve Wynn

This is what you need to do in a luxury business: look for people who will like being there every day. — Steve Wynn

money doesn t make people happy people make people happy Steve Wynn quote

The most impressive person I’ve ever met? Elaine Wynn is no slouch. She’s a much better person than me. But I’ve got her. Finders keepers, losers weepers. And it’s been forty–seven years. — Steve Wynn

Government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization’s history. For some reason that simple truth has evaded everybody. — Steve Wynn

When you hear a politician say ‘fair share,’ you are talking about hypocritical political propaganda. You are not talking about an intelligent discussion of who is paying what and who isn’t paying taxes. — Steve Wynn

STEVE WYNN Quotes Take Away

Steve Wynn is a powerful figure in the world of business and his words are worth taking to heart. We hope you’ve found these quotes as inspiring as we have and that they will motivate you to take your business to new heights. If you’re looking for more inspiration, or want to learn how to apply these concepts yourself, be sure to check out our courses. With our help, you can put Wynn’s wisdom into practice and create an unforgettable customer experience that drives sales.
