The Best Scientist quotes

There is something about a good quote that just makes you feel inspired. Maybe it’s the way the words are put together, or maybe it’s the wisdom of the person behind them. Whatever it is, quotes can be a great way to get motivated and fired up about your work.
In this blog post, we’ve compiled some of our favorite quotes from scientists. We hope they will inspire you to keep working hard and making progress on your entrepreneurial journey.

The best scientist quotes

1. I destroyed that doll, hoping the sacrifice would somehow reverse time and bring my father back. I was a mad scientist and an angry child. — Walter Mosley

2. Don’t be a writer. Writing is an escape from something. You be a scientist. — Sinclair Lewis

3. A lot of scientists hate writing. Most scientists love being in the lab and doing the work and when the work is done, they are finished. — Stephen Jay Gould

4. Scientists are actually preoccupied with accomplishment. So they are focused on whether they can do something. They never stop to ask if they should do something. — Michael Crichton

5. So, my advice to young scientists is, think critically about your work; probably don’t blab unnecessarily. — Peter Agre

6. That’s very much a part of my desire to pay tribute to scientists of the world with this play, my memory as a child is science labs. — Nicole Kidman

7. This is how many people become artists, musicians, writers, computer programmers, record–holding athletes, scientists… by spending time alone practicing what they love. — Meg Cabot

8. Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. — Yann Martel, Life of Pi

9. How can anyone trust scientists? If new evidence comes along, they change their minds. — Terry Pratchett, Judgement Day

10. You need the kind of objectivity that makes you forget everything you’ve heard, clear the table, and do a factual study like a scientist would. — Steve Wozniak

11. Political scientists and professors are the new clergy — the clergy of oppression.

12. While the scientist sees everything that happens in one point of space, the poet feels everything that happens in one point of time. — Vladimir Nabokov

13. It is time that scientists and other public intellectuals observed that the contest between faith and reason is zero–sum. — Sam Harris

14. Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth, are never alone or weary of life. — Rachel Carson

15. The best scientists can do is fail to disprove things while pointing to how hard they tried — Richard Dawkins, The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

16. Abhijit Naskar is a self–trained scientist and thinker who discovers the paradigm shifting phenomena of the human mind. — Michael A. Persinger

17. The pioneer scientist must have ‘a vivid intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by artistically creative imagination. — Max Planck

18. We’re starting to see a renaissance of investors embracing the idea that scientists can build businesses — Ryan Bethencourt

19. A…reason we are so–so scientists is that our brains were shaped for fitness, not for truth. Sometimes truth is adaptive, but sometimes it is not. — Steven Pinker

20. Abhijit Naskar is a self–trained scientist and thinker who discovers the paradigm shifting phenomena of the human mind. — Michael A. Persinger

21. Just because scientists have the knowledge to do it, the technology to do it, and some may even have a financial motive or other incentive to do it, does not make it right. — Nathan Deal

22. After reading a paper by a young theoretical scientist, Pauli, shaking his head sadly, commented: That is not even wrong. — Wolfgang Pauli

23. If you’re a scientist, and you have to have an answer, even in the absence of data, you’re not going to be a good scientist. — Neil Degrasse Tyson

24. No doubt it is true that science cannot study God, but it hardly follows that God had to keep a safe distance from everything that scientists want to study. — Phillip E. Johnson

25. How you get to know is what I want to know. — Richard Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen–Scientist

26. I’m a medical doctor and a biomedical scientist. — Steven Hatfill

27. Even today, I frequently meet scientists who, outside their own narrow discipline, are superstitious. — Umberto Eco

28. Government scientists are commonly as corrupt as the corporate government that employs them. — Steven Magee

29. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had. — Michael Crichton

30. Anthropologists are a connecting link between poets and scientists though their field–work among primitive peoples has often made them forget the language of science. — Robert Graves

31. You don’t need to be a computer scientist to use a Windows Phone. I think you do to use an Android phone. — Steve Ballmer

32. A scientist can pretend that his work isn’t himself, it’s merely the impersonal truth. An artist can’t hide behind the truth. He can’t hide anywhere. — Ursula K. Le Guin

33. The third planet is incapable of supporting life, ‘ stated the husband patiently. ‘Our scientists have said there’s far too much oxygen in their atmosphere. — Ray Bradbury

34. If the only time you think of me as a scientist is during Black History Month, then I must not be doing my job as a scientist. — Neil Degrasse Tyson

35. Just an FYI: If scientists invented the legal system, eye witness testimony would be inadmissible evidence. — Neil Degrasse Tyson

36. To describe externals, you become a scientist. To describe experience, you become an artist. — Timothy Leary

37. A…reason we are so–so scientists is that our brains were shaped for fitness, not for truth. Sometimes truth is adaptive, but sometimes it is not. — Steven Pinker

38. If not for music, I would probably be a very frustrated scientist. It’s one way to answer the question, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ I feel music answers it better. — Paula Cole

39. You need the kind of objectivity that makes you forget everything you’ve heard, clear the table, and do a factual study like a scientist would. — Steve Wozniak

40. A good scientist must accept the challenge that one day everything he believes could be wrong. — Sam Hawksmoor, The Repossession

41. This is the miracle of life: that each person who heeds him or herself knows what no scientist can ever know: who he or she is. — Soren Kierkegaard

42. One of the reasons I like working with schools is to try to convince women that they can be scientists and that science can be fun. — Nancy Roman

43. No doubt it is true that science cannot study God, but it hardly follows that God had to keep a safe distance from everything that scientists want to study. — Phillip E. Johnson

44. The pioneer scientist must have ‘a vivid intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by artistically creative imagination. — Max Planck

45. Using e–mail, I can communicate with scientists all over the world. — Stephen Hawking

46. The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, or business man, or artist, or scientist. — Theodore Roosevelt

47. Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth, are never alone or weary of life. — Rachel Carson

48. Every intelligent person, whether hes an artist or not–a mathematician, a doctor, a scientist–possesses a poetic way of seeing and describing the world. — Yehuda Amichai

49. I was born scientist but my school turned me into just student — Vijay Dhameliya

50. I am a medical scientist, not a practical physician. I think it’s very upfront. I am a doctor. I have long experience with heart disease. — Robert Jarvik


I hope this list of quotes has helped to inspire and motivate you to keep pushing forward in your scientific pursuits. Even if you are not a scientist, these quotes should inspire you to never stop learning and growing. Remember, those who don’t try will never know what they could have achieved. So don’t be afraid to reach for the stars and never give up on your dreams.
