The Best Sarah Jessica Parker quotes

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As a child, Sarah Jessica Parker loved to entertain. She would put on shows for her family and friends, using whatever props she could find. Her parents recognized her passion and natural talent for performing, and they encouraged her to pursue a career in the arts. Today, Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the most successful actresses in Hollywood. But her road to success was not always easy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the quotes compilation of Sarah Jessica Parker, from her early years to her current accomplishments.

We are glad to present you the strongest Work, Relationship, Feelings, Women, Time, Life, Children quotes from Sarah Jessica Parker, and much more.


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About Sarah Jessica Parker

birth of the author

March 25, 1965

occupation of the author

Actress, Producer

date of the author

Years Active:


Trying to be a man is a waste of a woman? — Sarah Jessica Parker


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It’s like the riddle of the Sphinx… why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men? — Sarah Jessica Parker

Often I’ll go to the market, and women will say to me: ‘Let me see your shoes.’ And then I show them I’m wearing flip–flops. — Sarah Jessica Parker

Balls are to men what purses are to women. — Sarah Jessica Parker

trying to be a man is a waste of a woman Sarah Jessica Parker quote

When men attempt bold gestures, generally it’s considered romantic. When women do it, it’s often considered desperate or psycho. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I’m thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It’s just a little bag but we’d feel naked in public without it. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I mIght just have to say yeah, yeah. what a gracIous lady; she was always so good to me. — Sarah Jessica Parker

Every once in awhile, a girl has to indulge herself. — Sarah Jessica Parker


I strangely feel better before I go through hair and makeup. Maybe that’s just because I feel like me. — Sarah Jessica Parker

i feel conflicted about my relationship with social media Sarah Jessica Parker quote

I feel conflicted about my relationship with social media. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I don’t feel that my life, my professional life, is married to a reliance upon Instagram. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I don’t judge others. I say if you feel good with what you’re doing, let your freak flag fly. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I feel honor–bound to have a private relationship with my children. And that’s not a judgment about anybody else and what they choose. And that’s the beauty of living in a democracy, right? — Sarah Jessica Parker

I don’t think anybody should regret the choices they made in their twenties. — Sarah Jessica Parker


I wouldn’t know how to be on Facebook if my life depended on it. — Sarah Jessica Parker

This is about a clear decision, an empowered decision in my life, to end one chapter and start another. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I find it so ironic that all you do, for the earliest part of your life, is try to be like everybody else. And then you turn 30, and you realize all you want to do is distinguish yourself in some way. — Sarah Jessica Parker

If I didn’t have kids, I would be at the theater or the ballet every single night of my life. — Sarah Jessica Parker

Most important to me is my home life and the well–being of my children. — Sarah Jessica Parker

i wouldn t know how to be on facebook if my life depended on it Sarah Jessica Parker quote

When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep walking. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I tell my friends married life is boring, but that’s just a fun thing to say to make single people feel better. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I don’t know how an actress is supposed to observe and create new stuff if she hasn’t been on the streets, brushing up against humanity. You have to have a life. — Sarah Jessica Parker

As a working mother high heels don’t really fit into my life anymore–but in a totally wonderful way. I would much rather think about my son than myself.~ — Sarah Jessica Parker

It’s like reading a book about a life that you will never occupy, but that’s the beauty of being transported. — Sarah Jessica Parker

most important to me is my home life and the well being of my children Sarah Jessica Parker quote


I spent more time playing a person I was not than the person I am. — Sarah Jessica Parker

We all live in a time where we’re supposed to have choices and how do we wrangle that and how do we make the best choices for ourselves and our families. It has nothing to do with feminism. — Sarah Jessica Parker

Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I’m aware of people’s association with me and fashion and I certainly take that role on for some occasions, but it doesn’t dominate my thoughts all the time. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I really love beautiful, well–made clothes. I don’t shop [a lot], so I tend to have pieces for a long time. I like mixing vintage with newer designers. — Sarah Jessica Parker

i spent more time playing a person i was not than the person i am Sarah Jessica Parker quote


In a relationship, when does the art of compromise become compromising? — Sarah Jessica Parker

Redundant Thematics

In Sarah Jessica Parker Statements


After all, computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart. The best we can do is breath and reboot. — Sarah Jessica Parker

The Eskimos have hundreds of word for snow but we’ve invented three times that many words for relationships. What really defines a relationship? — Sarah Jessica Parker

I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies. Two seemingly different ideas that might just be perfect together–like chocolate and peanut butter. — Sarah Jessica Parker

When a relationship dies do we ever really give up the ghost or are we forever haunted by the spirits of relationships past? — Sarah Jessica Parker

in a relationship when does the art of compromise become compromising Sarah Jessica Parker quote


If you’re a nice person and you work hard, you get to go shopping at Barneys. It’s the decadent reward. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I developed a really strong work ethic, and I don’t take anything for granted. — Sarah Jessica Parker

The great challenge for me is to be all things to all people; I want to be a great mother, and I want to feel good when I’m at work. — Sarah Jessica Parker

If you’re in a series, you can’t quit, you can’t work in the theatre and you can’t do a movie when you like. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I never wanted to be a celebrity; I never wanted to be famous. And in my daily life, I work really hard to not trade on it in any way. — Sarah Jessica Parker

i developed a really strong work ethic and i don t take anything for granted Sarah Jessica Parker quote

We didn’t have a lot when I was growing up, and it’s the best thing that happened to me because I appreciate everything. I developed a strong work ethic, and I don’t take anything for granted. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I’m a bitter–ender. It’s potentially my fatal flaw that I do not give up on something. I will not rest. I work and work and work until I can no longer and someone has to remove me from the premises. — Sarah Jessica Parker

There are occasions that I love to be fashionable and enjoy, you know? But the work day of a mother doesn’t include a hair making team or any consideration of your shoe. — Sarah Jessica Parker


Someone once told me that children are like heroin. You always want more. Yet first–borns are special because you’ll never have your first child again. — Sarah Jessica Parker

Come little children, I’ll take thee away into a Land of Enchantment. Come little children, the time’s come to play here in my Garden of Magic. — Sarah Jessica Parker

I just wasn’t one of those girls who dreamt of her wedding day and the birth of her first child. — Sarah Jessica Parker

If you have a child, you’re improvising with rules all day long, and some of them are total lies. — Sarah Jessica Parker

So we strive for perfection in the areas in which we can control, and that isn’t necessarily what provides contentment and joy for ourselves and, more importantly, for our children. — Sarah Jessica Parker

And if you are a parent, introduce your children to their neighborhood library. It will give them a real sense of independence to have their own library card and enjoy borrowing books. — Sarah Jessica Parker


Sarah Jessica Parker is a successful actress, producer, and businesswoman. She knows a thing or two about hard work and dedication. In an interview with Marie Claire, she offered this advice: “There’s no substitute for grit. You have to be relentless in your pursuit of what you want.” This couldn’t be more true when it comes to succeeding in the business world. If you want something bad enough, don’t give up; keep fighting for it. And if you need some help getting started, check out our courses. We can teach you everything you need to know about starting and running your own business.

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