The Best Sam Houston quotes

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It is impossible to discuss the storied history of Texas without mentioning Sam Houston. As one of the most prominent and influential figures in early Texas history, his quotes compilation is a must-read for any entrepreneur seeking inspiration. From his humble beginnings as a poor orphan to becoming governor of one of the largest states in America, Houston’s story is one of courage and determination. No matter what obstacles he faced, he never gave up on his dreams or let anyone stand in his way. If you’re looking for inspiration to achieve your own goals, read on and learn from the life of Sam Houston.

Here are the most interesting Love Slogan quotes from Sam Houston, and much more.

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About Sam Houston

birth of the author

March 2, 1793

death of the author

July 26, 1863

political of the author

Political Party:

country of the author

United States Republic Of Texas

institution of the author

United States Army Texan Army

date of the author

Years Of Service:
U.S. Army: 1813-1818 Texan Army: 1835-1836

army of the author

U.S. Army: First Lieutenant Texan Army: Major General

unit of the author

U.S. Army: 39Th Infantry Regiment

army of the author

War Of 1812, Creek War Battle Of Horseshoe Bend, Battle Of Horseshoe Bend, Texas Revolution Battle Of San Jacinto, Battle Of San Jacinto And More.


I love Texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her. โ€” Sam Houston

In the name of the constitution of Texas, which has been trampled upon, I refuse to take this oath. I love Texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her. โ€” Sam Houston

I am making myself less frequent in the Lady World than I have been. I must keep up my dignity, or rather, I must attend more to politics and less to love. โ€” Sam Houston

He has all the characteristics of a dogโ€“except loyalty. โ€” Sam Houston

i love texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her Sam Houston quote

Inspiring Phrases From Sam Houston

Do right and risk the consequences. โ€” Sam Houston

I humble myself before God, and there the list ends. โ€” Sam Houston

Nothing can be better calculated to advance our interests and character than the establishment of a liberal and disinterested policy, enlightened by patriotism and guided by wisdom. โ€” Sam Houston

Diversified interests must exist in every community, and that system which is best calculated to promote the general interest is the one which should be adopted and adhered to with fidelity. โ€” Sam Houston

Texas, with her superior natural advantages, must become a point of attraction, and the policy of establishing with her the earliest relations of friendship and commerce will not escape the eye of statesmen. โ€” Sam Houston

do right and risk the consequences Sam Houston quote

Texas is the finest portion of the globe that has ever blessed my vision! โ€” Sam Houston

Diversity of opinion is the foundation of democracy. โ€” Sam Houston

Various Statements From Sam Houston

A victim of the use of water as a beverage. โ€” Sam Houston

Brandy is the great cause of destruction for the aborigines of America. โ€” Sam Houston

Redundant Thematics

In Sam Houston Statements

Nothing can conduce more to the order and stability of a government than the simplicity of the laws, the proper definition of rights, and their impartial and consistent administration. โ€” Sam Houston

a victim of the use of water as a beverage Sam Houston quote

A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under. โ€” Sam Houston

The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government. โ€” Sam Houston

Texas will again lift it’s head and stand among the nations. It ought to do so, for no country upon the globe can compare with it in natural advantages. โ€” Sam Houston

Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may. โ€” Sam Houston

SAM HOUSTON Quotes Take Away

As we reflect on these inspiring quotes from Sam Houston, let us be reminded of the importance of setting our minds and hearts to what we desire most in life. And may we also remember that it is never too late to achieve our dreams. If you are looking for ways to ignite your own passion for learning, or if youโ€™re seeking guidance on how to set and achieve your personal or professional goals, check out our courses page today. With a variety of options available, there is something for everyone at
