The Best Russell Simmons quotes

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Russell Simmons is a world-renowned entrepreneur who has been at the forefront of popular culture for more than three decades. In that time, he’s founded several innovative and groundbreaking businesses, and remains a leading voice in the African American community. Here, we’ll take a look at his life and work, and see what lessons we can learn from him.

Here are the best Happiness, Work, Culture, Money, Life, World, Black, Success quotes from Russell Simmons, and much more.

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About Russell Simmons

birth of the author

October 4, 1957

occupation of the author

Entrepreneur, Writer, Record Executive, Film Producer

date of the author

Years Active:


That really is the best part of being a dad. You remember what’s important in life. — Russell Simmons

You have to live your life as if you are already where you want to be. — Russell Simmons

We meditate so we can see miracles unfolding. Without stillness life is a blur. — Russell Simmons

Service is the key to everything in life. — Russell Simmons

that really is the best part of being a dad you remember what s important in life Russell Simmons quote

That’s because the truth is, the only things that are going to bring lasting happiness to your life are good health and knowledge of self, which lead to a compassionate relationship with the world. — Russell Simmons

I try to make my life about service, and hope that one day we can all ‘see’ a little better because God is with everyone and everywhere. — Russell Simmons

Hip–hop is about tearing down the system to better it, tearing down the system to better themselves. No matter how flimsy it might seem, they always wanted the finer things in life. — Russell Simmons

If it feels like your life has become a nasty, brackish puddle of water, never forget that you do possess the power to transform it into a beautiful, rushing stream that will carry you to enlightenment. — Russell Simmons

I couldn’t guarantee that someone could get off their medication. But I suspect that meditation instead of Ritalin would change the life of any kid with ADD. — Russell Simmons

you have to live your life as if you are already where you want to be Russell Simmons quote

I think the artist’s job throughout history has been to tell–to say things that people are inspired by. — Russell Simmons


You have to be present, awake and happy now. — Russell Simmons

I really, really try to be a good servant. It makes me happy when I’m a good giver without expectations. — Russell Simmons

And the more people meditate, the more it increases the positive vibrations turning the planet into a positive, happy place. The more you do that, the greater service you are to God. — Russell Simmons

As I get, I give. Giving as you get is critical. It has everything to do with being happy for yourself, and making others happy is the cause of making yourself happy, and it’s the cycle of giving and getting. — Russell Simmons

you have to be present awake and happy now Russell Simmons quote


When you do good by the world, the world will do good by you — Russell Simmons

The world belongs to the people who say, ‘I can’. — Russell Simmons

Never pass up any opportunity to share your gifts with the world. — Russell Simmons

In the end, the overriding factor in whether or not you realize your dreams is going to be you. Not the world. YOU. — Russell Simmons

The old world is quickly disappearing, and the new opportunities are opening up. — Russell Simmons

when you do good by the world the world will do good by you Russell Simmons quote

Decide that no matter what is happening around you, the sun will always be shining in your world. — Russell Simmons

If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you’ll receive good. — Russell Simmons

It’s very simple: When you’re working your hardest, the world opens up to you. — Russell Simmons

When you give without reservation, you’ll become a magnet that pulls the world toward you. — Russell Simmons

Reacting to the world with a smile instead of a curse, a wave instead of the middle finger, will actually help you live longer. — Russell Simmons

the world belongs to the people who say i can Russell Simmons quote

Sometimes, a new toy, a new technology, will focus you. The world is always trying to draw you out, so you always have to remember to go in. — Russell Simmons

My little girls are the most beautiful women in the world. I am a lucky, lucky man. I will spend every day making sure that they know this. — Russell Simmons

What I would do to change this planet is have everyone meditate and look inside. Then we’d have a happier, more service–oriented, less–needy world. — Russell Simmons

By listening to your higher self, or Atman, you can return to the truth that’s already inside of you and in the process change not only yourself, but the entire world, through positivity and love. — Russell Simmons

At the core of everything that is hurtful to humanity is a lack of consciousness. — Russell Simmons

never pass up any opportunity to share your gifts with the world Russell Simmons quote


Russell Simmons (Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple) —

Self–Development Quotes on: Courage, Honesty Any kind of lasting success is rooted in honesty. — Russell Simmons

I used to think anxiety and insomnia drove me to success, but it was the stillness that let me be good at anything. When you extend the seconds of stillness, that’s when you’re able to think and learn. — Russell Simmons

Whatever you chase will run away from you. So, stop chasing success and realize you already have it all. — Russell Simmons

The key ingredient to any kind of happiness or success is to never give less than your best — Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons success through stillness meditation made simple quote

Everything you need to know about success is inside of you, because I believe it is inside of all of us. That is, all human beings have potential for infinite success. — Russell Simmons

Many of my biggest business endeavors were failures before they became a success. Some failed for as long as six years before they hit. Everyone around me thought I was crazy. You just have to stay at it. — Russell Simmons

Performing artists] are making greater percentages. People are going to live events more and it’s a big success story for everyone–except the music industry itself. — Russell Simmons


Happy can make you money, but money can’t make you happy. — Russell Simmons

If you could take barack obama’s image, add hillary rodham clinton’s money and john edwards’ voice, that would be my candidate. — Russell Simmons

happy can make you money but money can t make you happy Russell Simmons quote

I was literally calling my customers who were complaining on social media and having a dialog with them, and sending them money. — Russell Simmons

Money doesn’t make u happy .. But happy makes you money. — Russell Simmons

Well, it’s the last step of the Civil Rights Movement: you know, wrap your hands around some money. — Russell Simmons

If you wake up deciding what you want to give versus what you’re going to get, you become a more successful person. In other words, if you want to make money, you have to help someone else make money. — Russell Simmons

The book ‘Do You!’ is about your inner voice. And when you connect to that voice then you–then the freedom comes. And we’re only here to be happy. So happy makes money. Money doesn’t make happy. — Russell Simmons

The elected officials should be working for the voters who elected them. Money corrupts the process. Why would you be giving a candidate money unless you expect something in return? — Russell Simmons

Redundant Thematics

In Russell Simmons Statements



You need Black [people] sometimes to understand things about Black culture. — Russell Simmons

But rich or poor, black or white, none of us are entitled to anything. — Russell Simmons

My idea is to integrate black stars into mainstream stars. It hasn’t been explored properly. That’s what Im doing in Hollywood. — Russell Simmons

T]here’s nobody Black in charge of anything in Hollywood. — Russell Simmons

you need black people sometimes to understand things about black culture Russell Simmons quote

That tells you that the full potential of many black stars won’t be realized until their audiences are fully integrated. — Russell Simmons

Black actors on the road, flying around the country working as poets. Those people are inspirations for millions of kids who write. — Russell Simmons

I have a pilot called The Re–Education of Oliver Cooper starring the white kid from Project X where follows a black girl to a black university, like in Legally Blonde. I have so many fun projects. — Russell Simmons


You cannot find it anywhere, because it is located inside you… happiness is your natural state. — Russell Simmons

Everyone’s goal is to be happy. Happiness is achieved by promoting happiness to others. — Russell Simmons

everyone s goal is to be happy happiness is achieved by promoting happiness to others Russell Simmons quote

Gratefulness is a practice, just like happiness is a choice. — Russell Simmons

Sitting in stillness has got to be the greatest asset I have in terms of attaining happiness. — Russell Simmons

Give what you want to receive. If you want happiness, make others happy. — Russell Simmons

Success is happiness. People say, “Oh that sounds corny.” No matter how rich you are you can only sit your ass in one seat at a time. You have to be comfortable in that seat. — Russell Simmons

There is no happiness until the mind is still. The cause of all sickness and sadness is the fluctuation of the mind. — Russell Simmons

gratefulness is a practice just like happiness is a choice Russell Simmons quote

You have to learn to laugh all the time. It’s a practice of life. It’s a practice of happiness. — Russell Simmons

Nothing increases happiness like quiet time. The truth is, the only moments that make you laugh or happy are seconds of stillness. — Russell Simmons

I want to talk a little bit abut two things: clarity and cloudiness. Both of them quiet the mind. One quiets it, the other numbs it. either way, there’s less thought, and the less thought, the more happiness. — Russell Simmons

I like to move towards a place where my greatest experience is promoting happiness for others. I know that that creates a cycle of the same great experience. — Russell Simmons


It’s all about the work. Nothing is going to fall into your lap. — Russell Simmons

it s all about the work nothing is going to fall into your lap Russell Simmons quote

Get your hustle on… Hard work is easy, working out is hard. — Russell Simmons

People are murdering each other without any recourse… So we need to get in our communities and work from the inside out. — Russell Simmons

No matter what you’re doing, try to work at that task like it’s your dream job. — Russell Simmons

People are afraid of failure–they don’t like to work so hard and have people keep saying, ‘No.’ I think that’s what people fear most. — Russell Simmons

No matter where you want to go, as long as you follow your path with faith, dedication and hard work, you are going to get there. — Russell Simmons

get your hustle on hard work is easy working out is hard Russell Simmons quote

You’ve got to put your head down and do the work. There are no shortcuts. — Russell Simmons

I can’t pay my [bills]. I can’t go to work. My car is out of gas. — Russell Simmons

When you embrace the process of your work, instead of focusing on the results, you’ll always be happier, plus do a much better job. — Russell Simmons

The conditions of suffering that exist today in our impoverished communities are not acceptable. The reflection of those conditions are less concerning to me. And I work everyday about changing the conditions. — Russell Simmons

You can be anything you want to be, and you can start today, instead of waiting for some opportunity. — Russell Simmons

no matter what you re doing try to work at that task like it s your dream job Russell Simmons quote

The imagination is how things get done. You have to cultivate creativity. — Russell Simmons


There’s something about the authenticity that Hollywood is missing when it comes to urban culture. — Russell Simmons

I think that’s what made rap such a stable footprint in culture, that it’s so honest. — Russell Simmons

Urban pop culture is its own phenomena that is for some reason is left out of Hollywood. It’s the most mainstream thing there is. — Russell Simmons

Culture in America and everywhere else comes from the suffering, from those who don’t want the old ways. They want to bring in the new, whether it’s the ballet, when it started, or Shakespeare. — Russell Simmons

i think that s what made rap such a stable footprint in culture that it s so honest Russell Simmons quote

Hip–hop is such a wide statement of culture that everyone is not the same, and it’s impossible to put it into one box. — Russell Simmons

They’re lacking culture in Hollywood. That gives me a big up, right? I know something about pop culture. — Russell Simmons

My experiences have been, from the very beginning, cultural and creative. And my business has been a way of exposing the culture, exposing the artists so that the world could hear and see them. — Russell Simmons

The always–connected culture isn’t as much a contributor as Grace might think. The nervous mind, the monkey mind, will create its own noise. It doesn’t need a new toy. — Russell Simmons


Russell Simmons is a powerful voice for change and his words inspire us to work harder every day. His quotes remind us that we are capable of anything we set our minds to and that nothing can stop us from reaching our goals as long as we stay focused and driven. We hope these quotes have the same effect on you, motivating you to keep moving forward in your own life and career.
