The Best Rupi Kaur quotes

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Rupi Kaur is a 25-year-old Canadian poet and artist. She self-published her first poetry collection, milk and honey, in 2014. The book became a New York Times bestseller, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide. Kaur’s work explores themes of womanhood, violence, love, and loss. Her writing has been described as honest, raw, and vulnerable. In this inspiring quotes compilation, discover about Rupi Kaur’s journey from self-published author to international phenomenon.

We are glad to present you the best Story, Body, Women, Writing, Life, World quotes from Rupi Kaur, and much more.

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About Rupi Kaur

birth of the author

1992 Punjab, India

country of the author


college of the author

Alma Mater:
University Of Waterloo

occupation of the author

Author, Poet, Artist, Illustrator, Performer


You must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first — Rupi Kaur

What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives — Rupi Kaur

If I’m not the love of your life I’ll be the greatest loss instead — Rupi Kaur

I will no longer compare my path to others–I refuse to do a disservice to my life — Rupi Kaur

you must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first Rupi Kaur quote

Being that my parents and I were immigrants to Canada, I didn’t have the most lavish life growing up. — Rupi Kaur

Despite knowing they won’t be here for long they still choose to live their brightest lives–sunflowers — Rupi Kaur

Why are we so terrified of a natural process that allows for life to be brought into this world? Why do we scramble to hide our tampons when we pull them out of our purses? — Rupi Kaur

The pain that all people experience in life and the light that helps them champion through it all–it’s their lives and their stories and their love and will to keep living that moves me to write. — Rupi Kaur

And here you are living despite it all — Rupi Kaur

what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives Rupi Kaur quote


Other women’s bodies are not our battlegrounds — Rupi Kaur

Trust your body it reacts to right and wrong better than your mind does — Rupi Kaur

It isn’t blood that makes you my sister it’s how you understand my heart as though you carry it in your body — Rupi Kaur

The next time he points out the hair on your legs is growing back remind that boy your body is not his home he is a guest warn him to never outstep his welcome again — Rupi Kaur


You have to really understand that although certain memories or stories make you sad, you are not sad. Pull yourself out from that emotion and remember that. — Rupi Kaur

why is it that when the story ends we begin to feel all of it Rupi Kaur quote

Why is it that when the story ends we begin to feel all of it — Rupi Kaur

Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry — Rupi Kaur

It was tough to cope with the pressure of having to talk about menstruation, but now with ‘Newsweek’ splashing it as the cover story, I thing the point I wished to make has found its mark. — Rupi Kaur


I could be anything in the world but I wanted to be his — Rupi Kaur

Let it go, let it leave, let it happen. Nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway. — Rupi Kaur

i could be anything in the world but i wanted to be his Rupi Kaur quote

The world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it–there is nothing purer than that — Rupi Kaur

I grew up thinking I was going to change the world, but not because I was treated like a special snowflake. It’s a silly label. People are starving. We need to feed them. That’s the end of the conversation. — Rupi Kaur


The kindest words my father said to me Women like you drown oceans. — Rupi Kaur

Redundant Thematics

In Rupi Kaur Statements


Growing up, I naturally embraced who I was, but I was always battling with myself. So I spent half my time being proud of being a woman and the other half completely hating it. — Rupi Kaur

Why are brown women bullying brown women for body hair? Why are brown women bullying brown women for the same traits we all have? — Rupi Kaur

the kindest words my father said to me women like you drown oceans Rupi Kaur quote

There was no market for poetry about trauma, abuse, loss, love, and healing through the lens of a Punjabi–Sikh immigrant woman. — Rupi Kaur

My heart aches for sisters more than anything it aches for women helping women like flowers ache for spring — Rupi Kaur

If I body–shame a woman, it is more a reflection of me being critical of my body, me not being able to keep up to certain standards I have, and so making sure that the women around me feel the same way. — Rupi Kaur

We all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women around us are — Rupi Kaur


The thing about writing is I can’t tell if it’s healing or destroying. — Rupi Kaur

the thing about writing is i can t tell if it s healing or destroying Rupi Kaur quote

My writing is a product of how I would interact with things that have happened to me or things that have not happened to me but have happened to somebody else. — Rupi Kaur

I always wrote stories, but I do remember a particular moment in middle school where I became passionate about essay writing. — Rupi Kaur

Trying to convince myself I am allowed to take up space is like writing with my left hand when I was born to use my right — Rupi Kaur

The way a small child might dream of visiting Disneyland, I dreamed of writing books. Never did I think my poems would become that. — Rupi Kaur

I would give anything to sing like Beyonce or Adele. I’ve said many times to my friends that if I could sing like them, I would give up poetry and writing. — Rupi Kaur

I was always writing for myself. I wrote what I needed to write and hear–that’s what makes it powerful. — Rupi Kaur

When writing for the page, the focus is on the design–how the words appear on the page. I try to make it as direct and simple as possible. — Rupi Kaur

RUPI KAUR Quotes Take Away

If you’re feeling lost, or like you don’t quite fit in, know that you are not alone. There are others out there who feel the same way as you do. And more importantly, there are people who have gone before you and have found ways to express themselves and their experiences. Rupi Kaur is one of those people. Her poetry speaks to the heart of what it means to be human. It’s raw, honest, and vulnerable. But it’s also beautiful and inspiring. If you’re looking for a way to find your voice, start with her work. And if you want to learn more about how to use your voice effectively online, check out our courses page .
