The Best Resentment quotes

We’ve all experienced resentment at some point in our lives. Whether it was due to a failed relationship, an unmet expectation, or a situation that didn’t go our way, it’s likely that we have dealt with these negative emotions at some point. Resentment can be incredibly damaging and can lead to bitterness and animosity if not addressed in a healthy manner. That’s why it’s so important to turn to words of wisdom to help us understand and move on from our resentments. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best resentment quotes to help us work through these tough emotions. From quotes about forgiveness to quotes about letting go, these words of wisdom are sure to help us move past any lingering resentments. So without further ado, let’s dive into these powerful quotes about resentment.

The best resentment quotes

1. Pride and resentment are not indigenous to the human heart — and perhaps it is due to the gardener’s innate love of the exotic that we take such pains to make them thrive.

2. Great self–respect is as often manifested in forbearance as in resentment. — E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola’s Peril

3. Guilt is anger directed at ourselves–at what we did or did not do. Resentment is anger directed at others–at what they did or did not do. — Peter McWilliams

4. To show resentment at a reproach is to acknowledge that one may have deserved it. — Tacitus

5. Resentment can be intoxicating in a way in which a drunk starts to believe he’s stronger than he is. — Pete Smith, Dare to Matter: Choosing an Unstuck and Unapologetic Life of Significance

6. Without forgiveness life is governed by… an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. — Roberto Assagioli

7. There are no justified resentments. — Wayne Dyer

8. Resentment can be intoxicating in a way in which a drunk starts to believe he’s stronger than he is. — Pete Smith, Dare to Matter: Choosing an Unstuck and Unapologetic Life of Significance

9. To show resentment at a reproach is to acknowledge that one may have deserved it. — Tacitus

10. Blessed is the heart that does not collect resentments and often dwells on them. — Swami Ranganathananda

11. You may very well have good reasons for resentment, frustration and anger. But that doesn’t mean those negative responses are good for you, or that you must choose them. — Ralph Marston

12. My relationship with him was defined by these complex emotions, this mixture of gratitude and resentment. — Otsuichi, ZOO

13. She was certain this trip would be a landslide of regret, anger and resentment, crumbling around a day of sadness. — Shannyn Leah, Lakeshore Secrets

14. The jealousy and resentment that animate the terrorists also affect many of our former cold war allies. — Richard Perle

15. A life lived mired in resentment is one that is lived primarily in the past and this is never one that is filled with joy. — Taite Adams

16. Dissensions between Muslim nations run at least as deep, if not deeper, than those nations’ resentment of the West. — Salman Rushdie

17. Anger, resentment, envy, and self–pity are wasteful reactions. They greatly drain one’s time. They sap energy better devoted to productive endeavors. — Ruth Bader Ginsburg

18. If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you. — Peter Marshall

19. Dissensions between Muslim nations run at least as deep, if not deeper, than those nations’ resentment of the West. — Salman Rushdie

20. I have no resentments, no complaints, no ax to grind. I simply feel what I feel and do what I do. — Marty Rubin

21. Resentment’s appetite is never fulfilled. — Stephen Richards

22. I harbored a lot of resentment as a teenager and as a young adult. I still have a problem with authority, I’m trying to listen! — Nikki Sixx

23. What ever the motive for the insult, it is always best to overlook it; for folly doesn’t deserve resentment, and malice is punished by neglect. — Samuel Johnson

24. Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. the minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes their place. — mark twain

25. Resentment generates hate — love tries to understand.

26. The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community. — Saul Alinsky

27. I adore your anger and resentments; with such beauty, everything you do looks awesome. — M.F. Moonzajer, A moment with God ; Poetry

28. My relationship with him was defined by these complex emotions, this mixture of gratitude and resentment. — Otsuichi, ZOO

29. It did not start wIth donald trump, donald trump is a symptom, not the cause. donald trump’s just capItalizing on resentments that polIticians have been fanning for years. — Michelle Obama

30. I think a compliment ought always to precede a complaint, where one is possible, because it softens resentment and insures for the complaint a courteous and gentle reception. — Mark Twain

31. It’s a certain tragedy when agony and resentment are all you have left connecting you to someone you once loved. — J.S.B. Morse, Now and at the Hour of Our Death

32. When a man feel the reprehension of a friend seconded by his own heart, he is easily heated into resentment. — Samuel Johnson

33. The resentment of discipline of any kind will warp the whole life away from God’s purpose. — Oswald Chambers

34. A life lived mired in resentment is one that is lived primarily in the past and this is never one that is filled with joy. — Taite Adams

35. Blessed is the heart that does not collect resentments and often dwells on them. — Swami Ranganathananda

36. Criticism will plant FEAR in the human heart, or resentment, but it will not build love or affection. — Napoleon Hill

37. Be patient — resentment will always reveal itself.

38. The greatest obstacle to connecting with our joy is resentment. — Pema Chodron

39. I stand ready to lead us down a different path where we’re lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success. — Mitt Romney

40. Resentment is just a way of letting someone else use your mind rent–free. — Roger Ebert

41. He never had been good at arguing with women — they tapped into pools of resentment over slights that had steeped for years.

42. Resentment gratifies him who intended an injury, and pains him unjustly who did not intend it. — Samuel Johnson

43. Without forgiveness life is governed … by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. — Robert Assaglioli

44. Be patient — resentment will always reveal itself.

45. Resentment is a union of sorrow with malignity; a combination of a passion which all endeavor to avoid with a passion which all concur to detest. — Samuel Johnson

46. It did not start wIth donald trump, donald trump is a symptom, not the cause. donald trump’s just capItalizing on resentments that polIticians have been fanning for years. — Michelle Obama

47. Resentment — napoleon Hill

48. Blessed is the heart that does not collect resentments and often dwells on them. — Swami Ranganathananda

49. To show resentment at a reproach is to acknowledge that one may have deserved it. — Tacitus

50. There was no civility, there was no sophistication, there was nothing but raw resentment and anger on the part of the Hillary [Clinton] campaign staff. — Rush Limbaugh


Overall, resentment quotes can provide us with a new perspective on our own feelings and the feelings of others. They can remind us of the importance of forgiveness and understanding, while also inspiring us to take action to prevent resentful feelings from taking hold. By understanding these quotes, we can learn to better express our feelings and work towards peace and harmony in our lives.
