Rene Magritte was one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His work challenged conventions and inspired many future generations of artists. In this quotes compilation, we’ll explore his life and work, and see how he became one of the most influential figures in art history.
Here are the most known Mind, World quotes from Rene Magritte, and much more.
Nothing is confused except the mind. โ Rene Magritte
The mind loves the unknown. It loves images whose meaning is unknown, since the meaning of the mind itself is unknown. โ Rene Magritte
To be a surrealist means barring from your mind all remembrance of what you have seen, and being always on the lookout for what has never been. โ Rene Magritte
Those who become entangled in these false ideas are prevented from perceiving the Integral Oneness. โ Rene Magritte
Too often we tend to reduce what is strange to what is familiar. I intend to restore the familiar to the strange. โ Rene Magritte
I am not a determInIst but I don’t belIeve In chance eIther. It serves as another ‘explanatIon’ of the world…. โ Rene Magritte
We must not fear daylight just because it almost always illuminates a miserable world. โ Rene Magritte
Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist. โ Rene Magritte
I want nevertheless to add that for me the world is a defiance of common sense. โ Rene Magritte
Only thought can resemble. It resembles by being what it sees, hears, or knows; it becomes what the world offers it. โ Rene Magritte
I think we are responsible for the universe, but that doesn’t mean we decide anything. โ Rene Magritte
Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see, but it is impossible. Humans hide their secrets too well. โ Rene Magritte
Inspiring Phrases From Rene Magritte
The present reeks of mediocrity and the atom bomb. โ Rene Magritte
Redundant Thematics
In Rene Magritte Statements
We are surrounded by curtains. We only perceive the world behind a curtain of semblance. At the same time, an object needs to be covered in order to be recognized at all. โ Rene Magritte
If one looks at a thing with the intention of trying to discover what it means, one ends up no longer seeing the thing itself, but of thinking of the question that is raised. โ Rene Magritte
No object is stuck with its name so irrevocably that one cannot find another which suits it better. โ Rene Magritte
Each thing we see hides something else we want to see. โ Rene Magritte
An object is not so attached to its name that we cannot find another one that would suit it better. โ Rene Magritte
An object never serves the same function as its imageโor its name. โ Rene Magritte
RENE MAGRITTE Quotes Take Away
Magritte’s quotes are thought-provoking and inspiring. They remind us to question what we see and to look at the world in a different way. If you’re looking for some inspiration of your own, be sure to check out our courses. We have a variety of options that can help you learn more about art, marketing, and much more.