The Best Questioning quotes

It’s safe to say that most entrepreneurs have heard at least one motivational quote in their lives. And while these quotes can sometimes provide the push we need to achieve our goals, they can also be misleading or downright false. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most commonly quoted statements by entrepreneurs and business owners, and explore whether or not they hold up under closer scrutiny.


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The best questioning quotes

1. If we don’t have a vigorous questioning, aggressive journalistic community and mythology, democracy itself is in great jeopardy. — Milton Glaser

2. Questioning is not the mode of conversation among gentlemen. — Samuel Johnson

3. The making of adaptable, curious, open, questioning people has nothing to do with vocational training and everything to do with humanistic and scientific studies. — Neil Postman

4. When asking for advice, search not for what is on the surface, Dig deeper, questioning what does this person believe in? — J.R. Rim

5. By questioning all the aspects of our business, we continuously inject improvement and innovation into our culture. — Michael Dell

6. Constant questioning produces a status quo of change. — Ted Agon, The Human Key Condensed

7. Always doubting and questioning everything strikes me as a very miserable way to live. — Marty Rubin

8. If we don’t have a vigorous questioning, aggressive journalistic community and mythology, democracy itself is in great jeopardy. — Milton Glaser

9. I am all in favor of the skeptical mind. Do not believe anything unless you have experienced it. Do not believe anything–go on questioning, however long it takes. — Rajneesh

10. The making of adaptable, curious, open, questioning people has nothing to do with vocational training and everything to do with humanistic and scientific studies. — Neil Postman

11. By doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth. — Peter Abelard

12. We have to remember that what We observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning. — Werner Heisenberg

13. I believe leaders should be questioning machine, rather than an answering machine. — Saji Ijiyemi

14. Staring at my outstretched pinky questioningly his perfect lips twitched into a smile. Pinky promise? — Natalie Valdes, Pinky Promise?

15. We are questioning the men in our custody and trying to help the victim’s father obtain best medical care for the child. — Vijay Singh

16. Always doubting and questioning everything strikes me as a very miserable way to live. — Marty Rubin

17. I would like to believe that logic is questioning your reasoning to reach a conclusion. — Unarine Ramaru

18. Original thought, original artistic expression is by its very nature questioning, irreverent, iconoclastic. — Salman Rushdie

19. The most ridiculous activity of human mind is questioning. Cognition of reality surpasses both question and answer, however ingenious. — Raheel Farooq

20. Though our challenges are fearsome, so are our strengths. Americans have ever been a relentless, questioning, hopeful people. — William J. Clinton

21. I am all in favor of the skeptical mind. Do not believe anything unless you have experienced it. Do not believe anything–go on questioning, however long it takes. — Rajneesh

22. The path to holiness lies through questioning everything. — M. Scott Peck

23. For somebody who has injured their brain, every single thing they say and think will be the subject of their own questioning. — Richard Hammond

24. You can get the answer of your every question in the empty hands of the beggar. But still you are questioning why his hands are empty. — Rumman Bin Sadiq

25. Hurry wounds a questioning soul. — Sarah Bessey, Jesus Feminist

26. Questioning a genius with logic limits his imagination. — Vasilios Karpos

27. The same government that requires a taxpaying citizen to document every statement on his tax return decrees that questioning a welfare applicant demeans and humiliates him. — Ronald Reagan

28. The key to wisdom is this–constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth. — Peter Abelard

29. Life has been a combination of fairy–tale coincidence and joie de vivre and shocks of beauty together with some hurtful self–questioning. — Sylvia Plath

30. Questioning is not the mode of conversation among gentlemen. — Samuel Johnson

31. Education is political. — Noel Castree, Questioning Geography: Fundamental Debates

32. The same government that requires a taxpaying citizen to document every statement on his tax return decrees that questioning a welfare applicant demeans and humiliates him. — Ronald Reagan

33. Questioning is not the mode of conversation among gentlemen. — Samuel Johnson

34. I am all in favor of the skeptical mind. Do not believe anything unless you have experienced it. Do not believe anything–go on questioning, however long it takes. — Rajneesh

35. I am all in favor of the skeptical mind. Do not believe anything unless you have experienced it. Do not believe anything–go on questioning, however long it takes. — Rajneesh

36. Staring at my outstretched pinky questioningly his perfect lips twitched into a smile. Pinky promise? — Natalie Valdes, Pinky Promise?

37. Questioning authority doesn’t make you resistant — who should follow blindly without knowing the destination

38. The art of questioning is to ignite innovative thinking. — Pearl Zhu, 100 Creativity Ingredients: Everyone’s Playbook to Unlock Creativity

39. Questioning a genius with logic limits his imagination. — Vasilios Karpos

40. Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence. — Poppet, Aisyx

41. Questioning is not the mode of conversation among gentlemen. — Samuel Johnson

42. Science needs the light of free expression to flourish. It depends on the fearless questioning of authority, and the open exchange of ideas. — Neil Degrasse Tyson

43. We have to remember that what We observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning. — Werner Heisenberg

44. Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence. — Poppet, Aisyx

45. Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence. — Poppet, Aisyx

46. I would like to believe that logic is questioning your reasoning to reach a conclusion. — Unarine Ramaru

47. We are questioning the men in our custody and trying to help the victim’s father obtain best medical care for the child. — Vijay Singh

48. When asking for advice, search not for what is on the surface, Dig deeper, questioning what does this person believe in? — J.R. Rim

49. If we don’t have a vigorous questioning, aggressive journalistic community and mythology, democracy itself is in great jeopardy. — Milton Glaser

50. An educated mind is a questioning mind. Or is it? — T.S. Welti, The Fifth Specter


I hope this blog post has provided you with a few thought-provoking quotes to get you thinking about the importance of questioning. Remember, questioning is an essential part of the learning process and is key to personal and professional growth. So, don’t be afraid to ask questions and challenge the status quo. Who knows what amazing ideas you could come up with!

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