The Best Philip Glass quotes

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Philip Glass is a renowned American composer whose works have been performed all over the world. Though he didn’t achieve mainstream success until his 30s, Glass has now been composing music for more than 50 years. This quotes compilation of Philip Glass explores his life and work, and offers inspiration to entrepreneurs everywhere.

Discover the deepest Music, Work, Life quotes from Philip Glass, and much more.

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About Philip Glass

birth of the author

January 31, 1937

genre of the author

Minimalism, Contemporary Classical, Film Score

occupation of the author


date of the author

Years Active:


The work I’ve done is the work I know, and the work I do is the work I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m doing. — Philip Glass

It’s always a pleasure to talk about someone else’s work. — Chuck Close

I don’t work with inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs. I just get to work. — Chuck Close

There’s something Zen–like about the way I work–it’s like raking gravel in a Zen Buddhist garden. — Chuck Close

you get up early in the morning and you work all day that s the only secret Philip Glass quote

Sometimes I really want to paint somebody and I don’t get a photograph that I want to work from. — Chuck Close

You don’t have to have a great art idea–just get to work and something will happen. So that’s pretty much my modus operandi and pretty much my principal position, such as it is. — Chuck Close

You get up early in the morning and you work all day. That’s the only secret. — Philip Glass

One of Allen Ginsberg’s T–shirts said, ‘Well, while I’m here, I’ll do the work. And what’s the work? To ease the pain of living. Everything else, drunken dumbshow. — Philip Glass

I always thought that one of the reasons why a painter likes especially to have other painters look at his or her work is the shared experience of having pushed paint around. — Chuck Close

the past is reinvented and becomes the future but the lineage is everything Philip Glass quote

The past is reinvented and becomes the future. But the lineage is everything. — Philip Glass

I’m very learning–disabled, and I think it drove me to what I’m doing. — Chuck Close


I’d say it’s just part of the world that we live in; it’s part of the music world. — Philip Glass

I’m interested in what happens to music when other people use it. Whereas there are composers who don’t like anyone to touch their music, I think people should because they do things I can’t think of. — Philip Glass

There’s almost no content in terms of language at all. I don’t like using language to convey meaning. I’d rather use images and music. — Philip Glass

i d say it s just part of the world that we live in it s part of the music world Philip Glass quote

What came to me as a revelation was the use of rhythm in developing an overall structure in music. — Philip Glass

Redundant Thematics

In Philip Glass Statements


I’d say the differences are more interesting than the similarities at this point. Certainly no one would ever mistake my music for Steve’s [ Reich]. — Philip Glass


What difference does it make whether you’re looking at a photograph or looking at a still life in front of you? You still have to look. — Chuck Close

I’m plagued with indecision in my life. I can’t figure out what to order in a restaurant. — Chuck Close

I, as a young guy getting out of music school, I didn’t like the prospect of spending my life writing music for about 200 people. — Philip Glass

A face is a road map of someone’s life. Without any need to amplify that or draw attention to it, there’s a great deal that’s communicated about who this person is and what their life experiences have been. — Chuck Close

PHILIP GLASS Quotes Take Away

Philip Glass is one of the most successful and renowned living composers in the world. His music has been featured in movies, ballets, operas, and even television shows. What’s more, he’s one of the few classical composers to achieve mainstream success. If you want to be a successful composer (or creator of any sort), studying his work is essential. We’ve collected some of our favorite quotes from him on creativity and artistry – take a look and be inspired! And if you want to learn more about composing or songwriting, check out our courses.
