Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have all the luck? They’re born into wealthy families, or they stumble onto a great business idea, and suddenly they’re on the road to success. But what about the people who start from scratch and don’t have any advantages? How do they make it big? Today we’re going to be looking at one of those success stories. Peter Singer is a self-made millionaire who turned a small online business into a multimillion-dollar empire. Let’s take a closer look at his best quotes and find out what lessons we can learn from it.
Discover the best Human Beings, Life, World, Ethic, Animals quotes from Peter Singer, and much more.
Institutions: University College, Oxford, New York University, La Trobe University, Monash University, Princeton University, University Of Melbourne And More.
Main Interests: Applied Ethics, Bioethics
Notable Ideas: Equal Consideration Of Interests, Drowning Child Analogy, Effective Altruism, Argument From Marginal Cases
I think ethics is always there; it’s not always a very thoughtful or reflective ethics. — Peter Singer
More often there’s a compromise between ethics and expediency. — Peter Singer
I don’t think there’s anything in the compromise that means that there’s a clash of ethics. — Peter Singer
Ethics seems a morass which we have to cross, but get hopelessly bogged in when we make the attempt. — Peter Singer
The principles of ethics come from our own nature as social, reasoning beings. — Peter Singer
Business ethics has always had problems that are distinct from those of other professions, such as medicine, law, engineering, dentistry, or nursing. — Peter Singer
The goal of maximizing the welfare of all may be better achieved by an ethic that accepts our inclinations and harnesses them so that, taken as a whole, the system works to everyone’s advantage. — Peter Singer
Interest in business ethics courses has surged, and student activities at leading business schools are more focused than ever before on making business serve long–term social values. — Peter Singer
The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human life is medieval. — Peter Singer
Probability is the guide of life, and of death, too. — Peter Singer
If our life has no meaning other than our own happiness, we are likely to find that when we have obtained what we think we need to be happy, happiness itself still eludes us. — Peter Singer
If we’re going to live an ethical life, it’s not enough just to follow the thou–shalt–nots. … If we have enough, we have to share some of that with people who have so little. — Peter Singer
Surely there will be some nonhuman animals whose lives, by any standards, are more valuable than the lives of some humans. — Peter Singer
Why [..] should the boundary of sacrosanct life match the boundary of our species? — Peter Singer
But I think the majority of cows, and even more so chickens and pigs, are leading pretty miserable lives. — Peter Singer
Dolphins are social mammals, capable of enjoying their lives. They form close bonds with other members of their group. — Peter Singer
One person i know who’s involved in the life you can save said ‘the life that i saved is my own, because i now really feel that i’ve got a purpose for my life, and its meaningful and i’m happy what i’m doing’. — Peter Singer
The price we are willing to pay for safety cannot be infinite. It is distasteful to put a price on human life, but the more we spend on safety, the less we will have for our other goals. — Peter Singer
At the moment there’s a lot of low–hanging fruit in terms of lives thAt can be saved cheaply. — Peter Singer
We have a new generation of very rich people who want to do more with their money than buy a lot of expensive toys. They want to live meaningful lives. — Peter Singer
The traditional view of the sanctity of human life will collapse under pressure from scientific, technological and demographic developments. — Peter Singer
We should aim for our children to be good people, and to live ethical lives that manifest concern for others as well as for themselves. — Peter Singer
We should give the same respect to the lives of animals as we do to the lives of humans. — Peter Singer
What you could say, and what I do argue in the book, is that he doesn’t have as much concern for the lives of Iraqis as he does for the lives of Americans, or even frozen American embryos. — Peter Singer
To give preference to the life of a being simply because that being is a member of our species would put us in the same position as racists who give preference to those who are members of their race. — Peter Singer
Hebrew word for ‘charity’ tzedakah, simply means ‘justice’ and as this suggests, for Jews, giving to the poor is no optional extra but an essential part of living a just life. — Peter Singer
What we must do is bring nonhuman animals within our sphere of moral concern and cease to treat their lives as expendable for whatever trivial purposes we may have. — Peter Singer
If we are prepared to take the life of another being merely in order to satisfy our taste for a particular type of food, then that being is no more than a means to our end. — Peter Singer
That’s a central part of philosophy, of ethics. What do I owe to strangers? What do I owe to my family? What is it to live a good life? Those are questions which we face as individuals. — Peter Singer
The future of the world depends on how well we meet it. — Peter Singer
If somebody has an extreme amount of wealth and is not using it for some good purpose, only for their own enjoyment or satisfaction, then clearly there’s a moral failing in the world in which we live. — Peter Singer
According to the Dominant Western tradition, the natural world exists for the benefit of human beings. — Peter Singer
In an ideal world, the amount of money we spend on medical research to prevent or cure a disease would be proportional to its seriousness and the number of people who suffer from it. — Peter Singer
It’s also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America’s reputation and prestige around the world; and that’s just starting now to hit home in the United States. — Peter Singer
Had Rumsfeld said at any time ‘get me a report on what’s going on’, he could have had it. You’re right, it depends on choices that we make, which parts of the world we want to be in immediate contact with. — Peter Singer
In my world of the people who study war and defense issues, we simply did not talk about robotics. We do not talk about it because it’s seen as mere science fiction. It’s cold, hard, metallic reality. — Peter Singer
Bush is morally a universalist. For instance, he says the freedom is good, the same thing is good, all over the world. So in that sense he’s a universalist. — Peter Singer
Redundant Thematics
In Peter Singer Statements
The Internet, like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world. — Peter Singer
The world would be a much simpler place if one could bring about social change merely by making a logically consistent moral argument. — Peter Singer
You shouldn’t say ‘animals’ to distinguish between humans and non–humans. We are all animals. — Peter Singer
An animal experiment cannot be justifiable unless the experiment is so important that the use of a brain–damaged human would be justifiable. — Peter Singer
At present scientists do not look for alternatives simply because they do not care enough about the animals they are using. — Peter Singer
If they [animals] were really to get the equal consideration that I believe they should, we wouldn’t have commercial animal production in this country. — Peter Singer
It takes twenty–one pounds of protein fed to a calf to produce a single pound of animal protein for humans. We get back less than 5 percent of what we put in. — Peter Singer
In appropriate circumstances we are justified in using humans to achieve goals (or the goal of assisting animals). — Peter Singer
Personal purity isn’t really the issue. Not supporting animal abuse–and persuading others not to support it–is. — Peter Singer
The big corporations and those who must compete with them are not concerned with a sense of harmony among plants, animals, and nature. — Peter Singer
Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo–Christian religious tradition. — Peter Singer
All the arguments to prove man’s superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals. — Peter Singer
We are not especially ‘interested in’ animals. Neither of us had ever been inordinately fond of dogs, cats, or horses in the way that many people are. We didn’t ‘love’ animals. — Peter Singer
Grain that is used to feed animals that end up on our tables as turkeys and hams could have gone to feed starving people. — Peter Singer
Animal factories are one more sign of the extent to which our technological capacities have advanced faster than our ethics. — Peter Singer
Human beings are social animals. We were social before we were human. — Peter Singer
Becoming a vegan is a sure way of completely avoiding participation in the abuse of farmed animals. Vegans are a living demonstration of the fact that we do not need to exploit animals for food. — Peter Singer
My own view is that being a vegetarian or vegan is not an end in itself, but a means towards reducing both human and animal suffering and leaving a habitable planet to future generations. — Peter Singer
If we are concerned about the exploitation of human workers in countries with low standards of worker protection, we should also be concerned about the treatment of even more defenceless non–human animals. — Peter Singer
The unchallenged assumption is that humans may use animals for their own purposes, and they may raise and kill them to satisfy their preference for a diet containing animal flesh. — Peter Singer
We think of lions and wolves as savage because they kill; but they must kill, or starve. Humans kill other animals for sport, to satisfy their curiosity, to beautify their bodies, and to please their palates. — Peter Singer
Torturing a human being is almost always wrong, but it is not absolutely wrong. — Peter Singer
I do not believe that it could never be justifiable to experiment on a brain–damaged human. — Peter Singer
If we can put a man on the moon and sequence the human genome, we should be able to devise something close to a universal digital public library. — Peter Singer
We wait until Pandora’s box is opened before we say, ‘Wow, maybe we should understand what’s in that box.’ This is the story of humans on every problem. — Peter Singer
If possessing a higher degree of intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his or her own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit non–humans? — Peter Singer
The prescription of the equality of human beings is not a description of an alleged actual equality among humans: it is a prescription of how we should treat human beings. — Peter Singer
Putting the AR movement directly in opposition to the environmental movement, which should be our natural allies in fighting human arrogance and domination of the planet. — Peter Singer
Human decision–making is complex. On our own, our tendency to yield to short–term temptations, and even to addictions, may be too strong for our rational, long–term planning. — Peter Singer
We see things like reciprocity which are fairly central to our view of ethics. But if you’re talking about a set of worked–out rules on what we are supposed to do then, yes, it is a human product. — Peter Singer
Human social institutions can effect the course of human evolution. Just as climate, food supply, predators, and other natural forces of selection have molded our nature, so too can our culture. — Peter Singer
PETER SINGER Quotes Take Away
Peter Singer is a moral philosopher who has dedicated his life’s work to understanding the most important ethical questions of our time. In this blog post, we’ve shared some of his most inspiring quotes on living an ethically responsible life. If you’re looking for more inspiration, be sure to check out our courses page where you can find online classes that will help you put your values into practice. We hope these quotes have helped motivate you to make a difference in the world and live with purpose.