The Best Patrick Dempsey quotes

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Patrick Dempsey is a household name. But what most people don’t know about him is that he’s an entrepreneur too. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the various businesses he’s started and how they’ve evolved over the years. We’ll also delve into his current business ventures and how he balances work with family life.

We are glad to present you the most interesting quotes from Patrick Dempsey, and much more.

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About Patrick Dempsey

birth of the author

January 13, 1966

occupation of the author

Actor, Racecar Driver

date of the author

Years Active:

date of the author

Debut Season:

Inspiring Phrases From Patrick Dempsey

I grew up in a house full of women. I have two older sisters and my mum who is a very strong woman. — Patrick Dempsey

Fame is a delicate and dangerous creature; I saw people who didn’t honor it, who refused to take responsibility for it, get destroyed by it. I also saw that stardom in and of itself was empty. — Patrick Dempsey

As obvious as it sounds, I strongly recommend shopping at a specialty bike store. They are the experts, and they will be able to help you decide which bike is best for you. — Patrick Dempsey

I’m really happy to have a family and a life outside of the business. — Patrick Dempsey

i m really happy to have a family and a life outside of the business Patrick Dempsey quote

You’ll go insane if you try to have a picture–book house. — Patrick Dempsey

A wedding is like a funeral, but with musicians. — Patrick Dempsey

I base all my characters on hair. — Patrick Dempsey

Various Statements From Patrick Dempsey

I hate shaving. It’s much easier to just do a little stubble, but my wife and daughter like it when I’m clean–shaven. If you see me with a clean face, then you know I’m in the kissing mode! — Patrick Dempsey

In Los Angeles, as I gained and lost celebrity, then gained it again, I often found myself wondering why I, out of thousands like me, had become famous. — Patrick Dempsey

The worst part about being married is when you’re not connecting. Your partner is going out the door when you’re coming in, and you don’t have a chance to debrief on the day. That’s the worst. — Patrick Dempsey

Now I’m just known as McDreamy, I’ve lost all identity as Patrick Dempsey, I’m now McDreamy. — Patrick Dempsey

Sometimes in television, if there are storylines that are oft–told, people can be hypercritical of them. — Patrick Dempsey

Fame is fleeting. Sometimes people like you, sometimes they don’t. Not all people are going to like you. — Patrick Dempsey

I think fame is one of those things where you have a window of opportunity and you have a certain amount of trust from the fans and without that you don’t have a career. — Patrick Dempsey

More Phrases From Patrick Dempsey

If biking is your passion, set aside time to enjoy a good ride. — Patrick Dempsey

Drama is easier to do because you just have to have the emotion and not get caught acting, but comedy is much harder. — Patrick Dempsey

The best part about being married is feeling centered. Nothing else matters so much as long as you can come home and be with your family. — Patrick Dempsey

If I can sleep in until 9 A.M.–wow, what a luxury. — Patrick Dempsey

Redundant Thematics

In Patrick Dempsey Statements


When I left Maine, I always wanted to be a working actor. I never cared too much about being the star. I just wanted to do the work and get on with it. — Patrick Dempsey

if biking is your passion set aside time to enjoy a good ride Patrick Dempsey quote

Housekeeping is incredibly difficult with three kids. I’m trying to be more relaxed. You’ll go insane if you try to have a picture–book house. — Patrick Dempsey

I know it can be dangerous, but I love racing. I worry my wife, but she knows it’s important to me. — Patrick Dempsey

Deeper Quotes From Patrick Dempsey

Who knows? never say never with this show, right? i’m glad we did it this year. and krista vernoff did a fantastic job telling the story. it was just a great way to give people some hope. — Patrick Dempsey

Eventually feels a lot different than actually. — Patrick Dempsey

I was 17 when I left the small Maine town where I’d grown up. I wanted to do something I thought was important with my life, so I headed to California and didn’t look back. — Patrick Dempsey

eventually feels a lot different than actually Patrick Dempsey quote

One day my 3–year–old daughter said ‘Your very handsome, Poppy.’ That was the best compliment ever. — Patrick Dempsey

My big thing is to make sure the lipsticks taste good when you kiss. And, well, so far they taste pretty darn good. — Patrick Dempsey

I look forward to a time when my career in a place where I can get out of Los Angeles and find a nice small town like I grew up in to raise my family. — Patrick Dempsey

I think dreams can come true, but not necessarily like fairy–tales. It’s not always so perfect like that. — Patrick Dempsey


Patrick Dempsey is known for his work on Grey’s Anatomy, but he is also a race car driver and philanthropist. In this video, he provides some great advice about following your passion in life. Dempsey’s words are inspiring, and we hope you take away something useful from them. If you need help turning your passion into a career, be sure to check out our courses. We have everything from online marketing training to SEO tips that can help you get started down the path to success.