The Best Owen Wilson quotes

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Owen Wilson is one of the most popular actors in Hollywood, and while he may be known for his funny roles in movies like ‘The Wedding Crashers,’ what many people don’t realize is that Wilson is also a successful entrepreneur. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at Wilson’s entrepreneurial journey and how he’s used his success as an actor to help build his businesses. We’ll also discuss some of the lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from Wilson’s story.

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About Owen Wilson

birth of the author

November 18, 1968

college of the author

Alma Mater:
University Of Texas At Austin

occupation of the author

Actor, Producer, Screenwriter

date of the author

Years Active:


That’s the thing about friendship, it’s a lot rarer than love, because there is nothing in it for any body. — Owen Wilson

I love Francis Bacon. I just saw a great Jackson Pollock exhibit at the Dallas Museum when I was home for Thanksgiving. — Owen Wilson

You know you’re in love when you wear condoms while having sex with other women. — Owen Wilson

True love is your souls recognition of its counterpoint in another. — Owen Wilson

you know you re in love when you wear condoms while having sex with other women Owen Wilson quote


I think of myself as a doom person. I’m a worrier. But I like the idea of being an optimist. Maybe I’m the kind of optimist who deep down knows it’s not going to work. — Owen Wilson

I think the way it works is that when you’re casting a movie, you usually want to work with people that you believe in. — Owen Wilson

There’s what is on screen and then for us, it’s if you get along with the people and enjoy showing up at work. — Owen Wilson

Maybe that’s why there’s an insecurity sometimes in acting, because it’s not like there’s a correlation between hard work and how people receive you. — Owen Wilson

It’s funny how it usually works out that I end up dying. It sort of works out, because by the time I die, I’m usually tired of working on that particular movie, so I look forward to it. — Owen Wilson

i became sort of an aficionado on the valentino pajamas because i like those so much Owen Wilson quote

I became sort of an aficionado on the Valentino pajamas, because I like those so much. — Owen Wilson

If someone doesn’t want me, I’m not going to hang around and win them over. — Owen Wilson

Inspiring Phrases From Owen Wilson

I think of Terrence Malick’s movie Days of Heaven–one of Richard Gere’s first movies–you can push pause on almost any image in the movie and it looks like a painting. — Owen Wilson

Movies I liked growing up were like Francis Ford Coppolla movies and Scorsese movies. — Owen Wilson

Redundant Thematics

In Owen Wilson Statements


I think for Wes [Anderson] and me, the most important thing was James L. Brooks producing our first movie and giving us a chance to come to Hollywood, because without him, we might never have gotten the chance. — Owen Wilson

movies i liked growing up were like francis ford coppolla movies and scorsese movies Owen Wilson quote

I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time. — Owen Wilson

If a movie goes south, it might not capsize me the way it used to. But I still have a terrible fear of failure. I’m a huge worrier. — Owen Wilson

There’s something people find hilarious about dogs surfing and dancing and talking in the movies. I think it’s nice for people–I think it’s wish fulfillment–to see animals talking. — Owen Wilson

We worked together with Wes Anderson writing a couple more movies together: Rushmore [1998] and Tenenbaums. — Owen Wilson

OWEN WILSON Quotes Take Away

Owen Wilson’s words of wisdom are sure to motivate and encourage you in your own life. His quotes are a reminder that if we keep working hard and stay positive, anything is possible. We hope these words have inspired you to take the next step in your career or education. If you’re looking for more inspiration, be sure to check our courses page where you can find a range of online programs that will help you achieve your goals.
