The Best Mickey Rourke quotes

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What do you think of when you hear the name Mickey Rourke? If your answer is ’80s movie star,’ you’re not wrong, but there’s so much more to the story. This blog post will explore the life and career of Mickey Rourke, from his days as a boxer to his current work as an actor and musician.

Discover the most inspiring Work, Time, Boxing quotes from Mickey Rourke, and much more.

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About Mickey Rourke

birth of the author

September 16, 1952

occupation of the author

Actor, Boxer, Screenwriter, Music Supervisor

date of the author

Years Active:


All I am hoping for is to be able to work–I think my best work is still ahead of me–I think all that I have been through in the last several years have only made me a better, more interesting actor. — Mickey Rourke

Being out of work for 13 to 15 years is no walk in the park. — Mickey Rourke

I still work out most days. When I do it, I go full blast five or six days a week, two to three hours a day. I enjoy it. It’s therapeutic for me. — Mickey Rourke

When you’re young, working in a warehouse or selling hot dogs, you look at work–at acting–as something precious. It gets you out of the stink. — Mickey Rourke

being out of work for 13 to 15 years is no walk in the park Mickey Rourke quote

I had some things I had to fix. It took me 14 years to do it. But it was never really fun back in the day to work with directors who were a lot older and were like authoritarian and talking to you like that. — Mickey Rourke


In boxing, you don’t know what’s going to happen. In wrestling, it’s already prearranged. — Mickey Rourke

Wrestling and boxing is like Ping–Pong and rugby. There’s no connection. — Mickey Rourke

I’m the worst surfer in California. My balance is off from boxing. — Mickey Rourke

I have so many boxing gloves around my house that I would get them confused with other gloves. — Mickey Rourke

in boxing you don t know what s going to happen in wrestling it s already prearranged Mickey Rourke quote


All that prosthetic makeup drains you. By the time it’s lunch, you’re done. — Mickey Rourke

People ask me about that all the time. They say, ‘Did you ever think of directing?’ And I say, ‘It’s completely out of the question. — Mickey Rourke

Now, i dont look up to him no more; i look through him, i came up from the s––t. he doesnt know that life. i lived that f–––ing life, so every time i look him in the face, i look right through his a––hole. — Mickey Rourke

As time goes by and you’re getting older and stuff like that–getting older sucks. You know, I hear all this crap about, ‘Oh, you can age with dignity.’ Really? — Mickey Rourke

I was goIng through a really rough tIme, I was hurtIng myself and I was sIttIng In the closet one day. I couldn’t take It anymore and pIcked up a gun. — Mickey Rourke

all that prosthetic makeup drains you by the time it s lunch you re done Mickey Rourke quote

A couple of guys won Academy Awards for the things that I turned down. Today, after coming to terms with everything, after being in therapy for a long time–there are areas where I will compromise. — Mickey Rourke

Inspiring Phrases From Mickey Rourke

I started out fighting before I was acting, actually, then got hurt and got into the acting. — Mickey Rourke

Hollywood’s famous for putting you in a box. — Mickey Rourke

I’ve been with a lot of women, but who’s counting? It’s nothing I’m proud of. It’s a physical need. Sometimes afterwards I just want to blow my brains out, it’s so meaningless. — Mickey Rourke

Redundant Thematics

In Mickey Rourke Statements


My dogs are more important than my family. — Mickey Rourke

hollywood s famous for putting you in a box Mickey Rourke quote

Sometimes, when a man is alone, that’s all you got is your dog. — Mickey Rourke

Comeback is a good word, man. — Mickey Rourke

I spent so long studying really hard to become a fine actor, but threw it all away because I got the adulation and the fame so easily. — Mickey Rourke

Various Statements From Mickey Rourke

What I’ve got to do now is let them judge me for who I am as an actor and not for my notoriety. — Mickey Rourke

It’s no fun being a loser. Trust me. — Mickey Rourke

it s no fun being a loser trust me Mickey Rourke quote

It was either therapy or die. — Mickey Rourke

I couldn’t direct traffic. It’s hard enough just acting. — Mickey Rourke

Acting was never my first choice as a profession, but I came to terms with it when I decided I better buckle down and be the best I can be at it. — Mickey Rourke

You know, back in acting school they always teach you, ‘Make bold choices and look for activities that are interesting.’ — Mickey Rourke

I had gotten injured during the boxing, and I was supposed to take several months off because I’d had a couple of concussions, and so I sort of just left the boxing and got into the acting by accident. — Mickey Rourke

it was either therapy or die Mickey Rourke quote