The life of entrepreneur, philanthropist and author Mel Robbins has been one worth telling. From her early days as a young girl in the Bronx to now where she is an internationally respected motivational speaker, she has touched many lives. Her story is one that will make you want to go after your dreams no matter what obstacles are in your way. Mel Robbins was born on July 9th 1974 in The Bronx, New York City with two older brothers and parents who had little education themselves. She grew up watching her mother work three jobs at once just so they could get by each month and saw firsthand how hard it was for someone without any degree or experience to achieve their goals. We are glad to present you the most known words from Mel Robbins.
Discover the most known Work, Life, Women quotes from Mel Robbins, and much more.
Alma Mater: Dartmouth College Boston College Law School
Occupation: Author, Motivational Speaker, Talk Show Host
Known For: The Mel Robbins Show, The View
Finding meaning in your work is your responsibility. Any job can be better when you actively work to find meaning in the work. — Mel Robbins
I realized I wasn’t a good employee because I was too busy listening to people’s personal problems to do work. — Mel Robbins
Work expands to whatever time you give it. — Mel Robbins
We want to believe that we live in a world where our daughters can do anything and be anything. And you’d think they could–they outnumber boys in college, graduate school, and the work force. — Mel Robbins
It’s so sad because waiting for validation will be the death of your dreams. — Mel Robbins
Will it be your Heart that wins, or your Fear? — Mel Robbins
If you want to make your dreams come true, get ready for the long game. — Mel Robbins
Life is gritty and hard and then suddenly it is brilliant and amazing. — Mel Robbins
You have something unique that no one else has–your life experience. That’s the power of you. — Mel Robbins
The more generous you are, the easier and more satisfying and fun your life is. And it took me so long. — Mel Robbins
There’s one thing that is guaranteed to increase your feelings of control over your life: a bias toward action. — Mel Robbins
Time Magazine’ declared Hillary Clinton the ‘perfect’ age to be president because she’s a postmenopausal woman who is ‘biologically primed’ to lead. — Mel Robbins
Sexism is bad enough when it’s men demeaning women. When women do it to other women, it’s even more deflating. — Mel Robbins
A Hillary Clinton presidency would have represented an important step away from the country’s lagging acceptance of women as powerful, full participants in our democracy. — Mel Robbins
Consider the record: In Trump’s world, a woman is not in front of a man; her place is behind, under, or on his arm. — Mel Robbins
When Trump says no one loves women more than he does, what exactly is he referring to? Fantasizing about them on the ‘Access Hollywood’ bus? Placing them only in professional roles that answer to him? — Mel Robbins
While younger women are told to be thinner and prettier, ads for older women emphasize looking younger and wrinkle free–tapping into the insecurities that many of us have about getting older. — Mel Robbins
Trump crossed the line all the time. Flustered during the debate because he couldn’t out–debate Clinton on policy, he just leaned into the mic and dismissed her entirely: ‘nasty woman.’ — Mel Robbins
Our nation, our economy, and our families would be much stronger if half of our companies were run by women and half of our households were run by men. — Mel Robbins
Inspiring Phrases From Mel Robbins
You have been assigned this mountain so that you can show others it can be moved. — Mel Robbins
Redundant Thematics
In Mel Robbins Statements
You need to hear this loud and clear: No one is coming. It is up to you. — Mel Robbins
You change your life one five–second decision at a time. In — Mel Robbins
Your feelings don’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you DO. — Mel Robbins
The moment you feel yourself hesitate on something you know you should do, count 5–4–3–2–1 to activate your prefrontal cortex and interrupt the habit of overthinking, self–doubt, and fear. — Mel Robbins
Facebook is nothing but heavily packaged ‘Kodak moments’ that bear no relation to how people really live. — Mel Robbins