Discover the most inspiring quotes from Massimo Vignelli, and much more.
Discover the most inspiring quotes from Massimo Vignelli, and much more.
A grid is like underwear, you wear it but it’s not to be exposed. — Massimo Vignelli
Any color works if you push it to the extreme. — Massimo Vignelli
You cannot play the piano by telling a pianist what to do, go a little more to the left or to the right. And the same is for the computer, really. You have to play yourself to get the most out of it. — Massimo Vignelli
Good design is ubiquitous and forever. — Massimo Vignelli
If you do the best thing everyday of your life, but nothing shakes you nor shakes the table for you and others, it is stale and its not worth it. — Massimo Vignelli
The scale relates to everything. The thickness of a pipe, the thickness of a leg of the furniture. Even color could have a scale. — Massimo Vignelli
The repercussion of ugliness is endless. — Massimo Vignelli
I see graphic design as the organization of information that is semantically correct, syntactically consistent and pragmatically understandable. — Massimo Vignelli
You can reach timelessness if you look for the essence of things and not the appearance. The appearance is transitory–the appearance is fashion, the appearance is trendiness–but the essence is timeless. — Massimo Vignelli
I’m not a designer, I’m a sifter. I can sift everything, all the time. My sift level lines keep shaking all the time for everything that is around. — Massimo Vignelli
The computer is really like a pencil, you know. It used to be. The pencil can do anything you want to, but you have to do it, and the same is with the computer. — Massimo Vignelli
If you can design one thing, you can design everything. — Massimo Vignelli
Designers take care of everything around us. Everything that is around us, this table, this chair, this lamp, this pen has been designed. All of these things, everything has been designed by somebody. — Massimo Vignelli
The only way to stay in fashion is never be in. If you are never in fashion, you are never out of fashion. — Massimo Vignelli
Don’t be governed by the grid, govern the grid. A grid is like a lion cage–if the trainer stays too long it gets eaten up. You have to know when to leave the cage–you have to know when to leave the grid. — Massimo Vignelli
The pencil you leave it there, and it’s dead. It doesn’t do anything and it doesn’t move by itself. It doesn’t offer anything; it’s totally submissive to you. — Massimo Vignelli
Greed is really the religion of vulgarity. — Massimo Vignelli
It is better to starve than get a bad client. — Massimo Vignelli
Most of the manufacturers they tend to design things to sell they are more interested in the money side than anything else. — Massimo Vignelli
I like it to be visually powerful, intellectually elegant, and above all, timeless. — Massimo Vignelli
Design without discipline is anarchy, an exercise of irresponsibilit y. — Massimo Vignelli
The first thing you need to make clear to a client is that you aren’t there to answer his wants but to answer his needs. — Massimo Vignelli
In design, be logical, search for truth, be clear. — Massimo Vignelli
Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style. — Massimo Vignelli
If you do it right, it will last forever. — Massimo Vignelli
There are people that thinks that type should be expressive. They have a different point of view from mine. — Massimo Vignelli
If all people doing desktop publishing were doctors we would all be dead! — Massimo Vignelli
The life of a designer is a life of fight: fight against the ugliness. — Massimo Vignelli