The Best Marcus Garvey quotes

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It is a well-known fact that Marcus Garvey was one of the most influential and important figures of the 20th century. His work and teachings have inspired people all over the world, and his legacy continues to live on. Yet despite his immense contributions to society, there are still many misconceptions about Garvey and his life. In this blog post, we will explore some of the lesser-known aspects of Marcus Garvey’s quotes compilation and shed light on some of the myths that have been circulated about him.

Discover the most inspiring Nation, Time, Life, World, Black, Race quotes from Marcus Garvey, and much more.

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About Marcus Garvey

birth of the author

17 August 1887

death of the author

10 June 1940

college of the author

Alma Mater:
Birkbeck, University Of London

occupation of the author

Publisher, Journalist

knownfor of the author

Known For:
Activism, Black Nationalism, Pan-Africanism


There is nothing in the world common to man, that man cannot do. — Marcus Garvey

I know no national boundary where the Negro is concerned. The whole world is my province until Africa is free. — Marcus Garvey

Always try to associate with people from whom you can learn something. All the knowledge that you want is in the world, and all you have to do is go and seek it. — Marcus Garvey

Unite all people of African ancestry of the world to one great body to establish a country and absolute government of their own. — Marcus Garvey

there is nothing in the world common to man that man cannot do Marcus Garvey quote

The whole world is run on bluff. — Marcus Garvey

We welcome the opposition of the world, because we are determined to see the battle through. Africa’s battle–cry is not yet heard. — Marcus Garvey

This hour we are stretching forth our hands with the desire to teach the world the true principles of mercy and justice. — Marcus Garvey

Intelligence rules the world, ignorance carries the burden… — Marcus Garvey

The thing to do is to get organized; keep separated and you will be exploited, you will be robbed, you will be killed. Get organized and you will compel the world to respect you. — Marcus Garvey

the whole world is run on bluff Marcus Garvey quote

Negro producers, Negro distributors, Negro consumers! The world of Negroes can be self contained. We desire earnestly to deal with the rest of the world, but if the rest of the world desire not, we seek not — Marcus Garvey

Go to work! Go to work in the morn of a new creation… until you have… reached the height of self–progress, and from that pinnacle bestow upon the world a civilization of your own. — Marcus Garvey

Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent. — Marcus Garvey


Up, you mighty race, accomplish what you will. — Marcus Garvey

The enemies are not so much from without as from within the race. — Marcus Garvey

up you mighty race accomplish what you will Marcus Garvey quote

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. — Marcus Garvey

I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but with a definite object of helping the people, especially those of my race, to know, to understand, and to realize themselves. — Marcus Garvey

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. — Marcus Garvey

Why is Marcus Garvey important?

Marcus Garvey organized the United States’ first Black nationalist movement.

In the years following World War I, he urged Black Americans to be proud of their identity.

Garvey enjoyed a period of profound Black cultural and economic success, with the New York City neighbourhood of Harlem as the movement’s mecca. .

The UNIA teaches our race self–help and self–reliance… in all those things that contribute to human happiness and well–being. — Marcus Garvey

I pray God that we shall never use our physical prowess to oppress the human race, but we will use our strength, physically, morally and otherwise to preserve humanity and civilization. — Marcus Garvey

the enemies are not so much from without as from within the race Marcus Garvey quote

There shall be no solution to this race problem until you, yourselves, strike the blow for liberty. — Marcus Garvey

Be as proud of your race today as our as our fathers were in days of yore. We have beautiful history, and we shall create another in the future that will astonish the world. — Marcus Garvey

Every man has a right to his own opinion. Every race has a right to its own action; therefore let no man persuade you against your will, let no other race influence you against your own. — Marcus Garvey

The whole world is run on bluff. No race, no nation, no man has any divine right to take advantage of others. Why allow the other fellow to bluff you? — Marcus Garvey

I regard the Klan, the Anglo–Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. — Marcus Garvey

The history of a movement, the history of a nation, the history of a race is the guide–post of that movement’s destiny, that nation’s destiny, that race’s destiny. — Marcus Garvey

In a world of wolves one should go armed, and one of the most powerful defensive weapons within the reach of Negroes is the practice of race first in all parts of the world. — Marcus Garvey


Let us prepare TODAY. For the TOMORROWS in the lives of the nations will be so eventful that Negroes everywhere will be called upon to play their part in the survival of the fittest human group. — Marcus Garvey

Redundant Thematics

In Marcus Garvey Statements


We see a new Ethiopia, a new Africa, stretching her hands of influence throughout the world, teaching man the way of life and peace, The Way to God. — Marcus Garvey

History is the land–mark by which we are directed into the true course of life. — Marcus Garvey

history is the land mark by which we are directed into the true course of life Marcus Garvey quote

Hungry men have no respect for law, authority or human life. — Marcus Garvey

There is no force like success, and that is why the individual makes all effort to surround himself throughout life with the evidence of it; as of the individual, so should it be of the nation. — Marcus Garvey


Be Black, buy Black, think Black, and all else will take care of itself. — Marcus Garvey

I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa; there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there. — Marcus Garvey

The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness. — Marcus Garvey

be black buy black think black and all else will take care of itself Marcus Garvey quote

Look to Africa, when a black king shall be crowned for the day of deliverance is at hand! — Marcus Garvey

Black men, you were once great; you shall be great again. Lose not courage or faith, go forward. — Marcus Garvey

Be not discouraged black women of the world, but push forward, regardless of the lack of appreciation shown you. — Amy Jacques Garvey


What you do to–day that is worthwhile, inspires others to act at some future time. — Marcus Garvey

Glorious shall be the battle when the time comes to fight for our people and our race. — Marcus Garvey

what you do to day that is worthwhile inspires others to act at some future time Marcus Garvey quote

At no time within the last five–hundred years can one point to a single instance of the Negro as a race of haters. — Marcus Garvey

Was the crying voice from the grave that said, ‘Garvey, we have suffered for 250 years for your day and for your time; we expect something from you at this hour.”16 — Marcus Garvey

I am not opposed to the white race as charged by my enemies. I have no time to hate any one. All my time is devoted to the up–building and development of the Negro Race. — Marcus Garvey

You at this time can only be destroyed by yourselves, from within and not from without. You have reached the point where the victory is to be won from within and can only be lost from within. — Marcus Garvey


Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa. — Marcus Garvey

Africa has become the big game of the nation hunters. Today, Africa looms as the greatest commercial, industrial and political prize in the world. — Marcus Garvey

Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa! Let us work towards the one glorious end of a free, redeemed and mighty nation. Let Africa be a bright star among the constellation of nations. — Marcus Garvey

We are not engaged in domestic politics, in church building or in social uplift work, but we are engaged in nation building. — Marcus Garvey
