The Best Ludwig Van Beethoven quotes

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Ludwig van beethoven was a German composer and pianist. He created many pieces of music that are still played today, including the Moonlight Sonata. Born in 1770, he started to lose his hearing when he was around twenty years old. Despite this setback, he continued composing music by feeling the vibrations on the piano strings with his hands. He also composed using an ear horn or by having someone read him what he had written while touching his arm for feedback as they went along. Ludwig van Beethoven is a hero because even though it seemed like there were insurmountable obstacles in front of him, he never gave up and continued doing what made him happy- composing beautiful music!

Here are the deepest statements from Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Here are the most interesting Music, Love, Life, World, Heart quotes from Ludwig Van Beethoven, and much more.

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About Ludwig Van Beethoven

birth of the author


birth of the author

17 December 1770

death of the author

26 March 1827

occupation of the author

Composer, Pianist


I liked your opera. I think I will set it to music. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Beethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

After Rossini dies, who will be there to promote his music? — Ludwig Van Beethoven

i liked your opera i think i will set it to music Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

Music is the language of God. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is a higher revelation than philosophy. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Richard Wagner commenting on the music of Ludvig Van Beethoven: He was a Titan, wrestling with the Gods. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music comes to me more readily than words. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is … A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy — Ludwig Van Beethoven

music is like a dream one that i cannot hear Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

The Music is the only corporeal introduction to the superior world of Knowledge. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

He who understand my music will remain free from the miseries that the other men are dragging with them . — Ludwig Van Beethoven

beethoven can write music thank god but he can do nothing else on earth Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

I only live in my music, and I have scarcely begun one thing when I start on another. As I am now working, I am often engaged on three or four things at the same time. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Only the flint of a man’s mind can strike fire in music. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

I wIsh you musIc to help wIth the burdens of lIfe ,and to help you release your happIness to others. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

What is Ludwig van Beethoven known for?

Beethoven is widely regarded as the greatest composer who ever lived, in no small part because of his ability—unlike any before him—to translate feeling into music.

His most famous compositions included Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op 92, and Symphony No.
9 in D Minor, Op. 125 . Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67Listen to an excerpt from Symphony No. 5 in C Minor. Symphony No.

He that divines the secret of my music is freed from the unhappiness that haunts the whole world of men. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears form the eyes of woman. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

after rossini dies who will be there to promote his music Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

Music is the electric soil in which the spirit thinks, lives and invents. All that’s electrical stimulates the mind to flowing surging musical creation. I am electrical by nature. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music can change the world. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

This is not a brook [Bach means ‘brook’ in German], it’s an ocean. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Handel, to him I bow the knee. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

music is the language of god Ludwig Van Beethoven quote


Love demands all, and has a right to all. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

To do good whenever one can, to love liberty above all else, never to deny the truth, even though it be before the throne. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Love, and love alone, is capable of giving thee a happier life. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

I love a tree more than a man. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

love demands all and has a right to all Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

To play without passion is inexcusable! — Ludwig Van Beethoven


Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Redundant Thematics

In Ludwig Van Beethoven Statements


Only the pure in heart can make a good soup. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

My heart is full of many things there are moments when I feel that speech is nothing after all. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

Whoever tells a lie is not pure of heart, and such a person can not cook a clean soup. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

What is to reach the heart must come from above; if it does not come from thence, it will be nothing but notes, body without spirit. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

I have never thought of wrItIng for reputatIon and honor. what I have In my heart must come out; that Is the reason why I compose. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

The foundation of friendship demands the greatest likeness of human souls and hearts. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

What I have in my heart and soul–must find a way out. That’s the reason for music. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

only the pure in heart can make a good soup Ludwig Van Beethoven quote


Music is indeed the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

All my life I have regarded myself as one of Mozart’s greatest admirers, and I will remain one until my last breath. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

You–my life–my All–farewell. Oh, go on loving me–never doubt the faithfullest heart Of your beloved L Ever thine Ever mine Ever ours. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Only art and science make us suspect the existence of life to a higher level, and maybe also instill hope thereof. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

I wIsh you all the good and charm that lIfe can offer. thInk of me kIndly, and rest assured that no one would more rejoIce to hear of your happIness. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

music is indeed the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

Music, verily, is the mediator between intellectual and sensuous life… the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Life would be flat without music. It is the background to all I do. It speaks to the heart in its own special way like nothing else. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Recommend virtue to your children, that alone–not wealth–can give happiness. It upholds in adversity and the thought of it and my art prevents me from putting an end to my life. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives thinks and invents Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

The amount of money one needs is terrifying. — Ludwig Van Beethoven


In the world of art, as in the whole of creation, freedom and progress are the main objectives. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

How did Ludwig van Beethoven get his start in music?

Beethoven was born into a musical family. His father tried to make him into a child prodigy, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but did not succeed.
Beethoven did, however, meet Mozart in 1787.

By that time, the teenaged Beethoven had published a composition and had been appointed continuo player to the Bonn opera.

After their meeting, Mozart reportedly said of Beethoven, “This young man will make a great name for himself in the world.

” Three years later, composer Joseph Haydn “discovered” Beethoven, who was then a viola player in the Bonn orchestra, and took him under his wing.

In 1792 Beethoven left Bonn for good.

He took with him several musical souvenirs, including the sudden pianos, unexpected outbursts, and “Mannheim rockets” typical of the Bonn orchestra.


The world is a king, and like a king, desires flattery in return for favor; but true art is selfish and perverse–it will not submit to the mold of flattery. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

It seemed unthinkable for me to leave the world forever before I had produced all that I felt called upon to produce. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

There ought to be only one large art warehouse in the world, to which the artist could carry his art–works and from which he could carry away whatever he needed. As it is one must be half a tradesman. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

if i contemplate myself as part of the universe what am i Ludwig Van Beethoven quote

If I contemplate myself as part of the Universe: what am I? — Ludwig Van Beethoven
