The Best Lewis Hamilton quotes

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Lewis Hamilton is one of the most successful Formula One drivers in history. He has achieved more than most professional drivers could ever hope to, and his best quotes is one that any entrepreneur can learn from. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at Hamilton’s quotes compilation and explore the lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from his career.

Discover the most known Driving, Love, Feelings, Formula, Trying, Life, Racing, Race quotes from Lewis Hamilton, and much more.

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About Lewis Hamilton

birth of the author

7 January 1985

occupation of the author

Racing Driver

country of the author



I was born to race and to win. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

We have 21 races in the year and Monaco is the one that you want to win. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Sometimes, I arrive at races more energetic and clearโ€“minded than ever, and then I have a terrible race. And the opposite is also true. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

During the race, we lose 2โ€“4 kilos of liquids. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

i was born to race and to win Lewis Hamilton quote

It was a good weekend for the team, valtteri drove an incredible race today so he deserved It. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I feel good, the race was strong for me In austrIa last year and my qualIfyIng Is better thIs year so I plan to take that there and try to rectIfy the loss I had last year. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

If I’d won every single race and got pole everywhere, that would just be boring. It would suck. Where’s the fun in that? โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I listen to music before every race. Generally, there will be a song I’ll get into over the weekend, and I play it all weekend, particularly when I’m getting ready for a race. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

What people tend to forget is the journey that I had getting to Formula One. There were plenty of years where I had to learn about losing and having bad races. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

we have 21 races in the year and monaco is the one that you want to win Lewis Hamilton quote

I don’t feel I need to come and drive the race of Lewis Hamilton’s life. I think I’ve driven pretty well this year and I plan to drive Lewis Hamilton’s best this weekend. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

It was my 44th win [in Monaco]; 44 is my race number; and it’s been my number since I was 8. And it’s my family’s number as well. So it was a special day, for sure. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

This is the greatest race of the year and the greatest crowd, i am sorry i could not bring it home for you today, i will not give up, believe me, i will not give up. โ€” Lewis Hamilton


I don’t believe I have a playboy life. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I certainly lead a different life from many people. I have a great life that I am thankful for, and I like travelling. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

i don t believe i have a playboy life Lewis Hamilton quote

I relate my life a lot to ‘Cool Runnings,’ the movie. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

In racing there are always things you can learn, every single day. There is always space for improvement, and I think that applies to everything in life. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Whether it’s with my engineers in the team, my home life, or my friends, I don’t like things to get complicatedโ€“and one good example would be the steering wheel in my Mercedes Formula 1 car. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Everyone has complicated lives, but the more you can simplify it and make it work for you, the better it is going to be. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

On my back, I have the cross and angel wings: rise above it, no matter what life throws at you. And also, you know, Jesus rose from the grave. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I dId It just because I can, I am very much In an experImental phase In my lIfe, experImentIng wIth lots of thIngs. the haIr color Is short term. when I fIrst saw It… It kInd of frIghtened me a lIttle bIt. โ€” Lewis Hamilton


Racing is what I love, so it’s pretty simple. I want to keep doing it and keep winning. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Everyone loves a winner. That’s just how the world is. And Ayrton Senna was one of the greatest winners this sport has ever had. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Lots of other drivers like cycling, but I’m not so keen. I have some really cool bikes, but I’m just not in love with it like Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I went out to the beach and I was messagIng wIth hIm and I saId ‘guys, I would love you to be here but just know I’m here workIng away…I’m tryIng to make you proud,’. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

racing is what i love so it s pretty simple i want to keep doing it and keep winning Lewis Hamilton quote

I think my style is definitely urban chic. I love mixing street style with the highโ€“end luxury brands, like Gucci, for example. Quite fun. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I would love to one day have my own line of clothes. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

If I don’t travel, if I stay at home for a week, I would go out of my mind. That is just the way I am. I love to be on the move, and I am fortunate that I have friends all over the world. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I want to crush everyone. I want to outsmart everyone. โ€” Lewis Hamilton


To be racing in Formula One with Mclaren has been the ultimate goal for me. It’s a dream come true. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

all in all racing with lift and coast is actually harder Lewis Hamilton quote

There have been some ups and downs. I’ve not always had it my own way. That’s the way racing is supposed to be. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Redundant Thematics

In Lewis Hamilton Statements


All in all, racing with lift and coast is actually harder. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I hate losing. It doesn’t matter if it’s racing or playing Pingโ€“Pongโ€“I hate it. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Normally, racing drivers come from a long line of previous successful sports people. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I love it in the States. The roads are big, the food is big. If it was possible to be in L.A. and still live my racing life, I would move now. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

i hate losing it doesn t matter if it s racing or playing ping pong i hate it Lewis Hamilton quote


I feel serIously strong now, wIth the way I’m drIvIng, thIs weekend Is the best I’ve drIven. I’m really, really happy wIth how I’m drIvIng. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I feel like people are expecting me to fail, therefore, I expect myself to win. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I feel very powerful In thIs car, wIth the package we have, I feel I am able to get everythIng from It. I feel more comfortable In thIs one than I even dId In last year’s. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Even though we had the championship won, i just really wanted to keep my head down and see if we could learn and extract more from this beautiful car that’s a piece of art, i feel so happy with today, man. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

It’s important for everyone to stand up for what they believe in. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

i feel like people are expecting me to fail therefore i expect myself to win Lewis Hamilton quote


When I’m driving, the fewer distractions there are, the better it is to focus on the job in hand. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

When you’re driving, the helmet squashes your hair, so you don’t really have a hairstyle. When you get out, you’re sweating and your hair is a mess. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Since I started driving in F1 in 2006โ€“07, the cars have got slower and easier to drive. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I thInk both have really faIr, aggressIve drIvIng styles, whIch Is great, In terms of who Is goIng to wIn, well hopefully I’m stIll here to try to stop them. โ€” Lewis Hamilton


I started watching Formula 1 with my dad when I was just four or five years old. I loved cars. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Formula One was a very dangerous sport. It still is dangerous. But the danger factor is also the exciting part. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

Please no! this is the worst looking mod (modification) in formula one history, i appreciate the quest for safety but this is formula one and the way it is now is perfectly fine. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

It’s when the challenges stop that you decide’ you know what, i’m going to do something else’, but with the way formula one is, with the regulation changes and the driver changes, he will want to keep going. โ€” Lewis Hamilton


You just need to be accepted for who you are and be proud of who you are and that is what I’m trying to do. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I enjoy trying to develop a car and Mercedes are one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I’ve made very few mistakes through the year so i’m not worried, nico is trying everything possible in his head to come up with some kind of way of dealing with things. that’s how he deals with it. . โ€” Lewis Hamilton

It is open for anyone to have freedom of speech, and I guess we can all play a role in trying to make a difference in the world. Particularly if your leader is not helping in that area. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I like taking risks. I like trying new things, whether it be style or restaurants or whatever. โ€” Lewis Hamilton

I was trying to control myself because I wanted to just park the car and jump out and do cartwheels. The next dream is to win the world championship. โ€” Lewis Hamilton


As you can tell, Lewis Hamilton is a racer with a lot of wisdom to share. We hope that these quotes have inspired and motivated you in some way. If youโ€™re looking for more inspiration, be sure to check out our racing courses. Our team has put together the best content possible so that you can learn from the pros and up your game on the track.