Here are the strongest Spirit, Faith quotes from Kenneth Copeland, and much more.
Here are the strongest Spirit, Faith quotes from Kenneth Copeland, and much more.
December 6, 1936
Author, Speaker, Prosperity Gospel Preacher
Years Active:
Don’t try and fit your faith into your busy schedule, build your schedule around your faith. — Kenneth Copeland
Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. — Kenneth Copeland
Dream big, talk big, and turn your faith loose! — Kenneth Copeland
Never base your faith on your feelings. Base it on God’s Word. — Kenneth Copeland
You can’t walk in faith and fear at the same time. — Kenneth Copeland
God called us to take His message of love and faith to the whole world. — Kenneth Copeland
When you decide to walk by faith, you don’t get rid of trials. You learn to overcome them. — Kenneth Copeland
God will dare to do the impossible in your life if you dare to step across the faith line. — Kenneth Copeland
Faith is a spiritual force….It is substance. Faith has the ability to effect natural substance. — Kenneth Copeland
It’s a power that I can’t explain. As it flows and it grows and it shapes my faith. There’ve been hundreds of moments I can’t deny. When it brushe against the fire or dwelt in the Fire of God. — Kenneth Copeland
Speak God’s words over your circumstances today. Speak His words in faith and watch Him move! — Kenneth Copeland
Pray to yourself, because I’m in your self and you’re in My self. We are one Spirit, saith the Lord. — Kenneth Copeland
Bad things happen for multiple reasons, and only the Holy Spirit can reveal the source of trouble in any particular situation. — Kenneth Copeland
Faith was the raw material substance that the Spirit of God used to form the universe. — Kenneth Copeland
Be BLESSED–spirit, soul, body and financially. — Kenneth Copeland
We took authority in the spirit world and refused to give Satan any room to operate. This is our responsibility as Christian parents. — Kenneth Copeland
By getting the Word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out your mouth, you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances. — Kenneth Copeland
Our lives are totally wrapped up in ministering to the people. — Kenneth Copeland
Sometimes you can tell what something is by what is isn’t. — Kenneth Copeland
You don’t have a god in you, you are one. — Kenneth Copeland
Words are what created our world. Words are what keep it going. — Kenneth Copeland
Now Peter said by exceeding great and precious promises you become partakers of the divine class. All right, are we gods? We are a class of gods! — Kenneth Copeland
Fear will make you stingy. — Kenneth Copeland
All worry is fear–based. — Kenneth Copeland
We got a dying world around us. — Kenneth Copeland