The Best Jon Jones quotes

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Jon Jones is a champion. He grew up in the slums of Newark, New Jersey and started wrestling to escape his rough life. Jon’s skills were noticed by wrestling coach John Brown, who enrolled him in the local youth program. Jon went on to become an Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion wrestler before turning his attention to MMA fighting where he became one of the most dominant champions ever.

We are glad to present you the deepest Quincy Es, Eses, Love Es Poems, Mother Es, Jessica Es, Charlie Tremendous Es, Jim Es statements from Jon Jones.

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About Jon Jones

birth of the author

July 19, 1987

residence of the author

Ithaca, New York, U.S.

country of the author


size of the author

6 Ft 4 In

size of the author

205 Lb

army of the author

Black Belt In Gaidojutsu Under Greg Jackson

date of the author

Years Active:

movement of the author

Notable School:
Union-Endicott High School


When you are down and out, find something or someone to love. โ€” Jon Jones

When it comes to love, too many people are out to lunch. โ€” Jon Jones

Love is wonderful to have. True love is hard to find. โ€” Jon Jones

Talk is cheep. Love is priceless. โ€” Jon Jones

when you are down and out find something or someone to love Jon Jones quote

Look in the mirror. You must first love yourself before you can receive true love from someone else. โ€” Jon Jones

True love can’t be bought. โ€” Jon Jones

True love has always been a twoโ€“way proposition. โ€” Jon Jones

If you really want love, ask for it. Those who are willing to ask are often the ones who receive. โ€” Jon Jones

Love has been stronger than the air you breathe. โ€” Jon Jones

when it comes to love too many people are out to lunch Jon Jones quote

To live and love is a wonderful thing. โ€” Jon Jones

When there is, love life gets better. โ€” Jon Jones

Love can’t be stolen without willing participants. โ€” Jon Jones

Love lost can be found again. โ€” Jon Jones

Love with no feelings is a waste. โ€” Jon Jones

love is wonderful to have true love is hard to find Jon Jones quote

Love and happiness is a great match. โ€” Jon Jones

Love will put a spring in your step and a bounce in your heart. โ€” Jon Jones

No doubt, love comes in many colors of the rainbow. โ€” Jon Jones

Love will turn you on your head. โ€” Jon Jones

Wake up this morning knowing that the possibility for love is closer. โ€” Jon Jones

talk is cheep love is priceless Jon Jones quote

Don’t ask for love when you are not capable of giving it. โ€” Jon Jones

Whenever I talk about Christ out loud, or I tweet a verse or say something in reference about Christ, a lot of people lash out and aren’t very excited to hear about my love for Christ. โ€” Jon Jones

It is possible for love to grow and multiply if you work at it. โ€” Jon Jones

I guess emotion really isn’t necessary for me to go out and perform well. โ€” Jon Jones


The universe is the baby of time. โ€” Jon Jones

the universe is the baby of time Jon Jones quote

The mighty army of time is without equal. โ€” Jon Jones

I’ve dominated a majority of my opponents. Very few people I only win against. Most of the time it’s pretty oneโ€“sided. That’s success to me. โ€” Jon Jones

The first time I crawled into the octagon, I just felt like an animal, you know? Like a creature, like I wasn’t quite human. โ€” Jon Jones

You have to turn the lemons life gives you into lemonade, and you have to take time to sit back and enjoy it. โ€” Jon Jones

In a fight, you got to know that there’s a strong chance you’re going to get hurt. But at the same time, you know, most of the injuries you sustain in fighting are not careerโ€“ending injuries. โ€” Jon Jones

For a long time, I consciously tried to be a good person for others. Not anymore. Caring about other people keeps me in line, but I’ve decided to just be myself. โ€” Jon Jones


Oh no. I got a customer service person from another country. โ€” Jon Jones

A natural adversary is a customer service representative. โ€” Jon Jones

This customer service person doesn’t understand that this bill was paid and I am not going to pay it again. โ€” Jon Jones

Help! The customer service representative doesn’t understand my problem. โ€” Jon Jones

oh no i got a customer service person from another country Jon Jones quote

That customer service representative is crazy, if he think I am going to pay that bill. โ€” Jon Jones

Most customer service people are great. It’s that one customer service person from hell that drives me crazy! โ€” Jon Jones

The customer service representative hung up on me when I asked to talk to a supervisor. โ€” Jon Jones

Sir, if you don’t pay this bill by the close of business on Friday; we will be forced to disconnect your service. โ€” Jon Jones

If you fail to pay your bill by 9 AM tomorrow morning your service will be discontinued. โ€” Jon Jones

a natural adversary is a customer service representative Jon Jones quote

My biggest complaint about customer service is that I am put on hold too long. โ€” Jon Jones

As a customer service representative; it is hard to deal with people who has an attitude when I pick up the phone. โ€” Jon Jones

As a customer service representative; I deal with people all day. Some really are guilty of not paying their bill. โ€” Jon Jones

Having to call your customer service department is like falling off a six story building. โ€” Jon Jones

I had rather get a root canal without anesthesia than to call your customer service office for help. โ€” Jon Jones

help the customer service representative doesn t understand my problem Jon Jones quote


Success is not going to just come to you. You must go out and get it. โ€” Jon Jones

Don’t be (dis.grun.tled), disgruntled that someone else is more successful than you are. Let their success motivate you to become successful. โ€” Jon Jones

Redundant Thematics

In Jon Jones Statements


Success for me is to go out there and dominate. โ€” Jon Jones

Success will not happen through (, osmosis. โ€” Jon Jones

Do not be mad because someone is more successful than you are. What have you done lately to (en.hance), enhance your own success? โ€” Jon Jones

success is not going to just come to you you must go out and get it Jon Jones quote

Success will (, ameliorate all the years of your sadness. โ€” Jon Jones

There is one thing I know for sure. You can become successful, if you are willing to pay the price for success. โ€” Jon Jones

You possess the (, propensity to become one of the great success stories. โ€” Jon Jones

The fruits of your labor will bare the fruits of your success. โ€” Jon Jones

Success is a state of mind, waiting for action. โ€” Jon Jones

success for me is to go out there and dominate Jon Jones quote

One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success. โ€” Jon Jones

Putting forth the effort to succeed is (tan.ta.mount), tantamount to your success. โ€” Jon Jones

Like a raisin in the sun; that will swivel up and fade away. Your success dreams will swivel up and fade away, if you are not motivated enough to work for them. โ€” Jon Jones

If you think, you can become successful and you are willing to learn and work at success, one day you will become successful. โ€” Jon Jones


I’m crazy enough to believe that maybe I’ll never lose a fight. โ€” Jon Jones

i m crazy enough to believe that maybe i ll never lose a fight Jon Jones quote

I would love to fight Brock Lesnar. He’s a massive dude. โ€” Jon Jones

Just to clear the record ive never turn down a mma fight against anyone and never will. โ€” Jon Jones

The moment I let fear slip in is the moment that the fights are gonna start getting closer and closer. โ€” Jon Jones

I do the extra… When you do the extra you should never doubt yourself… every fight I have a smile on my face because I know I’ve done it all. โ€” Jon Jones

I guess the worst thing you feel in a fight is being out of shape. โ€” Jon Jones

i would love to fight brock lesnar he s a massive dude Jon Jones quote

The worst injury I’ve ever seen in a fight was with Anderson Silva when his leg snapped in half. โ€” Jon Jones


Successful people are often times highly motivated people. โ€” Jon Jones

You don’t have to be the smartest person to become successful and wealthy. Many of the most successful and wealthy people in society are not the most educated people. โ€” Jon Jones

I might not be as successful as you are today, but tomorrow, next month, next year, or five years from now will be another story. โ€” Jon Jones

To become successful you will have to get mad about your current situation. After you get mad, get motivated to do something about it. โ€” Jon Jones

successful people are often times highly motivated people Jon Jones quote

Successful people are people of (, motivation, and action. โ€” Jon Jones


The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves and I just don’t believe in limiting myself. โ€” Jon Jones

I am only (, limited by what I believe is possible. โ€” Jon Jones

Believe in yourself. Believe in your heart and once you get there, don’t slow down. โ€” Jon Jones

Everything is a possibility. I believe we’re put on this earth to think big and dream big. โ€” Jon Jones

i am only lim it ed limited by what i believe is possible Jon Jones quote

I believe in the law of attraction…I believe you can speak things into existence. When you know where you’re going and you know what you want, the universe has a way of stepping aside for you. โ€” Jon Jones

I’m extremely confident. I do believe my own hype. And I’m working towards making it true. โ€” Jon Jones

It is alright to trust. But trust comes with responsibility. โ€” Jon Jones


A champion without his belt is like a knight without his sword. I’ve got to have it. โ€” Jon Jones

I’m a champion, and I believe that if you’re a champion, you can’t be afraid to go out there and test yourself against the greatest challenges. โ€” Jon Jones

a champion without his belt is like a knight without his sword i ve got to have it Jon Jones quote

I believe I have the attitude of a champion and a winner, and I’m not apologetic for it. โ€” Jon Jones

I feel as if I’m God’s champion, and I have a lot of pride in that. โ€” Jon Jones

You know, when you’ve been to the top, you get comfortable, and you know what it feels like to be a champion, to have nice things and all that. You know, it’s just not as appealing as it was coming up. โ€” Jon Jones

Daniel Cormier has been a model champion. He will be a champion for the rest of his life. โ€” Jon Jones

I think it’s important to be an absolute believer and have that confidence. โ€” Jon Jones

i believe i have the attitude of a champion and a winner and i m not apologetic for it Jon Jones quote

I wouldn’t argue that Anderson Silva is the best poundโ€“forโ€“pound fighter in MMA. โ€” Jon Jones
