John Stockton is one of the most successful NBA players in history. He was a ten-time All-Star and led the league in assists for eight consecutive seasons. What you may not know, however, is that his success didn’t come easy. In this post, we’ll take a look at John Stockton’s quotes compilation and highlight some of the keys to his incredible success. We’ll also discuss how entrepreneurs can learn from his example and apply some of his techniques to their own businesses.
Here are the most inspiring quotes from John Stockton, and much more.
I heal quickly, and I stay in good shape, and I will stay in good shape. — John Stockton
I really don’t think of myself as the best player on the team. — John Stockton
I just play. I’m not one to think about it. If I get one assist and we win, that’s great. Otherwise, I could care less. — John Stockton
Once I came to Salt Lake City, I didn’t want to go anywhere else. It was home sweet home for me. — John Stockton
I don’t judge my performance on how many assists I have or how many points I have. — John Stockton
I think everybody should have the attitude that you can’t allow yourself to be hurt. You avoid a lot just with that attitude. — John Stockton
I really don’t look at my accomplishments. I really don’t think about myself much. — John Stockton
Various Statements From John Stockton
I think I’ve preserved most of my private life, and I think that’s still important for me, and that’s still important for my family. — John Stockton
Magic is the man. No one is in his class. — John Stockton
I don’t think you ever hear anybody shoot the last shot and say they didn’t think it was in. — John Stockton
I want my kids to have a life like I did growing up. The greatest gift I was given in life was from my parents. Though I can’t match them, I’d like to be that kind of parent. — John Stockton
Just because everybody else does something isn’t a good enough reason to do anything. — John Stockton
The West is tough. Great teams. Great records, top to bottom. — John Stockton
I try to exploit things against everybody; that’s part of the game: beat the guy that guards me while you’re beating their team. — John Stockton
More Phrases From John Stockton
My impression is that the NBA always precluded anything else. — John Stockton
You can find advantages to being small. — John Stockton
If you start chasing around trying to get steals for your own benefit, then you really put your defense at a disadvantage. It’s not a big thing for me; if it happens, great. — John Stockton
I didn’t want to get caught up in the mind–set that, ‘Wait a minute, I’m ahead of Magic. I better slow down.’ — John Stockton
Mostly, I go in the weight room and visit. — John Stockton
I think I laid it all out there for 19 years, and you don’t always achieve all the goals that you shoot for. — John Stockton
I don’t care if people even discuss what I did. But if anyone is ever sitting around the kitchen table talking about my career, I hope they say they enjoyed watching me play. That’s good enough. — John Stockton
Deeper Quotes From John Stockton
I’ve been lucky to have great coaching, great teammates, and a desire to keep getting better. That, slowly over time, helped me grow from an average high school player to the NBA. — John Stockton
Usually for the last play, everyone goes helter–skelter. They go to the wrong spots. They don’t do the right thing. — John Stockton
With kids and all the other activities around the house, I’m finding it harder to give my full attention to basketball. — John Stockton
I don’t like to give in to injuries. I don’t like to use them as excuses. Everybody has them. — John Stockton
I never thought I’d make it in the NBA, so everything else is gravy. — John Stockton
Redundant Thematics
In John Stockton Statements
Essentially, when you join a team, you’re making a commitment to your team. You can’t take that lightly. — John Stockton
I never consciously thought about going all the way through the ‘Gonzaga farm system,’ but that’s the way it happened. — John Stockton
Amazing Thoughts From John Stockton
If I pass the ball to Karl Malone, he still has to make the shot, or nothing has happened. — John Stockton
You never think about being wide open. I don’t know if I can describe the feeling. Tremendous. — John Stockton
I just always believed that all comments are better face–to–face, whether they’re derogatory or whether they’re not. — John Stockton
I have a great respect for people that write. I don’t know how they do it every day… or do novels that they have to use their minds instead of just their memories. It’s tough duty. — John Stockton
I guess I’d rather be comfortable and play well because I’m comfortable than to get recognition and play someplace where I wouldn’t be comfortable and wouldn’t enjoy myself. — John Stockton
I was just lucky to have a uniform. — John Stockton
You have a different personality in front of the world than you do in front of your pals at home. I like to keep them separate. — John Stockton
Some Interesting Quotes From John Stockton
I’ve played games where I thought I played one of my better games, and statistically, there’s nothing there, and vice versa. I’ve never based how I feel about my performance on stats. — John Stockton
I have an ego like everyone else. I want to be recognized as a good ballplayer. — John Stockton
I know my first years sitting on the bench, largely behind Rickey Green, was a great learning tool for me. — John Stockton
The game’s a beautiful game when five guys go out there and give something of themselves so that you can win. — John Stockton
I haven’t played quarterback since eighth or ninth grade. I didn’t see it get much attention when I completed a pass then. — John Stockton
I think records are irrelevant, but I’m being approached about it all the time. If I could avoid it, that would be great. — John Stockton
It’s always in a cycle. One set of plays will work really well for a time, and then defenses figure it out, and you go to something else. — John Stockton