These days, it seems like every other book on the bestseller list is written by Jodi Picoult. But what most people don’t know is that Picoult’s journey to becoming a bestselling author was far from easy. This blog post will take a closer look at Picoult’s life and career, and offer some inspiration to entrepreneurs who are starting out their own businesses.
Here are the strongest Feelings, Time, Life, World, Believing, Heart quotes from Jodi Picoult, and much more.
There were some people who hit your life so hard, they left a stain on your future. — Jodi Picoult
If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else thought of you, would you forget who you really were? — Jodi Picoult
Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life. — Jodi Picoult
Sometimes I think my whole life has been about holding on to you. — Jodi Picoult
I didn’t want to see her because it would make me feel better. I came because without her, it’s hard to remember who I am… — Jodi Picoult
You know how I get angry sometimes? That’s because it’s the only way I can still feel. And I need to test myself, to make sure I’m really here. — Jodi Picoult
Doing the right thing for someone else occasionally means doing something that feels wrong to you. — Jodi Picoult
But there’s a part of me that wonders what it would be like to be the most important person to someone else, to always feel like you were missing a piece of yourself when he wasn’t near you. — Jodi Picoult
You have to understand what you’re missing before you can really feel a loss. — Jodi Picoult
They’re fake bullets, so why do I feel like Im bleeding out? — Jodi Picoult
Close a door, and you’d still feel a breeze through the window. — Jodi Picoult
You don’t need water to feel like you’re drowning, do you? — Jodi Picoult
I know what it’s like when the things you believe make you feel like you’re on the outside looking in. — Jodi Picoult
The world just feels different for those of us who come alive after dark. It’s more fragile and unreal, a replica of the one everyone else inhabits. — Jodi Picoult
I wonder if other mothers feel a tug at their insides, watching their children grow up into the people they themselves wanted so badly to be. — Jodi Picoult
Pick ten strangers and stick them in a room, and ask them which of us they feel sorrier for–you or me–and we all know who they’ll choose. — Jodi Picoult
I wanted him to feel what I felt when I was with him: that incredible combination of comfort, decadence, and wonder; the knowledge that, with just a single taste of him, I was addicted. — Jodi Picoult
You can be strapped to the most stable chair and still feel the world give way beneath you. — Jodi Picoult
Did you ever walk through a room that’s packed with people, and feel so lonely you can hardly take the next step? — Jodi Picoult
Dark matter has a gravitation effect on other objects. You can’t see it, you can’t feel it, but you can watch something being pulled in its direction. — Jodi Picoult
When she smiles, it feels like the first warm day of March––after an eternity of snow, when you suddenly remember how summer feels on the backs of your bare calves & in the part of your hair. — Jodi Picoult
There are some nights when you just want to know there’s someone else besides you in this wide world. — Jodi Picoult
A world that was crowded with people could still be a very lonely place. — Jodi Picoult
It is so easy to think that the world revolves around you, but all you have to do is stare up at the sky to realize it isn’t that way at all. — Jodi Picoult
Suddenly, I don’t want to be this person anymore. I don’t want to pretend I’m fooling the world when I’m not. I want someone else to have a plan for me, because I’m not doing a very good job myself. — Jodi Picoult
Me, I was already jaded and tarnished, skeptical that a fantasy world could keep reality at bay. — Jodi Picoult
You can’t exist in this world without leaving a piece of yourself behind. — Jodi Picoult
The world is a place where the extraordinary can sit just beside the ordinary with the thinnest of boundaries; that even in environments inhospitable to man, all sort of entities might thrive. — Jodi Picoult
It is so easy to presume that while your own world has ground to an absolute halt, so has everyone else’s. — Jodi Picoult
Imagine a world that seemed so much bigger than you. Imagine waking up one morning and finding a piece of yourself you didn’t even know existed. — Jodi Picoult
How do you tell an adult that maybe everything wrong in the world stems from the fact that she’s stopped believing the impossible can happen? — Jodi Picoult
She understood how a world jammed with phones, email, and faxes could still leave you feeling utterly alone. — Jodi Picoult
Once the world was pulled out from beneath your feet, did you ever get to stand on firm ground again? — Jodi Picoult
I’m gonna miss you,’ Brianna says. ‘I’m gonna miss you too, baby,’ Angelo murmurs. For Pete’s sake. It’s not like she’s leaving on a trip around the world. She’s only headed to homeroom. — Jodi Picoult
The saddest day in the world will be the one when she stops pretending. — Jodi Picoult
I can give or take elephants; I never can find the cheetah–but the zebras captivate me. They’d be one of the few things that would fit if we were lucky enough to live in a world that’s black or white. — Jodi Picoult
But still, it looked completely natural, as if we had been kissing at the ends of sentences for ages, while the rest of the world was still hung up on punctuation. — Jodi Picoult
Redundant Thematics
In Jodi Picoult Statements
People in the real world would kill for a happily ever after, and you’re willing to just throw it away ?’ I look away from her. ‘It’s hardly a happily ever after when you wind up right at the beginning. — Jodi Picoult
People ask all the time how I’m doing, but the truth is, they don’t really want to know. — Jodi Picoult
And I think, not for the first time, that what is immoral is not always wrong. — Jodi Picoult
Life was all about being in a certain place, at a certain time. — Jodi Picoult
I think people do things all the time in the name of love that they shouldn’t be doing–such is the nature of us. — Jodi Picoult
Not everyone understands how you can spin two lassos at the same time, one of hope and one of grief. — Jodi Picoult
It was the first time she’d discovered something she really didn’t want to find, and she didn’t know what to do once she’d found it. — Jodi Picoult
I’d like to say that this time I’d kill myself too..but I’ve never had that kind of courage. — Jodi Picoult
Writer’s block is for people who have the luxury of time. — Jodi Picoult
Take it from me: love has all the lasting permanence of a rainbow–beautiful while it’s there, and just as likely to have disappeared by the time you blink. — Jodi Picoult
We’re [parents]) always bluffing, pretending we know best, when most of the time we’re just praying we won’t screw up too badly. — Jodi Picoult
People are always afraid of the unknown–and banding together against the Thing That Is Different From Us is a time–honoured tradition for rallying the masses. — Jodi Picoult
If you want to know someone’s story, they have to tell it aloud. But every time, the telling is a little but different. It’s new, even to me. — Jodi Picoult
I’d much rather pretend I’m somewhere else, and any time I open the pages of a book, that happens. — Jodi Picoult
You can have the best intentions, but the moment there’s a hairline crack, it is only a matter of time before you go to pieces. — Jodi Picoult
The Inuit say that the stars are holes in heaven. And every time we see the people we loved shining through, we know they’re happy. — Jodi Picoult
As Lacy waited for her turn to speak on Peter’s behalf, she thought back to the first time she realized she could hate her own child. — Jodi Picoult
You know, the mind is a remarkable thing. Just because you can’t see the wound doesn’t mean it isn’t hurting. It scars all the time, but it heals. — Jodi Picoult
The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they’d lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come. — Jodi Picoult
Perhaps he d always known that the truth of a person lies in the heart. — Jodi Picoult
Pride is an evil dragon; it sleeps underneath your heart and then roars when you need silence. — Jodi Picoult
If you think of a relationship as a living entity, I guess it’s one thing If the missing two percent is, like, a fingernail. But when it’s the heart, that’s a whole dIfferent ball of wax. — Jodi Picoult
How could you go about choosing something that would hold the half of your heart you had to bury? — Jodi Picoult
Bleeding heart, he’d called her. Well. He should know. He’d been the first to rip it to pieces. — Jodi Picoult
I had the heart of the relationship, and no body to grow it in… It broke. — Jodi Picoult
And he suddenly knew that if she killed herself, he would die. Maybe not immediately, maybe not with the same blinding rush of pain, but it would happen. You couldn’t live for very long without a heart. — Jodi Picoult
It’s like picking up an unfamiliar piece of sheet music & starting to stumble through it, only to realize it is a melody you’d once learned by heart, one you can play without even trying. — Jodi Picoult
As it turns out, you can function while your heart is being torn to shreds. — Jodi Picoult
Things that break–be they bones, hearts, or promises–can be put back together but will never really be whole. — Jodi Picoult
If you gave someone your heart and they died, did they take it with them? Did you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you that couldn’t be filled? — Jodi Picoult
People believed what they wanted to believe, no matter what was right in front of their eyes. — Jodi Picoult
We believe what we want to, what we need to. The corollary is that we choose not to see what we’d rather pretend doesn’t exist. — Jodi Picoult
You can believe something really hard,’ Faith says, ‘and still be wrong. — Jodi Picoult
Whether or not you believe in Fate comes down to one thing: who do you blame when something goes wrong. — Jodi Picoult
We dont have to accept each others beliefs..but we do have to accept each others right to believe them. — Jodi Picoult
Beliefs are the roads we take to our dreams. Believe you can do something–or believe you can’t–and you’ll be right everytime. — Jodi Picoult
The human capacity for burden is like bamboo–far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance. — Jodi Picoult
I believe that having something to hope for–even if it’s just a better tomorrow–is the most powerful drug on this planet. — Jodi Picoult
This is what it always comes down to, I realized. There are the ones who believe, and the ones who don’t, and caught in the space between them are guns. — Jodi Picoult
If you want something to be true badly enough, you can rewrite it that way, in your head. You can even start to believe it. — Jodi Picoult
Maybe I was naïve to think that silence was implicit complacence, instead of a festering question. Maybe I was silly to believe that friends owed each other anything. — Jodi Picoult
I believe in Hell…but it’s here on earth.’ He shakes his head. ‘Good people and bad people. As if it were this easy. Everyone is both of these at once. — Jodi Picoult
There’s no way to convince her that just because you put half. planet between you and someone else, you can’t drive that person out of your thoughts. Believe me. I’ve tried. — Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoult is a master of words, and her quotes on writing are both insightful and inspiring. If you’re feeling stuck in your writing process, or need some motivation to keep pushing forward, these quotes will help get you moving again. And if you want to learn more about how to become a better writer, be sure to check out our courses. With over 20 different classes available on everything from grammar to structure to plotting, we can help take your writing skills to the next level.