The Best Henry Ford quotes

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Henry Ford was born on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan, in 1863. He left school at the age of 16 to take a job as an apprentice machinist. Ford went on to become one of the most influential people in American history. In 1908, he unveiled the Model T, which made cars affordable for the masses. Ford’s factories helped to spur America’s growth during the Industrial Revolution. He also played a role in World War II by producing military vehicles and supplies. Ford died in 1947 at the age of 83. His legacy lives on today in the form of automobiles and mass production methods used throughout the world.

We are glad to present you the most interesting Work, Money, Experience, Time, Life, World, Thinking, Mind, Success Failure, Teamwork, Horse, Advertising, Famous, Faster Horse, Frases De, Success quotes from Henry Ford, and much more.

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About Henry Ford

birth of the author

July 30, 1863

death of the author

April 7, 1947

country of the author


occupation of the author

Engineer, Industrialist, Philanthropist

date of the author

Years Active:

knownfor of the author

Known For:
Founding And Leading The Ford Motor Company Pioneering A System That Launched The Mass Production And Sale Of Affordable Automotives To The Public

title of the author

President Of Ford Motor Company 1906-1919 And 1943-1945

political of the author

Political Party:


If there is unemployment in America, it is because the unemployed do not want to work. โ€” Henry Ford

Every man is better for a period of work under the open sky. โ€” Henry Ford

There is joy in work. โ€” Henry Ford

Understand the difference between being at work and working. โ€” Henry Ford

if there is unemployment in america it is because the unemployed do not want to work Henry Ford quote

Those who never make mistakes work for those of us who do. โ€” Henry Ford

If governments would only understand that if people are left alone they’ll work out their own salvation. โ€” Henry Ford

There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. โ€” Henry Ford

When you once get an idea in which you believe with all your heart, work it out. โ€” Henry Ford

Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind. โ€” Henry Ford

every man is better for a period of work under the open sky Henry Ford quote

A nation that knows how to work will never suffer. โ€” Henry Ford

Genius is seldom recognized for what it is: a great capacity for hard work. โ€” Henry Ford

I don’t expect to retire. Every man must work, that’s his natural destiny. โ€” Henry Ford

All that money can do is buy us some one else’s work in exchange for our own. โ€” Henry Ford

Thinking is the hardest work we do. โ€” Henry Ford

there is joy in work Henry Ford quote

Profit is a byโ€“product of work; happiness is its chief product. โ€” Henry Ford

He who would really benefit mankind must reach them through their work. โ€” Henry Ford

Thinking first of money instead of work brings fear. โ€” Henry Ford

What is Henry Ford best known for?

Henry Fordโ€™s assembly-line methods revolutionized factory production. Using his techniques, chassis assembly was reduced from 12.
5 man-hours to 93 man-minutes by 1914. Assembly time reduction contributed to the drastic cut in price of the private automobile.

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it. โ€” Henry Ford

If people understood how the economic system works, there’d be a revolution in a minute. โ€” Henry Ford

understand the difference between being at work and working Henry Ford quote

With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. โ€” Henry Ford

I invented nothing new, I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom there was centuries of work. โ€” Henry Ford


To do more for the world than the world does for youโ€“that is success. โ€” Henry Ford

Every success is the mother of countless others. โ€” Henry Ford

The secret of success is to understand the viewpoint of others. โ€” Henry Ford

to do more for the world than the world does for you that is success Henry Ford quote

Integrity is crucial for business successโ€“once you can fake that, you’ve got it made. โ€” Henry Ford

It is failure that is easy. Success is always hard. โ€” Henry Ford

Success is 99% failure โ€” Henry Ford

Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. โ€” Henry Ford

One needs to be successful in the conventional way to learn just how far away from success it may be. โ€” Henry Ford

every success is the mother of countless others Henry Ford quote

An imitation may be quite successful in its own way, but imitation can never be Success. Success is a firstโ€“hand creation. โ€” Henry Ford

Almost all enduring success comes to people after they are forty. For seldom does mature judgment arrive before then. โ€” Henry Ford

Working together is success. โ€” Henry Ford

There are no dead ends. There is always a way out. What you learn in one failure you utilize in your next success. โ€” Henry Ford

Unless you have courage, a courage that keeps you going, always going, no matter what happens, there is no certainty of success. It is really an endurance race. โ€” Henry Ford

the secret of success is to understand the viewpoint of others Henry Ford quote

Most people think of success in terms of getting; success, however, begins in terms of giving. โ€” Henry Ford

You must know all there is to know in your particular field and keep on the alert for new knowledge. The least difference in knowledge between you and another man may spell his success and your failure. โ€” Henry Ford

Be ready to revise any system, scrap any method, abandon any theory, if the success of the job requires it. โ€” Henry Ford

If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own. โ€” Henry Ford


If the people really set their minds on anything it is impossible to prevent their getting what they want. โ€” Henry Ford

reading musses up my mind Henry Ford quote

Reading musses up my mind. โ€” Henry Ford

The human mind is a channel through which thingsโ€“toโ€“be are coming into the realm of thingsโ€“thatโ€“are . โ€” Henry Ford

I don’t like to read books. They muss up my mind. โ€” Henry Ford

My grandfather killed my father in my mind. I know he died of cancerโ€“but it was because of what my grandfather did to him. โ€” Henry Ford


Every experience is worth having. โ€” Henry Ford

every experience is worth having Henry Ford quote

Experience is the thing of supreme value”. โ€” Henry Ford

We are here for experience, and experience is a preparation to know the Truth when we meet it. โ€” Henry Ford

The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability. โ€” Henry Ford

Greatest thing in life is experience. Even mistakes have value. โ€” Henry Ford

Whatever your goal in life, the beginning is knowledge and experience โ€” Henry Ford

experience is the thing of supreme value Henry Ford quote

All life is experience, and one level is exchanged for another only when its lesson is learned. โ€” Henry Ford

I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26. Genius is experience. Some think to seem that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives โ€” Henry Ford

What was Henry Fordโ€™s childhood like?

Henry Ford was one of eight children born to William and Mary Ford. He was born on a farm near Dearborn, Michigan.

For eight years he attended a one-room school when he wasnโ€™t helping on the farm with the harvest.


If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. โ€” Henry Ford

If you hope to be independent when there is money, you’ll never reach it. On this world, humans can only safely have the knowledge, experience and ability โ€” Henry Ford


The hardest thing in the world to do is to think, and that is why people do so little of it. โ€” Henry Ford

the hardest thing in the world to do is to think and that is why people do so little of it Henry Ford quote

No one will ever get anywhere in this world unless he becomes a teacher, one who can show others how to do things. โ€” Henry Ford

The best way is always the simplest. The attics of the world are cluttered up with complicated failures. โ€” Henry Ford

You can’t learn in school what the world is going to do next year. โ€” Henry Ford

Gold is the most useless thing in the world. I am not interested in money but in the things of which money is merely a symbol. โ€” Henry Ford

As we serve our jobs we serve the world. โ€” Henry Ford

you can t learn in school what the world is going to do next year Henry Ford quote

The great need of the world has always been for leaders. With more leaders we could have more industry. More industry, more employment and comfort for all. โ€” Henry Ford

The gifted man bears his gifts into the world, not for his own benefit, but for the people among whom he is placed; for the gifts are not his, he himself is a gift to the community. โ€” Henry Ford

Redundant Thematics

In Henry Ford Statements


I wouldn’t give five cents for all the art in the world. โ€” Henry Ford

The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt. โ€” Henry Ford

The only true test of values, either of men or of things, is that of their ability to make the world a better place in which to live. โ€” Henry Ford

as we serve our jobs we serve the world Henry Ford quote

You take all the experience and judgment of men over 50 out of the world and there wouldn’t be enough left to run it. โ€” Henry Ford


It is always possible to do a thing better the second time. โ€” Henry Ford

Do your best every time because by doing a thing well you build something valuable into yourself โ€” Henry Ford

Disappointment is just the chance to start once more, this time all the more insightfully. โ€” Henry Ford

How did Henry Ford impact the world?

With the production of the Model T automobile, Henry Ford had an unforeseen and tremendous impact on American life.


It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste โ€” Henry Ford

it is always possible to do a thing better the second time Henry Ford quote

Failure is the chance to do it better next time. โ€” Henry Ford

The time will come when man will know even what is going on in the other planets and perhaps be able to visit them. โ€” Henry Ford

Those who stop marketing to save money are like those who stop a clock to save time. โ€” Henry Ford

I can visualize the time when almost every family will have a small plane in their back yard. โ€” Henry Ford

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. โ€” Henry Ford

disappointment is just the chance to start once more this time all the more insightfully Henry Ford quote

Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. โ€” Henry Ford

Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time. โ€” Henry Ford

The short successes that can be gained in a brief time and without difficulty, are not worth much. โ€” Henry Ford

The time is coming when man will be able to determine the length of his lifespan by controlling his diet. โ€” Henry Ford

Every time you try to quit smoking you are actually getting closer to staying smoke free โ€” Henry Ford

it has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste Henry Ford quote

Hard knocks have a place and value, but hard thinking goes farther in less time. โ€” Henry Ford

Time waste differs from material waste in that there can be no salvage. โ€” Henry Ford


Money doesn’t make us anyway it just unmasks us. โ€” Henry Ford

The boss is not paying you. They just keep the money for you only. New customers who actually paid โ€” Henry Ford

Economy has frequently nothing whatever to do with the amount of money being spent, but with the wisdom used in spending it. โ€” Henry Ford

money doesn t make us anyway it just unmasks us Henry Ford quote

Money is like an arm or legโ€“use it or lose it. โ€” Henry Ford

Nothing can be made except by makers, nothing can be managed except by managers. Money cannot make anything and money cannot manage anything. โ€” Henry Ford

Money the root of all evil, unless used for good purpose โ€” Henry Ford

It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages. โ€” Henry Ford

A company that does not produce anything other than money is a poor business โ€” Henry Ford

money is like an arm or leg use it or lose it Henry Ford quote

Money is worth what it will help you to produce or buy and no more. โ€” Henry Ford

The public should always be wondering how it is possible to give so much for the money. โ€” Henry Ford

This company doesn’t pay anybody. Only customers can do that. The company merely handles the money. โ€” Henry Ford

Power and machinery, money and goods, are useful only as they set us free to live. โ€” Henry Ford

The best way to make money in business is not to think too much about making it. โ€” Henry Ford

money the root of all evil unless used for good purpose Henry Ford quote

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. โ€” Henry Ford

America is not a land of money but of wealthโ€“not a land of rich people, but of successful workers. โ€” Henry Ford

A business which can bring itself to the point where it attracts the attention of money should be able to continue on its own feet without being financed. โ€” Henry Ford

Old men are always advising young men to save money. That is bad advice. Don’t save every nickel. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar until I was forty years old. โ€” Henry Ford

Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it. โ€” Henry Ford

a company that does not produce anything other than money is a poor business Henry Ford quote

Of course, it is not the employer who pays wages. He only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages and it is the management that arranges the production so that the product may pay the wages. โ€” Henry Ford


If there is one thing I would banish from earth, it is fear. And the only way to do that is to see that there is nothing to fearโ€“nothing in all of life to be afraid of. โ€” Henry Ford

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it. โ€” Henry Ford

The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do to more for the betterment of life. โ€” Henry Ford

The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. โ€” Henry Ford

the greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young Henry Ford quote

Education is not something to prepare you for life; it is a continuous part of life. โ€” Henry Ford

The greatest day of my life was the day I married Mrs. Ford. โ€” Henry Ford

Life, as I see it, is not a location, but a journey. Life flows. โ€” Henry Ford

In my mind nothing is more abhorrent than a life of ease. None of us has any right to ease. There is no place in civilization for the idler. โ€” Henry Ford

No two men are just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything like it before, and never will be again. โ€” Henry Ford

education is not something to prepare you for life it is a continuous part of life Henry Ford quote


It’s your thinking that decides whether you’re going to succeed or fail. โ€” Henry Ford

One of the most difficult things to do in life is thinking; that’s why so few people engage in it. โ€” Henry Ford

Progress is not made by pulling off a series of stunts. Each step has to be regulated. A man cannot expect to progress without thinking. โ€” Henry Ford

Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing is impossible. The moment one gets into the ‘expert’ state of mind a great number of things become impossible. โ€” Henry Ford

Thinking without constructive action becomes a disease. โ€” Henry Ford

it s your thinking that decides whether you re going to succeed or fail Henry Ford quote