The Best Health quotes

We all know that being healthy is important, but sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated. That’s why we’ve compiled some of our favorite health quotes to help inspire you to stay on track. Whether you’re trying to eat better, get more exercise, or just make healthier choices overall, these quotes can help give you the boost you need.


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The best health quotes

1. We need to stop using fossil fuels as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the two leading replacements of wind and solar have emerging health and environmental problems. — Steven Magee

2. Health care’s not about insurance! Health care’s about getting treatment. — P. J. O’Rourke

3. Mental health and sobriety is not a straight line, and ‘Drag Race’ is a family, and we support our family members through anything. — Trixie Mattel

4. You must all pay attention to your health first. — Swami Vivekananda

5. It’s past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act. — Stephen Harper

6. From breakfast, or noon at the latest, to dinner, I am mostly on horseback, Attending to My Farm or other concerns, which I find healthful to my body, mind, and affairs. — Thomas Jefferson

7. If we want our bodies to be healthier, we need to get off the salmonella, e–coli, mad cow, assembly–line toxic hell train! God I love that statement. What did I just say? — Ted Nugent

8. What are you seeking? Spiritual Health or Monetary Wealth? While the latter will dissolve, the former will make you evolve! — RVM

9. There is an intentional disregard for human health and safety in many government agencies that are tasked with protecting it. — Steven Magee

10. America’s health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system. — Walter Cronkite

11. Good health is multifaceted–it’s physical, it’s internal, it’s my diet, and my emotional state. It’s all tied in together. — Michelle Obama

12. Laughter is such a healthy exercise. Somebody is laughing–that’s perfectly good exercise, join him. Somebody is being playful–if you have time, join him. — Rajneesh

13. Not everybody is going to run a marathon or do a triathlon. It’s not necessary to do that to be in good health. — Michelle Obama

14. 1 in 5 people have dandruff. 1 in 4 people have mental health problems. I’ve had both. — Ruby Wax

15. We grant God the possession of all the qualities of mind except the one that keeps the others healthy; that watches over their dignity; that focuses their vision true––humor. — Mark Twain

16. Never tell a mother how she has to raise her children and give no advice over their schooling, health or nutrition if you are not asked to. — Rossana Condoleo

17. We’ve got to stand together with @unitehere11 for affordable health care and fair wages. a job is about more than just a paycheck. it’s about dignity. — joe biden

18. Wisdom is the health of the soul. — Victor Hugo

19. And let’s be clear: It’s not enough just to limit ads for foods that aren’t healthy. It’s also going to be critical to increase marketing for foods that are healthy. — Michelle Obama

20. I am all about health… and to me, size is not what defines your health. — Teri Hatcher

21. He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath. — William Shakespeare, King Lear

22. When you walk into a room, a healthy, beautiful smile is incredibly important. — Susan Anton

23. Keep your own house and its surroundings pure and clean. This hygiene will keep you healthy and benefit your worldly life. — Sathya Sai Baba

24. I’m less Pollyanna now. That’s probably healthy. — Sarah Jessica Parker

25. The health industry, the fitness industry, was really starting to pick up. This was around the mid 80’s. — Warren Cuccurullo

26. A comfortable house is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience. — Sydney Smith

27. Like any good Englishman, he detests emotions and prefers a healthy dose of denial and tea. — feverishsea, The Real Meaning of Idioms

28. …mom equated money with affection…but I never cared about the money. I just wanted her to be healthy. — J.D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis

29. Take charge of your mind and begin to fill it with healthy, positive, and courageous thoughts. — Norman Vincent Peale

30. Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance. — Nancy Pelosi

31. If capitalism is to remain a healthy, vibrant economic system, corporations must participate in taking care of the society and the environment in which they live. — Simon Mainwaring

32. Write to your congressional representative against the health care reform proposal or] we will awake to find that we have socialism. — Ronald Reagan

33. One without health cannot achieve any small thing. — Sathya Sai Baba

34. It’s about businesses nervous about taking on school leavers because of a mass of red tape. It’s about health and safety regulations and green fines. — Nigel Farage

35. President Trump’s health care plan is a human rights disaster. — Steven Magee

36. The patient is the nucleus of the health care system. — Paul Ryan

37. By all means ask for abundance and health for you, but also ask for it to be given to everyone. — Rhonda Byrne

38. Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

39. My health plan doesn’t cover dental, so I enrolled my teeth as 32 dependents, each needing a complete physical once a year. — Robert Breault

40. The most polluted animal on the planet today is the modern human. — Steven Magee, Health Forensics

41. I’ve never had very high regard for therapists. I owe my health, my mental survival, to my friends and loved ones. — Salman Rushdie

42. There’s a degree of narcissism involved in anything in show business. I mean, you can’t do it without a healthy ego. Why would you want anybody to listen to you? — Stephen Colbert

43. I love to get home and hang out with my family. My brothers and I love spending time at the beach. I enjoy doing all kinds of surf sports and keeping healthy. — Samantha Stosur

44. When men do not have healthy notions of the Divinity, false ideas supplant them, just as in bad times one uses counterfeit money when there is no good money. — Voltaire

45. Antistatic devices (ASD) are commonly used in many industries and may present a health hazard to those who work with these. — Steven Magee, Electrical Forensics

46. There is a dangerous willful ignorance in governments to the adverse health effects of the various forms of electromagnetic radiation. — Steven Magee

47. We must take action now, by permitting re–importation, to ensure that health care and prescription drugs remain accessible and affordable for everyone. — Michael K. Simpson

48. I love to strengthen myself with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and maintaining a strong connection to myself. — Renae A.Sauter

49. There’s just me and my wife and a dog and we feed him Healthy Choice also. — Mike Ditka

50. Alas! I have nor hope nor health, Nor peace within nor calm around, Nor that content surpassing wealth The sage in meditation found. — Percy Bysshe Shelley


Remember, taking care of your health should be your priority. With that being said, take action today and start living a healthier life. Make sure to take some time to relax and focus on enjoying the small things in life. With these inspiring quotes about health, you can stay motivated and motivated to live a healthier life.

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