George W. Bush was the 43rd President of the United States, serving from 2001 to 2009. He was born in 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, to Barbara and George H.W. Bush. After graduating from Yale University in 1968, he served in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. He later co-founded an oil company, and was elected Governor of Texas in 1994. In 2000, he won a close election against Al Gore for President. During his presidency, he faced challenges including the September 11th terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina. After leaving office, he wrote a book about his father, George H.W. Bush.
Discover the strongest Free, Time, President, Life, Believing, History, Nation, Freedom, America Press Secretary, Famous quotes from George W Bush, and much more.
Military Awards: Air Force Pilot’s Badge, Outstanding Unit Award, National Defense Service Medal, Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
To the captives, ‘come out,’––and to those in darkness, ‘be free.’ — George W. Bush
The world is more peaceful and more free under my leadership. — George W. Bush
This Thanksgiving, Americans are especially thankful for our freedom, and we are especially thankful to you, those who keep us free. — George W. Bush
Free people will set the course of history. — George W. Bush
I love free speech. — George W. Bush
The tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free. — George W. Bush
We can’t impose freedom, but we can eliminate roadblocks to freedom, and to allow free societies to develop. — George W. Bush
Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction. — George W. Bush
I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American. Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way. — George W. Bush
I believe in the transformational power of liberty. I believe that the free Iraq is in this nation’s interests. I believe a free Afghanistan is in this nation’s interest. — George W. Bush
I’m mindful in a free society that people can worship if they want to or not. You’re equally an American if you choose to worship an almighty and if you choose not to. — George W. Bush
We are a people united by our love for freedom, even when we differ in our personal beliefs. In America, we are free to profess any faith we choose, or no faith at all. — George W. Bush
The enemy understands a free Iraq will be a major defeat in their ideology of hatred. That’s why they’re fighting so vociferously. — George W. Bush
We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace. — George W. Bush
We’re still being challenged in Iraq and the reason why is a free Iraq will be a major defeat in the cause of freedom. — George W. Bush
If I look back to when I was 20 and somebody said you’d be president, I would have said no way. — George W. Bush
I want everybody to hear loud and clear that I’m going to be the president of everybody. — George W. Bush
What was George W. Bush’s family like?
George W. Bush was the eldest of six children of George H. W. Bush, who served as the 41st president of the United States, and Barbara Bush. Source
I’m the President and the Commander–in–Chief. Do it my way. — George W. Bush
I never dreamed about being President, I wanted to be Willie Mays. — George W. Bush
And I, unfortunately, have been to too many disasters as president. — George W. Bush
I want to be the peace president. — George W. Bush
Presidents, whether things are good or bad, get the blame. I understand that. — George W. Bush
I am a war president. — George W. Bush
I don’t think it’s good for America to have a former president undermine a current president. — George W. Bush
It’s my first trip as president of the United States. — George W. Bush
Do I think faith will be an important part of being a good president? Yes, I do. — George W. Bush
If you’re asking me as the President, would I understand reality, I do. — George W. Bush
I wish I wasn’t the war president. Who in the heck wants to be a war president? I don’t. — George W. Bush
No President has ever done more for human rights than I have. — George W. Bush
I think that the vice president is a person reflecting a half–glass–full mentality. — George W. Bush
I don’t bring God into my life to–to, you know, kind of be a political person. — George W. Bush
All human life is precious. — George W. Bush
I think you ought to be open–minded as to where life takes you. — George W. Bush
This way of life is worth defending. — George W. Bush
I’m comfortable with how I lived my life as the president. — George W. Bush
Life really is a series of contrasts. — George W. Bush
I rest their case. I’m Pro–Life. — George W. Bush
Culture of life is really important for a country to have if it’s going to be a hospitable society. — George W. Bush
The key thing about life is to be true to a set of beliefs. And to be genuine. — George W. Bush
Fathers have a unique and irreplaceable role in the lives of children. — George W. Bush
Renewing the promise of America begins with upholding the dignity of human life. — George W. Bush
Together, we will reclaim America’s schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. — George W. Bush
Children and unborn children should be protected by law and welcomed into life. — George W. Bush
I’m talking about living life to its fullest. — George W. Bush
I try to live a faith–filled life. I’m a believer. — George W. Bush
If we’re an arrogant nation, they’ll resent us. — George W. Bush
Terrorism against our nation will not stand. — George W. Bush
Our nation was horrified, but it’s not going to be terrorized. — George W. Bush
Our nation must come together to unite. — George W. Bush
I aim to be a competitive nation. — George W. Bush
Ours is a nation that does not seek revenge. — George W. Bush
Where was George W. Bush educated?
From 1961 to 1964 George W. Bush attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, the boarding school from which his father, George H. W. Bush, had graduated. He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University, his father’s and grandfather’s alma mater, in 1968 and an M. Source
If Iraq fails to fully comply, the United States and other nations will disarm Saddam Hussein. — George W. Bush
Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage. — George W. Bush
I’m also not very analytical. You know I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things. — George W. Bush
What did George W. Bush accomplish?
A U. S. president, George W.
Bush initiated what he called the “war on terrorism,” portrayed as an American-led global counterterrorism campaign launched in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Included were the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Also, his administration sponsored reforms of Medicare and the U. S. education system. Source
History has an author who fills time and eternity with His purpose. — George W. Bush
Sometimes I’m frustrated. Rarely surprised. Sometimes I’m happy, you know. But war is not a time of joy. — George W. Bush
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In George W Bush Statements
As I look back over my life, I’ve been an active person–obviously I was self–absorbed for a period of time. — George W. Bush
I served. And now it’s time for the new man to serve. I have zero desire to be in the limelight. — George W. Bush
It’s a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life. — George W. Bush
Leadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means character, and it means listening from time to time. — George W. Bush
After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time. — George W. Bush
I am a passionate person when it comes to freedom. — George W. Bush
You subscribe politics to it. I subscribe freedom to it. — George W. Bush
You can’t put democracy and freedom back into a box. — George W. Bush
There ought to be limits to freedom. — George W. Bush
Everywhere that freedom stirs, let tyrants fear. — George W. Bush
One principle is the universality of freedom. I’m a freedom lover. — George W. Bush
The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear–and they should be afraid, because freedom is on the march. — George W. Bush
I’m going to be involved with freedom; I’m going to be involved in the marketplace; I’m going to be involved in the accountability in schools. — George W. Bush
There ought to be limits to freedom. We’re aware of the site, and this guy is just a garbage man. — George W. Bush
Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended. — George W. Bush
Iraq and Afghanistan are now democracies and they are allies in the cause of freedom and peace. — George W. Bush
We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail. — George W. Bush
Democracy will be transformative. It will help other societies realize the benefits of freedom. Nothing’s as big as that, in terms of peace. — George W. Bush
You’ve just got to do what you think is right, and just make the decisions based upon noble causes. And a noble cause is peace and security and freedom. — George W. Bush
There is no telling how many wars it will take to secure freedom in the homeland. — George W. Bush
I believe that God wants me to be president. — George W. Bush
I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe–I believe what I believe is right. — George W. Bush
The Democrats believe they need more of your money to spend because they can spend it better than you can. But you know, sometimes philosophers don’t act. — George W. Bush
The best way to defeat an ideology is with a better ideology. And I believe democracy is a better ideology. — George W. Bush
I think a lot of the national Democrats believe that, you know, Iraq is a distraction and not part of the War on Terror. They’ve said so. And I strongly disagree. — George W. Bush
I do believe in the sanctity of marriage. …But I don’t see that as conflict with being a tolerant person or an understanding person. — George W. Bush
If you haven’t doubted, you probably haven’t thought very hard about what you believe. — George W. Bush
I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman. — George W. Bush
There’s a lot of things that there’s misconceptions. Evidently it’s a misconceptions that Americans believe that Muslims are terrorists. — George W. Bush
I will always believe our nation’s best days lie ahead. — George W. Bush
I believe that democracy will prevail, so long as the United States stays with these young democracies to help them. — George W. Bush
I believe that God has planted in every heart the desire to live in freedom. — George W. Bush
I believe that people whose skins aren’t necessarily–are a different color than white can self–govern. — George W. Bush
I believe in the universality of freedom and therefore want to be involved in the freedom movement. — George W. Bush
I believe that women will lead the democracy movement. — George W. Bush
Quotas are bad for America. It’s not the way America is all about. — George W. Bush
The great thing about America is, you don’t have to listen unless you want to. — George W. Bush
First of all, I don’t see America having problems. — George W. Bush
The great thing about America is everybody should vote. — George W. Bush
All of us in America want there to be fairness when it comes to justice. — George W. Bush
By heritage and by choice, the United States of America will make that stand. — George W. Bush
But oftentimes I’m asked, why? Why do you care what happens outside of America? — George W. Bush
May He guide us now. And may God continue to bless the United States of America. — George W. Bush
You cannot lead America to a positive tomorrow with revenge on one’s mind. Revenge is so incredibly negative. — George W. Bush
Whatever party you’re in in America, our troops deserve the full support of our government. — George W. Bush
America needs a military where our breast and brightest are proud to serve. — George W. Bush
The United States of America is engaged in a war against an extremist group of folks. — George W. Bush
A failed Iraq would make America less secure. — George W. Bush
For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times. — George W. Bush
You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you’re gone. — George W. Bush
I think all presidents should take the long view of history. — George W. Bush
Afghanistan is the most daring and ambition mission in the history of NATO. — George W. Bush
Golf is something I love. It’s been a part of my family’s history. — George W. Bush
The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself. — George W. Bush
Reading history while you make history can teach you a lot. — George W. Bush
Freedom is the direction of history, because freedom is the permanent hope of humanity. — George W. Bush
The true history of my administration will be written 50 years from now, and you and I will not be around to see it. — George W. Bush
History will prove me right. This is an exercise in folly. — George W. Bush
America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused–preferring greatness to power and justice to glory. — George W. Bush
Before history is written down in books, it is written in courage. — George W. Bush
Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history–revisionist historians is what I like to call them. — George W. Bush
Americans are rising to the tasks of history, and they expect the same of us. — George W. Bush