Gabby Douglas is one of the most inspirational and accomplished athletes in American history. This quotes compilation will take a look at her life, from childhood to Olympic gold medals, and everything in between. Read on to discover about this amazing woman!
Here are the best words from George Sand.
Here are the deepest Love, Women, Time, Nature, Life, Mind, Heart quotes from George Sand, and much more.
If people were not wicked I should not mind their being stupid; but, to our misfortune, they are both. โ George Sand
The mind has no sex. โ George Sand
And I refused to make any sacrifices; for nothing on earth seemed more valuable than my peace of mind, my pleasure and my acclaim. โ George Sand
Art speaks only to the mind, whereas nature speaks to all the faculties. โ George Sand
I needn’t tell you that success and failure prove nothingโthe whole thing is a lottery. It’s pleasant to succeed; but for a philosophic mind it oughtn’t to be very upsetting to fail. โ George Sand
Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. โ George Sand
The life of great geniuses is nothing but a sublime storm. โ George Sand
We must have a passion in life. โ George Sand
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. โ George Sand
Death must no longer be either the penalty for prosperity or the consolation of misery. God did not destine it to be either the punishment or the compensation for life. โ George Sand
Life is a succession of afflictions for the heart. โ George Sand
Whoever has loved once, knows all that life contains of sorrow and of joy. โ George Sand
Life in common among people who love each other is the ideal of happiness. โ George Sand
As far as I am concerned I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison than marry again. โ George Sand
Sex is the most respectable and holy thing in all creation, the most serious act in life. โ George Sand
The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. โ George Eliot
We have now all sorts of good reasons for accepting life, quite as good as those that had made us reject it the previous week. โ George Sand
What is George Sand best known for?
Georgeโs Sandโs first novel, Indiana, brought her immediate fame, but she is best known for her rustic novels La Mare au diable, Franรงois le Champi, and La Petite Fadette, which drew their chief inspiration from her lifelong love of the countryside and sympathy for the poor
We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire. โ George Sand
I know that I have found fulfillment. I have an object in life, a task … a passion. โ George Sand
Nowadays it seems that moral education is no longer considered necessary. Attention is wholly centered on intelligence, while the heart life is ignored. โ George Sand
He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life. โ George Sand
A womAn’s heArt hAs no wrinkles. โ George Sand
These tears do me good, they have watered the parched place; perhaps my heart will grow again there! โ George Sand
The intellect seeks, the heart finds. โ George Sand
God abandons only those who abandon themselves, and whoever has the courage to shut up his sorrow within his own heart is stronger to fight against it than he who complains. โ George Sand
Weeds are omnipresent; errors are to be found in the heart of the most lovable. โ George Sand
The artist vocation is to send light into the human heart. โ George Sand
Simplicity is the essence of the great, the true, the beautiful in art. โ George Sand
Where there is no longer love, there is no longer anything. โ George Sand
I say, I believe, that one must love with all of one’s being. โ George Sand
Love without reverence and enthusiasm is only friendship. โ George Sand
Faith is like love; when you want it you can’t find it, and you find it when you least expect it. โ George Sand
O heart! love is thy bane and thy antidote. โ George Sand
Unrequited love is as different from the mutual love as the error from the truth. โ George Sand
Not to love is to cease to live. โ George Sand
Young love needs dangers and barriers to nourish it. โ George Sand
Fame and admiration weigh not a feather in the scale against friendship and love, for the heart languishes all the same. โ George Sand
Redundant Thematics
In George Sand Statements
Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. โ George Sand
Humanity is outraged in me and with me. We must not dissimulate nor try to forget this indignation, which is one of the most passionate forms of love. โ George Sand
I’m not full of virtues and noble qualities. I love, but I love strongly, exclusive, stedfasty. โ George Sand
Love is too delicate a flower to rise again when one has trampled it under foot. โ George Sand
Simplicity, a delicate silence about oneself, increases their worth and makes one love those whom one admires. โ George Sand
No human creature can give orders to love. โ George Sand
God has written in the law of nature that when two people are joined in love or friendship, one must always give his heart more perfectly than the other. โ George Sand
It is love, not faith, that moves mountains. โ George Sand
Celebrate within yourself that wonderful treasure . . . true kindness. โ George Sand
The capacity for passion is both cruel and divine. โ George Sand
Nature distributes her favors unequally. โ George Sand
I have no enthusiasm for nature which the slightest chill will not instantly destroy. โ George Sand
The whole secret of the study of nature lies in learning how to use one’s eyes. โ George Sand
Butterflies are but flowers that blew away one sunny day when Nature was feeling at her most inventive and fertile. โ George Sand
What else is George Sand famous for?
Although George Sand is principally remembered for her contributions to literature, particularly her rustic novels, she also gained notoriety for her romantic involvement with famous men, including master of the short story Prosper Mรฉrimรฉe, poet and dramatist Alfred de Musset, and composer and pianist Frรฉdรฉric Chopin.
The old woman I shall become will be quite different from the woman I am now. Another I is beginning. โ George Sand
The world will know and understand me someday. But if that day does not arrive, it does not greatly matter. I shall have opened the way for other women. โ George Sand
Women love always: when earth slips from them, they take refuge in heaven. โ George Sand
Learned women are ridiculed because they put to shame unlearned men. โ George Sand
There is only one sex. A man and a woman are so entirely the same thing that one can scarcely understand the subtle reasons for sex distinctions with which our minds are filled. โ George Sand
No human being can control love, and no one is to blame either for feeling it or for losing it. What alone degrades a woman is falsehood. โ George Sand
Immodest creature, you do not want a woman who will accept your faults, you want the one who pretends you are faultlessโone who will caress the hand that strikes her and kiss the lips that lie to her. โ George Sand
What is there over which the incomparable beauty of childhood would not triumph? โ George Sand
It is high time that we had lights that are not incendiary torches. โ George Sand
Life is a slate where all our sins are written; from time to time we rub the sponge of repentance over it so we can begin sinning again. โ George Sand
Ever since time began the world has seemed stupid to those who aren’t stupid themselves. It was to avoid that annoyance that I became stupid myself, as fast as ever I could. Sheer egoism, no doubt. โ George Sand
One wastes so much time, one is so prodigal of life, at twenty! Our days of winter count for double. That is the compensation of the old. โ George Sand
Time is always wanting to me, and I cannot meet with a single day when I am nut hurried along, driven to by wits’โend by urgent work, business to attent do or some service to render. โ George Sand