Who is Gary Paulsen? He’s an American writer, best known for his young adult fiction. But he’s so much more than that. He’s also an accomplished dog sledder, trapper, fur trader, and riverboat captain. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the life and work of this remarkable man.
Discover the most known Life quotes from Gary Paulsen, and much more.
Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Adventure Novels, Nonfiction
Notable Works: Hatchet, The River, Dogsong, Woodsong, Winterdance, The Winter Room And More.
Notable Awards: Margaret Edwards Award 1997
Reading is not daily its a life style for all readers. — Gary Paulsen
But I’m your brother.’ Daniel sounded genuinely wounded. ‘You,’ she announced, ‘are a turd in the punch bowl of life. — Gary Paulsen
Personal inspection at zero altitude. The stories come from my life–if not my own experiences, then about topics and subjects that interest me. — Gary Paulsen
Humans are the big thing that cause damage in life–in war or whatever–and if I can get away from that and into a wilderness situation, I’m OK. You can more or less live on your own merit. — Gary Paulsen
The essence of war is insanity. Destruction, death, women widowed, children orphaned, lands plundered, property destroyed, lives decimated–it’s all bad. — Gary Paulsen
Inspiring Phrases From Gary Paulsen
Most important rule of survival, which was that feeling sorry for yourself didn’t work. — Gary Paulsen
I have a pickup truck. And I prefer to be with dogs or on my sailboat than in a car–actually, more than any other place on Earth. — Gary Paulsen
I sail, run dogs, ride horses, play professional poker and tell stories about the stuff I’ve been through. And I’m still a romantic; I still want Bambi to make it out of the fire. — Gary Paulsen
I tried to contain myself… but I escaped! — Gary Paulsen
I think that what computers have done is just disastrous to the language. — Gary Paulsen
Adults are locked into car payments and divorces and work. They haven’t got time to think fresh. — Gary Paulsen
Do what you can as you can. Trouble, problems, will come no matter what you do , and you must respond as they come. — Gary Paulsen
Various Statements From Gary Paulsen
Discoveries happened because they needed to happen. He — Gary Paulsen
I was raised on farms by people who didn’t have Wal–Mart. They had to make their own sleds, harnesses, clothing, etc. — Gary Paulsen
Change is good, but sometimes leaving things the way they’ve always been is better. — Gary Paulsen
Moose was a moose. There — Gary Paulsen
Things seemed to go back and forth between reality and imagination––except that it was all reality. — Gary Paulsen
You want to stay hungry…to learn. You get full, you get sleepy, lazy; you get lazy, you don’t learn. — Gary Paulsen
The most important rule of survival, which was that feeling sorry for yourself didn’t work. — Gary Paulsen
More Phrases From Gary Paulsen
The maximum expression of running dogs is the Iditarod. You enter a state of primitive exaltation, and you never return. You’re never normal again. — Gary Paulsen
Redundant Thematics
In Gary Paulsen Statements
School didn’t work for me. I hated it. — Gary Paulsen
Gary Paulsen–’If you work on something hard and get some success. You can get some nice rewards. — Gary Paulsen
If you look at it from the right point of view, lying is just good manners. — Gary Paulsen
And he’s never met anyone like Harris, his unruly daredevil of a cousin. — Gary Paulsen
Maybe it was always that way, discoveries happened because they needed to happen. — Gary Paulsen
Years ago, when I was writing westerns, other writers who were friends of mine wanted me to collaborate with them. And it just didn’t work. — Gary Paulsen
Deeper Quotes From Gary Paulsen
I owe everything I am and everything I will ever be to books. — Gary Paulsen
The memory was like a knife cutting into him. Slicing deep into him with hate. — Gary Paulsen
If his mother hadn’t begun to see him and forced the divorce, Brian wouldn’t be here now. He — Gary Paulsen
That’s all it took to solve problems–just sense. — Gary Paulsen