The Best Ernest Holmes quotes

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No matter who you are or what you believe in, there’s no denying that Ernest Holmes was one impressive guy. A philosopher, writer, and lecturer, Holmes managed to change the course of many people’s lives – all while living a pretty interesting life himself. If you’re looking for some inspiration, then this is the blog post for you! In today’s post, we’ll be exploring some of the most fascinating aspects of Ernest Holmes’ life and work.

Here are the most interesting Truth, Universe, Love, Experience, Spirit, Life, Thinking, Mind quotes from Ernest Holmes, and much more.

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About Ernest Holmes

birth of the author

January 21, 1887

death of the author

April 7, 1960

country of the author


occupation of the author

Minister, Philosopher, Author

knownfor of the author

Known For:
Founder Of The Religious Science


Like attracts like and we attract just what we are in mind. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To it, all things are possible. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Mind exists as a Principle in the universe, just as electricity exists as a principle. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Too often, our minds are so burdened because of the mistakes we have made that we do not take the time to forgive ourselves and others and start over again. โ€” Ernest Holmes

like attracts like and we attract just what we are in mind Ernest Holmes quote

Where the mind goes energy flows. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The Science of Mind is intensely practical because it teaches us how to use the Mind Principle for definite purposes, such as helping those who are sick, impoverished, or unhappy. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The mind of man is continuously unfolding into a greater recognition of its real plan in the creative order of the Universe. โ€” Ernest Holmes

A realization of the Presence of God is the most powerful healing agency known to the mind of man. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Borrowing knowledge of reality from all sources, taking the best from every study, Science of Mind brings together the highest enlightenment of the ages. โ€” Ernest Holmes

mind exists as a principle in the universe just as electricity exists as a principle Ernest Holmes quote


Life is greater than you have ever known it. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Anyone may become a revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it. โ€” Ernest Holmes

You are more than you appear to beโ€“Life is greater than you have ever known itโ€“The best is yet to come. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Everything in life responds to the song of the heart. โ€” Ernest Holmes

life is greater than you have ever known it Ernest Holmes quote

We are continuously living a new life, and when the old and the new do not fit nicely together, the oldโ€“no longer able to contain the newโ€“should be discarded. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Prepare your mind to recieve the best that life has to offer. โ€” Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

We are all immersed in the atmosphere of our own thinking. This decides what shall take place in our lives. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Life is not just something to be endured. It is to be lived in joy, in a fullness without limit (p.82) โ€” Ernest Holmes

There is One Infinite Mind which of necessity includes all that is, whether it be the intelligence in man, the life in the animal, or the invisible Presence which is God. โ€” Ernest Holmes

anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling god Ernest Holmes quote

Does this thing I wish to do express more life, more happiness, more peace to myself, and at the same time harm no one? If it does, it is right. It is not selfish. โ€” Ernest Holmes

We should daily feel a deeper union with Life, a greater sense of that Indwelling Godโ€“the God of the seen and of the unseenโ€“within us. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Stop trying, stop struggling; begin to be calm, to trust in the higher laws of life, even though you do not see them; they are still there. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Life is ever giving of Itself. We must receive, utilize and extend the gift. Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes belonging to all people. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The person who is to succeed will never let his mind dwell on past mistakes. He will forgive the past in his life and in the lives of other people. If he makes a mistake he will at once forgive it. โ€” Ernest Holmes

life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it Ernest Holmes quote

We are all thinking, willing, knowing,conscious centers of Life. We are surroundedby, immersed in, and there is flowing through us a creative something… call it what you will. โ€” Ernest Holmes

We cannot lead a choiceless life. Every day, every moment, every second, there is a choice. If it were not so, we would not be individuals. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Change your thinking, change your life. โ€” Ernest Holmes


Every thought has a consequence. And every experience has a causative thought behind it. โ€” Ernest Holmes

That which distinguishes the new thought from the old is not a denial of this Divine Reality, but an affirmation of its immediate availability. โ€” Ernest Holmes

every thought has a consequence and every experience has a causative thought behind it Ernest Holmes quote

Life externalizes at the level of our thought. โ€” Ernest Holmes

You are to have implicit confidence in your own ability, knowing that it is the nature of thought to externalize itself in your health and affairs, knowing that you are the thinker. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The intellect is a cold thing and a merely intellectual idea will never stimulate thought in the same manner that a spiritual idea does. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, cause your mind to dwell on peace and joy. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Man is just what he thinks himself to be . . . He will attract to himself what the thinks most about. He can learn to govern his own destiny when he learns to control his thoughts. โ€” Ernest Holmes

life externalizes at the level of our thought Ernest Holmes quote

Prayer is a thought, a belief, a feeling, arising within the mind of the one praying. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Thoughts of lack manifest as limitation. Thoughts of abundance manifest as success and happiness. Failure and success are but two ends of the same stick. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The more power one gives to his thoughtโ€“โ€“the more completely he believes that his thought has powerโ€“โ€“the more power will it have. โ€” Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

We are all immersed in the atmosphere of our own thinking, which is the direct result of all we have ever said, thought or done. This decides what is to take place in our lives. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The whole thing resolves itself into our mental ability to control our thought. The man who can do this can have what he wants, can do what he wishes and becomes what he wills… โ€” Ernest Holmes

instead of dwelling on negative thoughts cause your mind to dwell on peace and joy Ernest Holmes quote

Any thought which tends to inspire, to comfort, and to give peace to the mind is good. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Blessing: Constructive thought directed toward anyone or condition. You bless a man when you recognize the divinity in him. โ€” Ernest Holmes

With every pill we have prescribed for us we should also be given a creative prayer, a suggested way to correct our destructive patterns of thought. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The thought of judgment, criticism and condemnation must, in time, operate against the one who sets it into motion. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Whatever the mind holds to and firmly believes in, forms a new pattern of though within its creative mold, as whatever thought is held in the mind tends to take outward form in new creations. โ€” Ernest Holmes

As our thought is opened and we behold the image of eternity within ourselves, we are changed by this image into a newness of life. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Redundant Thematics

In Ernest Holmes Statements



Heaven is within us, and we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The abundance you desire to experience must first be an experience in your mind. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Never limit your view of life by any past experience. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Everything necessary to the full and complete expression of the most boundless experience of joy is mine now. โ€” Ernest Holmes

heaven is within us and we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it Ernest Holmes quote

We already live in a Perfect Universe, but It needs to be seen mentally before It can become a part of our experience. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Within us is the unborn possibility of limitless experience. Ours is the privilege of giving birth to it! โ€” Ernest Holmes

There should not be any sense of hurry or worry about this, just a calm, peaceful sense of reality. Let the Law work though, and express Itself in, the experience. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Have the will to be well, to be happy, and to live in joy. โ€” Ernest Holmes


As he learns the Truth, the Truth will automatically free him. โ€” Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

never let anything cause you to doubt your ability to demonstrate the truth Ernest Holmes quote

Spirituality is natural goodness. God is not a person; God is a presence personified in us. Spirituality is not a thing; it is the atmosphere of God’s Presence, goodness, truth, and beauty. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Never let anything cause you to doubt your ability to demonstrate the Truth. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Let the inner ear listen to the voice of truth that is always speaking. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The truth is true wherever you find it. Remember, sugar is sweet whether you find it in a sugar bowl or a dust pan. โ€” Ernest Holmes

If you wish to know the truth about your business or your profession, know that it is an activity of good. It is an activity of your partnership with the infinite. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Begin to act from your dominion. Declare the truth by telling yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of, that you no longer entertain any images of fear. โ€” Ernest Holmes


We live in a spiritual Universe. God is in, through, around and for us. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The universe must exist for the selfโ€“expression of God and the delight of God. โ€” Ernest Holmes

It is impossible for a man to conceal himself. In every act, word or gesture he stands revealed as he is, and not as he would have himself appear to be. From the Universe, nothing is or an be hidden. โ€” Ernest Holmes

The greatest good that can come to anyone is forming within them an absolute certainty of themselves, and of their relationship to the Universe, forever removing the sense of heaven as being outside of them. โ€” Ernest Holmes

we live in a spiritual universe god is in through around and for us Ernest Holmes quote

Electricity was a reality in the universe when Moses led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. This is true of all natural laws; they have always existed but only when understood may they be used. โ€” Ernest Holmes

When prayer removes distrust and doubt and enters the field of mental certainty, it becomes faith; and the universe is built on faith. โ€” Ernest Holmes


It is right that we should be successful, for otherwise Spirit is not expressed. โ€” Ernest Holmes

It is necessary for us to understand that the only Active Principle is Spirit. โ€” Ernest Holmes

There is One Infinite Spirit and every time man says, ‘I am’ he proclaims it. โ€” Ernest Holmes

it is right that we should be successful for otherwise spirit is not expressed Ernest Holmes quote

The manifest universe is the body of God … all people are incarnations of the One Spirit. โ€” Ernest Holmes

A constant realization of the presence of Spirit will provide a sense of Divine Companionship that no other attitude could produce. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Through the art of affirmative prayer the limitless resources of the Spirit are at my command. The power of the Infinite is at my disposal. โ€” Ernest Holmes

God is all there isโ€“God includes everything, all possibility and all action, for Spirit is the invisible essence and substance of all form. โ€” Ernest Holmes

No one can rob us of our own soul, and our spirit is already one with the eternal goodness. โ€” Ernest Holmes

it is necessary for us to understand that the only active principle is spirit Ernest Holmes quote

My affairs are in the keeping of Infinite Wisdom. I am guided by Divine Intelligence. The activity of Spirit inspires my mind and flows through my actions. Life lies open to me, rich, full and abundant. โ€” Ernest Holmes


We are to look for God in each other and love this God, forgetting all else… โ€” Ernest Holmes

One who has learned to love all people will find plenty of people who will return that love. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Joy has come to live with me. How can I be sad? I do so love Thy presence, which is joy within me. โ€” Ernest Holmes

Love is at the Center of our being, and the calm, continuous pulsations of life are governed by Love. โ€” Ernest Holmes

we are to look for god in each other and love this god forgetting all else Ernest Holmes quote

Love is the victor in every case. Love breaks down the iron bars of thought, and sets the captive free. โ€” Ernest Holmes

ERNEST HOLMES Quotes Take Away

Holmes’ words are as true today as they were when he first said them and offer a reminder of the importance of staying positive and focused on what we want to create in our lives. We hope these quotes have inspired you as much as they’ve inspired us and that you’ll consider joining one of our courses to learn more about how to apply the principles of positive thinking to your own life.
