The Best Enjoying quotes

compiling a few of my favorite quotes today that I feel resonate with entrepreneurs.While many of these quotes are about business, I think they can be just as easily applied to life in general–which is really what being an entrepreneur is all about.We’re constantly faced with challenges and new situations, so it’s essential to stay positive and have faith in ourselves.


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The best enjoying quotes

1. Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine. โ€” William Feather

2. Starting your day with anger is like locking yourself in jail. The outside world is enjoying life, while you’re locked in your own frustration. โ€” Ron Baratono

3. My husband is always telling me I need to do less, do less, do less. But I feel like if I’m not being productive, I have a hard time relaxing and enjoying myself. โ€” Patricia Heaton

4. And meditation is nothing but enjoying your beautiful aloneness. Celebrating yourself; that’s what meditation is all about. โ€” Rajneesh

5. Independence means.. enjoying freedom and empowering others too to let them do so. โ€” Vikrmn, 10 Alone

6. Summer at the Hollis household is all about us getting together and enjoying the pool, and Fourth of July is probably one of my favorite holidays to do just that. โ€” Rachel Hollis

7. I like to close my eyes on the stage because I have drawn a picture of an audience enjoying the show more on the back of my eyelids. โ€” Mitch Hedberg

8. If I sound like I’m enjoying myself, it’s not artificial. It’s real. โ€” Rush Limbaugh

9. Enjoying nonsense is one of life’s primal pleasures. โ€” Marty Rubin

10. Dancing is about enjoying life. One of the hardest things for us to do is to dance. โ€” Suzette R. Hinton

11. Passion is very important to me. If you stop enjoying things, you’ve got to look at it, because it can lead to all kinds of depressing scenarios. โ€” Nicolas Cage

12. Life is too short to read books that I’m not enjoying. โ€” Melissa Marr

13. Earth tries to work sorcery on us, saying Tomorrow, Tomorrow, but we outwit that spell by enjoying this now. โ€” Rumi

14. Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different โ€” enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will)

15. Enjoying your work is essential. If your work becomes an expression of your own ideas, you will surely enjoy it. โ€” Soichiro Honda

16. I’m single, I’m enjoying life. Being a boss. Like all true bosses, one day you gotta give it up. โ€” Rick Ross

17. I always think a great speaker convinces us not by force of reasoning, but because he is visibly enjoying the beliefs he wants us to accept. โ€” William Butler Yeats

18. I know it’s not enjoying my success to do this, but when I see too many Polo shirts, I say to myself, ‘That’s the end of that.’ โ€” Ralph Lauren

19. It’s a good thing I don’t read everything Eddie says, or I’d be up in arms and not enjoying my life. โ€” Sammy Hagar

20. Creativity means loving whatsoever you doโ€“enjoying, celebrating it, as a gift of God! โ€” Rajneesh

21. And meditation is nothing but enjoying your beautiful aloneness. Celebrating yourself; that’s what meditation is all about. โ€” Rajneesh

22. How we think is so important. There has to be a time when we stop just dealing with life and think about enjoying it. โ€” Ron Baratono

23. A New England conscience doesn’t keep you from doing anything it just keeps you from enjoying it. โ€” Morris Mandel

24. I’m just enjoying playing a character of myself. People’s mouths drop when I dance, but my friends are like, ‘You dance like that in the kitchen! โ€” Miley Cyrus

25. I’m enjoying where I’m at in my life and I feel like I’m learning a lot on a daily basis. I’m learning without having to be behind a desk, so it’s a pretty cool place to be. โ€” Zac Efron

26. I enjoy now doing what I do… playing golf, relaxing a little, enjoying life. โ€” Yogi Berra

27. I started not enjoying myself. It wasn’t fun at times. And I always said when that point comes when it’s not fun anymore, then I’m done. โ€” Tim Duncan

28. You never know what the future holds, so I am just enjoying being happy, healthy, and having my wonderful husband by my side. โ€” Olivia Newtonโ€“John

29. He had entered Parmenides’ magic field: he was enjoying the sweet lightness of being. โ€” Milan Kundera

30. Life Is to short to read book I am not enjoying โ€” Melissa Marr

31. Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different โ€” enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will)

32. Till the time, you are enjoying the outside process, everything seems alright, but when the query arises, about why life, you search for the deeper meaning with life. โ€” Roshan Sharma

33. If life were a highway, I would still look for the footpath, for walking that, I would learn about us, enjoying the extra time to do so. โ€” Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

34. A New England conscience doesn’t keep you from doing anything it just keeps you from enjoying it. โ€” Morris Mandel

35. He who allows his day to pass by without practicing generosity and enjoying life’s pleasures is like a blacksmith’s bellows he breathes but does not live. โ€” Sanskrit proverb

36. Enjoying nonsense is one of life’s primal pleasures. โ€” Marty Rubin

37. It’s good to be busy. I prefer that than sitting back and enjoying life. โ€” Roger Taylor

38. I have been really enjoying making a project out of seeking out an extremely healthy diet of raw, organic, vegan foodsโ€“and I plan on continuing to do so. โ€” Steveโ€“O

39. Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine. โ€” William Feather

40. Life’s not about money. Look at achievements, accomplishments . It’s about having fun. It’s about enjoying life. โ€” Mike Ditka

41. I like to close my eyes on the stage because I have drawn a picture of an audience enjoying the show more on the back of my eyelids. โ€” Mitch Hedberg

42. Enjoying your Christmas in the land of the dead? Fun and different, right? โ€” Molly Ringle, Immortal’s Spring

43. If life were a highway, I would still look for the footpath, for walking that, I would learn about us, enjoying the extra time to do so. โ€” Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

44. Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art. You can change your life anytime if you aren’t enjoying the dream. โ€” Miguel Angel Ruiz

45. I stopped paying the price for success and started enjoying the price for success. โ€” Orrin Woodward

46. When men imagine a female uprising, they imagine a world in which women rule men as men have ruled women. โ€” Sally Kempton, Meditation for the Love of It: Enjoying Your Own Deepest Experience

47. I don’t think enjoying life is an exclusive prerogative of young people. โ€” Mick Jagger

48. A belief is an absolute but arbitrary mental stance. โ€” Will Bowen, A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted

49. My husband is always telling me I need to do less, do less, do less. But I feel like if I’m not being productive, I have a hard time relaxing and enjoying myself. โ€” Patricia Heaton

50. Guilt doesn’t stop you from doing something. It just stops you from enjoying it. โ€” Nityananda Das, Divine Union


We hope these quotes about enjoying life have inspired you to find the joys in everyday moments. Life is short, so make sure to take the time to appreciate the good things that come your way. Enjoy every moment, take nothing for granted, and remember to always be thankful for the many blessings that surround you!

Wasting Life?


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